
Topic: What Is Your Favourite Game of All Time?

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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Even though I have owned every PlayStation (not counting handhelds), I was an Xbox guy when the PS3 generation started. Then in mid-generation I decided to buy the Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle because of somebody I worked with at the time always talking about the game and me wanting to finally try the PlayStation exclusives of that era after getting tired of online gaming. My gaming life was forever changed. Playing Metal Gear Solid 4 was an absolutely mind blowing experience at the time, and yes I even loved the hour and a half ending. Obviously there were other great experiences I would like to relive for the first time again, like probable runner-up Uncharted 2 (1 was great at the time, but obviously 2 was even better), but MGS4 is what really started it all. I may not be on this site typing this post today if I never walked into that Gamestop after work one day and picked up the PS3 that I still have to this day.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz wow that’s a really good shout aswell. MGS4 is right up there for me. @dschons I take it you’re also a fan mate haha. Come on Sony do it!!! Then smoking mirror please



@Mikey856 Yep, it's my all time favorite as well. oh, the memories.



@dschons oh mate don’t. The nostalgia is insane for me on that one. Cannot tell you how long I was stuck at the goat!



@Mikey856 I played the second one first. Remember the docks where you have to get past the gatekeeper telling you you have to wait for another 3 hours until they open? Yeah, me being a little boy, never having played an adventure before, thought I would have to wait it out, lol.

It's not just the memories regarding the game but how it introduced me to a genre I ended up falling in love with. I must have been 9 or 10 back then. You know how it was. You went to the store, browsed through the games and simply looked at the back of the box. And I remember totally being in awe with the graphics and bought it. I didn't even know what it was or how it played. And then the cursur comes up and I thought: What? I seriously have to click to move the character?! What is this?! The rest is history. I may have never discovered the genre if it wasn't for Broken Sword. My Steam library is filled to the brim with point and click adventures now. Loads of great ones. But Broken Sword simply can't be beat for me.



@dschons love that story man and yeah the docks part of Smoking Mirror is arguably the best bit, genius!. I was a bit older & I came about my copy in a similar but also random fashion.

I remember wanting Road Rash really badly (lol), and same as you went off to the local game shop with my old dear. The only version of it for PS1 I could find was part of the Help Charity Collection, remember that!?, it included 3 games.

Road Rash / Myst (another game I covet) and there it was…Broken Sword. I was like what’s this!? you say..history 😂🤛.



@Mikey856 Thanks. I wish I could go back in time and re-experience Metal Gear Solid 4 and some of the other PS3 exclusives. A truly special time for gaming for me, and obviously in general.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers.

I so miss Sierra.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@RogerRoger Thanks. What has changed? You don't like MGS4 as much, or it's just that other games have overtaken it since? I'm sure Sonic Frontiers and Gotham Knights are better than what they are given credit for, but better than MGS4?

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz @RogerRoger I don’t really have particularly fond memories of MGS4 compared to the previous games but I think that’s because the older games were shorter and I had fewer games back then so I played the first three through many times, whereas I’ve never been able to bring myself to go through 4 again, despite it being a great culmination to Solid Snake’s story.



@Mikey856 Great to see some Broken Sword love. I played a lot of 1&2 during my childhood, and they're both wonderful. The first one seems to be the most well regarded by fans, but I personally prefer Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror. That's mostly due to the more unique locations in the second game.

The Central American town Quaramonte was the most iconic part of the game for me. That was the town with the market and the jail, and the sleazy general running things. There's also a fun little easter egg there if George shows the goat his lucky piece of coal.


List one favorite is impossible. However, I do have favorites based on circumstance or platform.
NES- Zelda, hardest game I have ever beaten, and before everyone loses their mind. This was in the 80's before online tips or even strategy guides and I managed to beat the regular and secret second play through at 10 years old.
SNES- A Link to the Past
GBC- Dragon Warrior III- This started a love affair with pretty much all turn based games. Which is mainly all I play to this day.
PS1- Final Fantasy 9
PS2- Dragon Quest 8
PS3- Resistance3
Switch- Octopath Traveler
PS4- Y's 8
PS5- Immortals Fenyx rising: Critically underrated game imo.



Any gran Turismo for me, been playing gt sport since ‘17. Spoilt myself with a ps5, lg c1, fanatec gtddpro when gt7 came out, what a time to be a gamer



@KilloWertz " I'm sure Sonic Frontiers and Gotham Knights are better than what they are given credit for"

either you like the game within the first hour or so that you play or you dont, thats sonic frontiers. otherwise you're just chugging along hoping it gets better and WANT to like that game.

gotham knights is (not literally) unplayable on console, 30fps is unbearable, which is weird because arkham origins plays tolerable with 30 but GKs gameplay/engine is different so it doesnt blend well. im still hoping for a 60fps patch but i gave my hopes up and left their official discord. still gonna try it on PC one day , but not at its current price @ $60 .



@RogerRoger Maybe it's still a 10 and you just haven't aged very well!

I would love to revisit the game at some point, especially since I played it before trophies and to get a chance to play it again, but it's not easy to commit to playing it again with it being a fairly long game and I already have tons of other games to play. Maybe someday, and it would be interesting to see how I think the game aged.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@crimsontadpoles I have to agree BS2 is the better game, but shadows of the templars started the whole love for me. For me it’s iconic, THAT good! it’s the intro..George’s frown after the explosion..meeting moiue for the first time..FINALLY figuring out there’s a run mechanic having never seen one in the game before to that point (damn goat).. absolute magic❤️

[Edited by Mikey856]



@KilloWertz same for me bro. It’s the first console I owned when I had my own place and my own life choices.. I got through 4 of them 😎



@Mikey856 Such a great series, and I have the fondest of memories playing through BS1 and 2 as a kid (maybe aged 12-13?) I remember finding the difficulty curve pretty wild, considering it was my first experience with adventure/point-and-click!

I've actually been going back to the genre quite a lot in the last sixth months, with the new Monkey Island reigniting my interest. Return to Monkey Island is pretty great, but I enjoyed 'Thimbleweed Park' even more... which is a product of the same developers/writers IIRC.

I'm currently playing through 'DarkestVille Castle', which is pretty good... but no Thimbleweed Park! I also have BS5 in backlog, might kick it off when I'm done with DC



Difficult to get 1 game out of all the generations I've owned, so here goes with some distinct highlights (not counting handhelds):

ZX Spectrum: Manic Miner, anything by Ultimate, Finders Keepers
C64: Times of Lore, Monty On the Run, Kikstart, Way of the Exploding Fist, IK+
Amiga: Worms (Director's Cut) & pretty much anything by Team 17, Base Jumpers, SWOS, Cannon Fodder, Chaos Engine, Eye Of The Beholder
PS1: Tomb Raider 1 and 2, Wipeout 2097, Doom,
PS2: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 & 2, Champions of Norrath (& RtA) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
PS3: Worms Armageddon, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, LBP 1 & 2, ModNation Racers, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing (& Transformed), Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, R&C: Tools of Destruction, Sacred 2, Dragon Age: Origins
PS4: ESO, Control, Immortals: Fenyx Rising, Dragon Age: Inquisition

I suppose if I had to choose just one, it'd have to go to Tomb Raider - nothing had felt like it before and those bits with the T-Rex and the pull back to reveal the pyramid were just insane for the late 90s.

[Edited by sanderson72]


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