
Topic: The Health, Fitness and Exercise Thread

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@kyleforrester87 Nice work! Interesting that you mention the hand going numb during the ride — When I dabbled in cycling a few years ago I had annoying pain in the outer elbows that I just couldn’t figure out how to get past. Which is weird because you’d think cyclists would mainly struggle with leg issues, but the arms are also given a heavy work out too. Largely due to the arm pain, I wasn’t able to go for longer than about 20-30 miles. So kudos for pushing through!
(Also, the saddle pain and discomfort is an obstacle… 😅)

@TabulaRasa Yeah, I find that whilst I’m nursing one injury then I’m more apt to strain something else because it throws off my biomechanics. Hang in there!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution you can get over most aches and pains with bike adjustments and strengthening, but at the end of the day it’s not an arm chair and after so many miles you will fatigue and get sore. So core strength and arm strength are both pretty important, those weaknesses and imbalances all seem to come out in the wash the longer you cycle. I have some strength and conditioning to do for sure..! As for your butt, with a nice firm saddle with minimal padding complimented with some good quality shorts with padding you do build up a tolerance pretty quick. But certainly, the day after your first ride in a long while and your butt will HURT. I also use a product called butt shield all around my ass and man parts to stop chaffing


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 I went to a bike shop to be sized for my height and arm length and so I guess you’re right about that elbow pain and it is just something normal to get past. It’s that strange isometric and static contraction of the outer arm muscles where you’re constantly pushing out, elbows extended, mile after mile. When I finally flex my elbow joint I can just feel the burn as my arm muscles scream out in confusion as to what I’ve just put them through. 😂

What’s your feeling on using a Peloton or stationary bike or doing spin classes?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@kyleforrester87 Most of main tend to be trail races so not such a problem with roads, occasionally crossing a smaller one.

And people can be quite spread out. Most events I’ve done have had multiple distances going on at the same time on slightly different courses as well. The last half marathon I did was the super hilly one in 2h30 with the fastest person in 2h6 and slowest in just over 5hrs!



@Th3solution yeah I have a smart trainer, I ride Zwift on it (basically an openworld multiplayer online cycling game) - it’s good for training, group rides, racing etc and adjusts the difficulty to simulate hills and inertia of the bike generally, it feels quite realistic really and definitely leads to improvement in real life. I have not used it in a while due to my knee though… it’s very hard to not go flat out all the time on that thing. Plus you get XP and level up and stuff so obviously appeals to the gamer in me 😁 Spin bikes in the gym, perhaps less so from what I have heard but I have never tried them.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Still not great. Still quite tender and a bit sore if I've been sat down for too long. Going to be a while before I'm out there again I think.

Don't know whether it's worth seeing a physio or not as I can't tell that there's much that can be done other than rest. Maybe some stretches but perhaps some advice on helping prevent it again. Just weird that it's flared up now to be honest as I wasn't doing anything more than I have over the last 18 months.



@Thrillho sorry to hear that. Was it bad before you were running with the push chair? This is the one to fix it, for sure. Plenty of times a day, for a while. Should be a bit sore holding it for a bit but not really bad.


[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Thinking of getting a Garmin Venu Sq from Amazon for £110

What do people think? Is that a decent price or is that just Black Friday tomfoolery?

Looks like it records weights, swimming and yoga which are the 3 things I'm doing right now but also has the scope for going running if my feet ever heal up.

Seems very similar to the vivoactive 4 but it doesn't have an altimeter and a gyroscope. Not sure how much that will affect me or not

See ya!


So I did get that watch in the end.

I am really glad I got it as opposed to a cheaper one. I bought a cheaper one back in the pandemic and while it was decent, exporting data to other apps was all manual and fairly time consuming.

The Garmin on the other hand, integrated automatically with Strava, MyFitnessPal and the app my local leisure centre uses which is called MyWellness. I wish it wasn't the case that Garmin (and I'm guessing FitBit) have a bit of a monopoly on user friendly app integration but I am sure it's unintentional and the integrations are only worth programming for one or two device-apps simply because they are the most used ones.

Sooo, app integration is very good. I can see everything at a glance. I think integration with MyFitnessPal is the game changer though because it records your exercise calories as well as the deficit adjusted calories that someone should eat to lose weight (or credit to gain weight). I don't take the figures as gospel but I use it to have a rough idea of what's going in and out.

The other thing I like about the Garmin compared to the no-brand watch I had a few years back is that it records data almost constantly and produces graphs and stats of lots of things which I find quite interesting, if not entirely useful. Stuff like heart rate, body battery, stress etc. Again, nothing to take as gospel but as a rough general idea, it's interesting data to look over.

Something I don't like about the Garmin is that the app integration is actually "too good" and it outputs the data almost instantly to Strava, MyWellness etc. The problem with that is that my recorded Swims aren't always accurate. I pretty much always do 900m/36 lengths of a 25m pool. Most of the time it's accurate, especially if the pool isn't busy and I'm not swimming to avoid people but occasionally it can be up to 150m out either way. While you can edit the distance in the Garmin App, it would have already been automatically exported to Strava where the distance can't be edited. I normally just rename those swims with 900m in the title for clarification even if the pace etc is still calculated incorrectly based on the inaccurate distance recorded.

It's also changed how I swim a bit, mainly so I can get the data recorded as accurately as possible. It requires a firm and fast "push off" the side at the end of each length to register the start of a new length which is something I didn't really do before. I also take a quick ~20 second break before I change stroke so it registers as a new "interval" so I get accurate pace data for each stroke type. I also now do 100m of each stroke before changing because of this so I don't need to wait around as much between lengths. Before I got the watch, I would swap stroke every 50m (2 lengths) both to make it easier for me to count and to keep my interest up (breast stroke is my slowest stroke and 100m of it can get pretty boring sometimes!)

It's not amazingly accurate at detecting which stroke I do either. Front crawl is listed as Freestyle which is fine because it pretty much is the default stroke chosen for Freestyle and back stroke is listed as backstroke. Breast stroke is unfortunately recorded as Freestyle as well though, but with the intervals I can still easily tell what is FC and what is BS. The only time I've ever had it say Breast Stroke incidentally, is when I left it recording as I was doing my stretches! So it's definitely capable of recording breast stroke, just apparently not while I'm actually doing it!

Overall I suppose swims have got a lot less relaxing because of the watch but at the same time, they've got a lot quicker as I have to swim in a way that the watch is happy with so it's swings and roundabouts. It is still relaxing enough though and my preferred way of doing cardio.

Overall I'm very happy with the watch so far. Hopefully it lasts a long time and I don't have to replace it. I think it was worth the extra money to go for the Garmin (£110 on sale Vs £20-30 for a no name brand) just because the app integration saves me a lot of time and faff which of course can greatly affect motivation.

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny Nice. I'm glad it's worked out for you and sounds like things are going pretty well for you too at the moment. I've never used a watch for running, just my phone as I use it for music too (I guess some watches can probably do that as well though).

As for me, I've finally got running again over the last few weeks. Have been doing fairly easy runs and not even back to 10k but feeling good. Most of my outings have also been with my daughter in the running buggy which makes things a fair bit harder on any sort of incline.



@Thrillho cheers bud and yeah some watches can but I think it rinses the battery life. I might get a cheap-o MP3 player if I get back into running but my feet are really bad at the moment (seeing a physio at the mo). Would be good for the car too!

Nice one, has the Achilles healed up now then or is it still tentative?

I've a bit apprehensive about posting details of my exercise lately because me posting always seems to coincide with me falling off it all so I am being a bit superstitious at the moment 😂. I thought posting about the watch might be a bit of a loophole in the superstition. It also records yoga and weight training which I may or may not also be doing 😀😂🤫🐈‍⬛

That reminds me that I haven't provided an update on my dicky wrist. It never fully healed to be honest but I had to get on with my life so I've been using a boxing wrap to wrap it up for support while doing yoga and weights.

See ya!


@ralphdibny The Achilles are mostly okay now. Occasional tenderness in them but I think it’s all been from bouncing my daughter to sleep for the last year so it just depends on how well she’s been going down these days (or how well I remember not to do it).

Plenty of stretching pre and post runs too are helping.

It sucks your feet are still playing you up but it sounds like you’re (currently 😁) doing loads of other stuff instead.



@Thrillho that's good to hear, might be able to work out an alternative bounce method? Perhaps on an elbow using the other hand for support. That probably sounds ridiculous!

@kyleforrester87 cheers brother, you too as usual! Might as well make use of my time while I have it!

See ya!


Today marks my one year sober anniversary and I couldn’t be happier. I thought Xmas was going to be rough but in the end was remarkably refreshing. There will be hard days ahead as with the previous 12 months but now I’ve done a year and can do many many more.

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all stay happy and healthy or at least stay on the path you set for yourself.

all the best, Coop 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@kyleforrester87 Yeah thanks mate, although I’ve learnt the hard way over the years not to be complacent. I know it’ll be a life long struggle but I can see the positives, which if I keep in mind everyday I stand some chance of keeping it up. How are you doing buddy? Getting out on the bike much?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


2023 was a pretty big turning point for me health-wise.

Completely abandoned fast food, soda, and garbage food like cookies/chips/etc. I only eat semi-healthy food now. In pursuit of this, I've taken up cooking big time, which has been fun.

Lost between 70 - 75 pounds of fat, was able to come off my blood pressure meds, and improved my insulin resistance significantly.

Have gained at least a few pounds of muscle, and plan to gain significantly more as I focus a bit more on resistance training now.

It'll take a few years before I get my body into what I'd term my physical ideal, but I'm so pleased with the progress I've made.

@AgentCooper Amazing work!

Ironically, yesterday was probably the first time in my life I got properly drunk, not being someone who drinks very often. It was definitely an experience.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah

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