
Topic: The Resident Evil Discussion Thread

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On a slightly unrelated tanget, are they really gonna stop at RE6? Knowing Capcom theyโ€™d prolly go as far as to remake RE1R, RE0, Revelations and Code Veronica.

[Edited by Yousef-]

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So I just started up Resident Evil 7 and played it for about an hour. It's such a breath of fresh air compared to previous RE games. It also has the feeling of the first Resident Evil with the giant house and all the puzzles. I'm really liking first-person mode as well. It feels really satisfying getting constant headshots as it's much easier to aim than in third-person. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more soon.

On a side note, it's still hard for me to believe that I've played all the way up to RE7 now. I haven't played Code Veronica yet, but I'm thinking I'll hold off on playing it until the potential remake. I just feel like I'm done with tank controls lol. I just want to play all the modern RE games now, i.e. the remakes of 2, 3 and 4 as well as 7 and 8.



I've played some more of RE7 and this is easily the scariest RE game I've played thus far. I've said this before, but I don't really find the RE games that scary compared to other series. For example, a scary game to me is something like Outlast or SOMA. The RE games have always been more about being fun than scary. RE7 on the other hand is the complete opposite. I mean, it's kinda fun, but because you're constantly being chased by people, it makes for a truly frightening experience where you can't really take your time and explore at your own pace. Never have I been so happy so see a safe room in an RE game lol.

But yeah, absolutely crazy going from RE6 to this game.



Lmao amen to that. RE6 is the game that needs the most rework by far.

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Amen to that once more. Glad Iโ€™m not alone in not finishing RE6. The game was just too exhausting. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to inject 20 hours of gameplay into what shouldโ€™ve been a 6 hour campaign at best?
Iโ€™ve wanted to join the camp of making fun of RE6 but was shockingly dull from start to finish with what little fun it has ruined by the amount of repetition and walking repetition and walking repetition walking walkingโ€ฆ huh, I guess RE6 was ahead of its time, it paved way to walking simulators!

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PSN: Kat170499


Absolutely agree with you. I loved the panic inducing nature of first person mode and constantly being pursued around the Baker house whilst trying to find the next vital piece of whatever or trying to solve the puzzles. Some decent boss battles from what I remember too.

โ€œWe are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.โ€


My first playthrough of RE7 was in VR, terrifying but so so brilliant.
I've read that the director of RE7 is directing RE9 so fingers crossed he nails it again, plus hopefully it supports VR.

Currently I'm playing RE3, also have RE8 in the backlog (to play in VR) and have yet to purchase RE4r but it is on my shopping list.



RE7 was good but I would say it was fairly simple. You get one item which you have to use next.
Contrary to older games (Re1/2/3/0) where we never knew which item to use when & some key items will be used much later than when you have acquired them. Here in Re7 this puzzle aspect or items aspect were very much on simpler side taking out the fun factor, it felt like mundane and repetitive content .
It was a good game nonetheless but for me not better than original RE's or their remakes(except re3 remake which did quite the same thing).



Yeah RE7 was much more action based, more akin to RE4 than puzzle based like the previous entries which is fine as I think the series needs to have variety, not like re6 though.

Despite having RE7 Gold edition I never got round to any of the dlcs, they are on my list but just too many games to play (both now and then). I recently plugged my vr1 headset back in to play Hitman so hopefully I will get round to them soon.



@sorteddan @CaptD I've now gotten to the part where there are actual enemies to defeat, lol. Didn't think there would be any, but it wouldn't be a Resident Evil game without them! Now the game's way more fun but still scary as the enemies are quite challenging to defeat.



Hero being mediocre is really funny considering that was the one Capcom hyped the most at the time if memory serves right.

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PSN: Kat170499


@WaveBoy Thanks for the advice. Have yet to look into the Re7 Dlcโ€ฆ



Just finished Resident Evil 7 on PS5 after about 11 hours of playtime. I've played all the mainline games up to RE7 except for Code Veronica X and this is the best RE game I've played so far. As I mentioned before, it's also the scariest RE game I've played. There are a lot of jump scares and the constant noises in the background made for a terrifying experience, especially since the game is in first-person. I can't imagine how scary it must be to play this in VR.

It's great to see that RE7 returned to the series' roots. The most important thing though is that the developers didn't only craft a game that's similar to the early entries, but also one that completely stands on its own. The game has you exploring a mansion and solving puzzles just like classic RE. What makes it stand apart is e.g. the enemies you encounter aren't zombies, the game is in first-person, there's a heavier emphasis on the narrative, the locations aren't your typical RE settings, the story is something we haven't seen before in the franchise (even though it still has the typical RE tropes) and there are sections where you're just walking around and taking in the atmosphere like in a walking sim. I thought the last aspect was really cool as it made for a nice change of pace and also elevated the horror experience.

I thought the Baker family was really memorable and the members made for some awesome boss fights. I think my favourite boss fight is the one against Marguerite as it was absolutely terrifying how lanky she was and also how disgusting her body looked. I really like how creative this game is and that it isn't afraid to switch things up. Like the escape room with Lucas (which was so much fun!) or a later part where you play as a different character, starting over with zero items.

Speaking of which, I really liked the weapons in this game. My favourite is the second shotgun you get, which is ridiculously powerful. I also really liked the new remote bombs. However, I didn't like how weak the grenade launcher felt. It just didn't feel like it did much damage to the enemies.

All in all, I really enjoyed playing RE7. It was so much fun (as you'd expect from an RE game) and really scary. I'm definitely going to give the DLC a go as I want to keep playing this game.



@LtSarge Great write-up! Glad you enjoyed RE7 - which is my absolutely favorite in the entire series...

For me, it went off the rails slightly towards the end - but those early sections in the Baker mansion are utterly terrifying (even moreso if playing with 3D audio).

I of course appreciate Village is a solid follow-up, but I was disappointed in seeing the franchise return to campy-horror after the sheer terror ride that was RE7



@Zuljaras I agree with you on that. Although there were scary moments spread throughout the game, the first hour or so was like something out of Outlast with constant jump scares.

@CJD87 Thanks! Cool to see another who thinks the same about the game!

If I'd played the game with 3D audio, I'd be freaking out all the time due to the constant noises in the background lol.

Yeah, I've heard the same about Village, but at the same time I think I'll appreciate it for being different from RE7. I also think that we're going to enjoy RE9 that much more after coming from RE8 as the rumour is that RE9 has the same director as RE7.

So I just finished the Banned Footage DLCs, i.e. both Volume 1 and 2. Although I didn't complete Nightmare as that was just a horde mode with no story, so I skipped it. Bedroom was really fun as I enjoyed the escape room section in the base game, so I enjoyed this one as well with the added tension of watching out for Marguerite. 21 is my favourite as I love blackjack. You could say that I enjoyed the blackjack part more than the actual RE part lol. But yeah, the story with Lucas was cool as well and I liked the "high bets" lol. Daughters was just crazy. I mean, seeing a normal Baker family was just bizarre and I felt really bad for them. I did get both endings and I'm glad I saw the true one.

Looking forward to playing Not a Hero and End of Zoe next!



@LtSarge Glad you enjoyed the game! I agree with most of your points and my only real criticism is that the mould enemies eventually become a bit boring to fight for me.
That first part in the Baker house was just about as good as video game horror that I've experienced.
Out of the DLC I preferred Zoe out of all of them.
I actually thought Resident Evil 8 was a bit better, as I thought overall it was more balanced.

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PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Resi 7 is a top tier experience, one of my favorites. It would be perfect if it had proper zombies instead of the quite boring mold.

Resi 8, was the ultimate let down for me. Literally, never been more let down in my entire life.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@JohnnyShoulder I do agree that there should've been more enemy variety. But I personally wasn't bothered by it as the mold were quite challenging to defeat.

I've now finished both Not a Hero and End of Zoe DLCs. First of all, I've heard a lot of people say that Not a Hero is a mediocre DLC. I honestly thought it was the best one of them all. I mean, you get to play as Chris, you get more RE7 by exploring new areas, solving puzzles and experiencing new game mechanics like avoiding gas and using night vision. It was a blast to play through this one, I really enjoyed it.

As for End of Zoe, I thought it was cool that you get to punch the enemies to death but the novelty wore off quickly. It became incredibly repetitive after a while. The final part was awesome though when you got the gauntlet as well as the happy ending for Zoe. It finally felt like I was done with the game so to speak. But yeah, End of Zoe was probably the least interesting DLC for me.



Resident Evil 2 remake.

Got about an hour in, almost found all the medallions in the police station.

... Good god have I become a bit of a wimp in my old age. I ate up the OG games back in the day like they were nothing (once I got past the initial terrifying first impression) but I've already jumped so many times at REmake 2 and felt rather squeamish.

The lack of light in most areas and having to use the torch really adds to the underlying dread and uncomfortableness of it all. Soon as I saw a licker run past the window I ran straight back down to the save room

Which brings me to a minor nitpick in that without Ink Ribbons to curb your saving habits and push towards risk VS reward mindset I have pretty much been saving whenever I've made a bit of progress...

Otherwise looks great. Handles well too. The change from fixed camera angles to behind the shoulder has worked out rather nicely.

Already noticed a notable change in the beginning with the tanker. No Kendo weapon shop at the start and the trek through the city to the police station was much longer in the OG version too.

I'm playing as Claire too btw

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

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