
Topic: The Music Thread

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since Wednesday or Thursday I've been listening nonstop to the song Welcome to Love Now Go Home by Danielle Briseboi from the 1996 movie Invasion of Privacy. Recorded that movie off of HBO back then on an old VHS recording tape



@Jimmer-jammer Oh no, definitely sorry to hear about that, but glad you're better now, man! .On the music front, thanks ,I will definitely check out K-os and Maestro. The Canadian Legends šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚ No, but seriously, I am sure I will enjoy their work if you say they are good.

Glad you enjoyed The Aristocrats, I would highly recommend the albums Tres Caballeros and You Know What?by them as they are the closest in sound to Duck,their first album is jazzier so I don't know if you would enjoy it as much, and their second album is kind of all over the place, not my favourite of theirs, but anyway you can explore for yourself šŸ˜ƒ

Happy hunting!

Edit: Boing! We'll Do It Live is a collection of live performances from their first album, but done in a heavier and more aggressive style, the studio versions are comparatively jazzier and more laid-back, so if you are interested in hearing the songs from their first album I'd say the live versions are better.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Black_Swordsman Awesome, Iā€™ll check them out, thanks! And for the sake of clarity, thatā€™s Maestro Fresh Wes. Hereā€™s what heā€™s about

And a classic K-os tune from the classic album, ā€˜Joyful Rebellionā€™

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


Probably not the most popular genre in this thread, but J-pop is my go to music genre. I canā€™t understand most of the lyrics as English is the only language I can fluently speak and understand, but I like it so much for the unique beat and the wide range of subject matter songs in the genre tend to cover. Vocaloid is also one of my favorite genres too, and out of the 30 songs on my On Repeat playlist on Spotify, 24 of them are Vocaloid songs. I pretty much listen to that type of music on a daily basis. I have two favorite artists regarding that genre.

MARETU is a well-known name in the Vocaloid scene. His song genre is psychological thriller, though some older songs from him have rock instrumentals and elements, as well as having 8-bit chiptune music. His songs are known for being catchy but mysterious and sometimes creepy with the dark subject matter they cover. I can handle most songs he makes (also because I canā€™t understand Japanese) but there are a couple that have extremely concerning and disturbing lyrics that give me the chillsā€¦ There was this song he made months ago that I listened to, and once I read an English subbed version, I got creeped out from how graphic the lyrics were. Most songs he makes are vague or have a meaning that is hard to decipher from how many metaphors and synonyms he uses, but the aforementioned song was very straightforward with what it was about. A few of my favorite tracks from him are Before I was born, Miseenen, SIU, Pink, IYAIYAYO, and Magical Doctor. I absolutely love the singing and instrumentals, but some of the lyrics are dark and pretty negative.

Sasuke Haraguchi is a newer song producer, but he has been popular in Japan recently. I really like the minimalistic visuals of his songs and the robotic sounds and voices in them. It gives off a sort of futuristic feel to me, and I really like it. My favorite tracks from him are HITO Mania, Igaku, and hontono. However, I have heard some of his non-Vocaloid tracks and I really like the sound of those as well.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

Currently playing: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Rare Replay, Conker: Live and Reloaded and Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!
Current obsession: Conkerā€™s Bad Fur Day
Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Jimmer-jammer I listened to some more of 'Bad Dreams' and some of 'Exit' by K-os, from what I've read about the artists (including Maestro Fresh Wes) and based on the lyrics I've listened to I would say that you're more into positive/socially conscious hip hop than the gangsta stuff? It's all good though, the more variety that there is in hip hop or any genre, then the less susceptible it is to stagnation.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Black_Swordsman To me, hip-hop is socially conscious by nature. I can appreciate some of the gangsta stuff, for various reasons, but it generally doesnā€™t speak to me on a personal level (After reading ā€˜Monsterā€™ by Sanyika Shakur as a teen, gangsta life lost any romanticism and just became a social issue to me). Iā€™ve been around hip-hop my whole life, have friends who are artists and really just love the wordplay and raw means of communicating complex ideas. I wonā€™t shy away from darker material (Swollen Membersā€™ songs are full of violent and dark imagery after all), but I do generally align myself with more positive messages and energies these days. But thatā€™s all fairly subjective, isnā€™t it? I totally agree that variety in all genres of music should be encouraged and welcomed.

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


I saw the Nikki Iles Jazz Orchestra yesterday afternoon w/ Mike Walker on guitar. Two amazing sets. Fantastic musicians but Mike stood out to me for obvious reasons as we play the same instrument, when I got home I tried out a few of his licks that I remembered from the gig. Great guitarist, in a similar neck of the woods, musically speaking, to John Scofield and the late John Abercrombie.

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I think Rob Luft is the jazz guitar equivalent of Bone Thugs N Harmony. So fast you can't really discern every phrase but you love the overall feeling of the song.

Edit: Also Marc Ribot is the connoisseur's Nels Cline imo. No disrespect intended to Mr. Cline.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Jimmer-jammer Thought I'd send some more heavy music that we both can appreciate your way! This is a jazz guitarist (Marc Ribot) who also dabbles in heavy music playing rock-adjacent/metal-adjacent music/avant garde jazz interpretations of composer John Zorn's works. Hope you like!

N.B Let me know if you like surf rock 'cause they've done a surf rock-adjacent album together in that style as well.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Black_Swordsman Thanks! Iā€™ll be sure to give it a listen. As for surfer rock, Iā€™ll listen to just about anything, man šŸ˜„

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Excellent, man, let me know what you think of it once you've listened to it. Here is the link to the surf rock/ jazz fusion album! Be great to get your opinion on both ,once you've heard them both actually.

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Amazing hip hop from a criminally underrated artist.

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Iā€™ll give it a listen and come back. Big hip hop fan.

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN sorry I took a while to reply.

My list is a little unorthodox so here goes:

  • Ice Cube
  • Skee-Lo
  • Kurtis Blow
  • Ye
  • Big Daddy Kane
  • The Notorious B.I.G
  • Dr Dre
  • Wu Tang Clan
  • N.W.A
  • Nate Dogg
  • Isly Brothers
  • Patrice Rushen
  • Mystikal
  • DMX
  • Slim Shady
  • 50 Cent
  • Crooked

XD sorry the list is so long, i really like hiphop. I kinda had to stop at some point or it would inflate further.

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- Out of that list, I like Ice Cube, Ye, The Notorious B.I.G, Dr Dre & Wu Tang Clan and about 50 more that aren't my favourites but I rate in tiers sort of thing, and vary my listening habits according to mood. You have excellent taste in hip hop. What did you think of the Benny the Butcher album, by the way?

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN I really loved it! Had to renew my Spotify premium to be able to turn off the forced shuffle feature. Itā€™s exactly my vibe! I always adore hiphop with some deep message underneath.

The first half was pretty great. Blood money might be my favorite.

Donā€™t make me is also really good. Such a great way to end the album.

[Edited by Yousef-]

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.

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