
Topic: The Chit Chat Thread

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@kyleforrester87 The ultimate high budget AAA caters to the very middle of the road of course. It tries to get everyone in and appeal to that mass audience, but there's no way a game is great for everyone. With games becoming such a big market, like movies, there's just so many different audiences. And I don't think that is acknowledged often enough.

The Godfather is often considered one of the best movies, but a lot of people I know that watched it don't like it at all. And what about the Marvel movies? I personally think they're terrible. Yes, they were made to be enjoyed by everyone (kids, adults), but there is nothing in these movies that appeals to me. And that's even coming from someone who has bought a lot of comics over the years.

Also I tried to love Breath of the Wild with everything in me, having fallen in love with console gaming through Zelda mostly, but the game was a mere "alright" to me. It didn't blow me away one second and had trouble seeing what was revolutionary about anything in that game.

There is nothing wrong with not being able to enjoy a certain type of experience, even when that experience is held in high regard and popular among many. But instead of focusing on the question "why am I not hyped for Spider-Man PS4" you should be focused on what type of experience am I now looking for.

There's enough of that on PS4 (or Switch, since you own that one too).



NL never ceases to amuse me.

SomeRandomTrollUserOnAnArticle wrote:

Nintendo has become a stale and uninteresting company. They release the same games each console, refuse to give a proper vc

Those kinda gymnastics warrant some alcohol. Woo. Too early for this.

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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@kyleforrester87 your getting older bro. You wont have the same excitement for bog standard games anymore regardless if they are the best ever, as its just a game using the same tried and trusted gameplay loops you have played a thousand times before.

What I have found is my favourite games this gen have been games I didnt really expect to be great but they have a twist in the mechanics which was different to the norm and gave me a reason to find out more. Yakuza (open world beat em up rather than openworld shooter), P4G (friend making game rather than by the numbers jrpg), Videoball (All gameplay, crap graphics designed that way) Rogue Legacy (Rogue like were you keep stuff) The Bunker (low budget FMV game with only 1 actor).

Its probably why we both love Fez, its so far out there compared to a by the numbers action rpg hybrid. You paint pictures in your head of whats going on and are constantly surprised with each new screen.

God of War is fantastic. In fact once my Pes trophy hunt is over its the next game I will put on. But its design is contrived and obvious for all of its graphical wonder and interlocking level design. You have experienced the game upto the lake of the nine in practically the same way I have. You dont paint pictures in your head about what stuff means as its all laid out in front of you. Fez is different you have no idea whats going on.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@KratosMD haha nice one with that comment bro. I will need your help on a project soon mate, Im unsure if you read our comments from a few days ago but it could be a nice project for us gaming gurus.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Speaking of our quest for influential games, I caved and got Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 a month or two ago now. Been live streaming Kingdom Hearts 1.5 since people kept nagging me to play it and...


The fact I had a 6 hour live stream of the game and last night had a 2 hour session go for 3 hours while I did side quests just...this game man.

The story is absolute pants but the game itself, yeah it's good.

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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So as of late I am getting so frustrated with video games. I tried playing CoD:WWII the today and it seemed no matter what I did I just kept getting worked. For every kill In would get I would get killed 3 times. So I figured I would switch to Overwatch and then I just kept getting bad teams where no matter how I hard I tried my team was letting me down. Now I just don't feel like playing any games yet I kinda do just don't want to deal with the aggervation of stupid players and players who are better cause they can afford to play said game all day. It's just so aggervating.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki Hey! That EXACTLY what I've been going through recently! No matter what multiplayer game I play (Call of Duty, Overwatch, R6: Siege, Doom, Star Wars name it), I end up getting annihilated and it makes me wanna quit gaming altogether haha. I get really down, like, "man, I suck, no matter how hard I try! This isn't even fun...I should get a new hobby."

I think the problem is the mixing of good players with bad ones and calling it "balanced." Like yesterday in Black Ops 3, there were often four multi-prestige lvl 50+ players (two on each team) that were killing everyone else. Sure, both teams are balanced in terms of overall power, but said veteran players just make the game hell for everyone else.

I think shooters need to adopt leagues (like fighting games and mobile FPS games have) so that better players are in better leagues and they stay away from noobs or casuals.

...Anyway, for Call of Duty, I find that playing the objective modes (i.e. anything but deathmatch) makes the game MUCH more manageable, namely in that you're less likely to get shot in the back (since enemy players don't wander randomly) and kills are easier (you have a general idea where people will be thanks to objectives).

For team-based games like Overwatch and R6:S...unless you want to talk to strangers (I don't...I always have chat muted) or are playing with friends (best way to go), getting grouped up with a bunch of dummies is unavoidable! In that case, I just go off on my own with the more lone-wolf characters (i.e. Sombra sneaking behind enemy lines and then teleporting away).

Edited on by stinkyx

Make it a great day!

PSN: tearatherflesh


@Tasuki I've felt that way in the past about Halo and Tekken, especially with Tekken since fighting games require a lot of practice and knowledge. Even then, there's the ever looming fear of lag (my last two Tekken videos are basically about my hatred of lag) and the occasional elitist who'll troll you until you quit (thankfully they're not common anymore, but they still exist), yeah it's easy to get frustrated.

Nowadays I'm more frustrated at myself for being lazy with practice and making dumb mistakes during games. I'd be lying if I said I don't still have those spirit breaking losses, though.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@smelly_jr I totally agree, I wish games like CoD had a causal mode for people like me. I honesty think they should group people up with people who have similar KDRs but I don't know how hard that would be. Usually I play hardcore in CoD and either Kill Confirmed or Domination.

As for Overwatch, even when I did try using a mic I would get idiots telling me to shut up and that I don't know how to play the game or people just didn't listen.

@DerMeister It's not that I am lazy it's mainly due to work, family and other "adult" responsibilities I can't devote 12 hours of playing the same game over and over till I learn the ins and outs of the game like I did with Tekken 3 when I was a teenager. I just get so frustrated when I get thrown against people who do have those skills because the either don't have those responsibilities like kids or just don't care, basically your adults living in their parents basement living off of them.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki This is the problem with online competitive games. I quit Rocket League last year, deleted the game etc. I didnt have the time or ability to commit to training and to reach a high tier as much as I wanted to be better, I also think my reflexes are slightly less responsive these days. I kept getting bundled with crazies, dropping out of games after conceding 1 whole goal, chatting abuse when you miss a tough chance etc. I couldnt be bothered in the end and I wasnt getting any better and the regular insults put me right off.

I do think its unfair to label people better than you as losers living in their parents basement though. With every competitive sport or game, naturally gifted individuals and people who put in the hard graft will beat people who dont. Its just a fact of life. As for playing with randoms, expect the worst. Why are they playing a team game alone and then giving others grief in the first place? You wont win any friends that way.

You do get lucky occasionally, like I did today in pes 2018 co-op with a goliath of a defensive player. I have put proper time into getting good at forward play myself using the training sub menu. I understand the mechanics in front of goal to a very high level so we complimented each others style and absolutely battered other co-op teams who didnt work together as well.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@Tasuki Yeah, I can understand that too. If I had a stuffed schedule again like when I was working, I doubt I'd be playing Tekken online constantly. I'm certainly not implying you're lazy, just saying I can get where you're coming from, or at least empathize.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


@themcnoisy Yeah your right I could have worded it better, I was just bitter I guess you can say when I typed that. What I should have said was people.for whatever reason who can devote more time to a game. But still I shouldn't be punished in a game, something that is suppose to be fun and relaxing just because I don't play said game less then other players. I could see that if I was in competitive league or what not.

Me jumping on CoD multiplayer after a hard Day's work is like me going down to my local YMCA to shoot hoops or something. If I were to do that I don't get put into a game against a high school basketball team for example. Online games should be the same way when it comes to match making. Some people just like to relaxed and have fun not keep getting owned by people who have the time to put into it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki have you tried camping? I used to be so tired when I got home from work that I ended up just getting really good at camping in Call of’s a pretty effective way to play (and deviously fun too), especially since everyone’s just running around willy-nilly anyway. Helps you practice your aim, reflexes, and learning the maps with pretty minimal effort too.

EDIT: here’s an old video of me camping in Advanced Warfare (20 kills, 2 deaths):

Edited on by stinkyx

Make it a great day!

PSN: tearatherflesh


@smelly_jr I honestly don't like camping as nothing gets me madder as those people that do that. Also I tend to get bored if I camp but that's just me. I tend to enjoy using a variety of weapons and not just LMGs.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@Tasuki camping is much more than just squattin’ in one gotta move frequently so the people you kill can’t retaliate! And for weapons I usually equip an accurate rifle and a secondary high-firerate SMG in case someone gets close (I can spray them real quick) LOL. Anyway, maybe give it another’s rather relaxing, physically, and at the same time is engaging mentally as you try and predict and track enemy behavior.

Make it a great day!

PSN: tearatherflesh


@kyleforrester87 In that case you should play a little more of God of War

I'm not kidding, but the game does that thing you're describing. Like in BOTW, some areas have way stronger enemies, and you aren't ''supposed'' to fight them. Normally it's an area to get back to later on, but it's fun trying to cheese your way through it! It's even more fun when it works!

I think the RPG-lite mechanics are in a lot of games to give the player some choice over their progression. A game like Uncharted, that's the same for everyone, but this allows you to pick and choose what to focus on, without turning it into a full-blown RPG game about numbers and stats. The middle road between the trade-off of complexity and simplicity if you will.



@Tasuki If games like CoD were to try and place people in lobbies based on their K/D, based on their Score per Minute or any other parameter, we get 'Skill Based Match-Making'. All you have to do is go online and see what people 'think' of SBMM and you will see that is considered to be a 'negative'. SBMM is OK for league but for all pubs, the focus has to be on connection.

You are in a good position by living in the US, quite a few dedicated servers and often not that far away from others playing - despite the size of the Country. For some though, inc me, I have been 'connected' with players in the US - those with low Ping and me with 120-140ms Ping getting absolutely annihilated - because even if we were to kill each other at the same time, their 'kill' reaches the server before my kill so they get the kill. Of course you also have the fact that they have a tenth of a second to react and see you first is a big advantage. With SBMM, that is far more common.

I am a total believer that it should be connection based first and foremost. If that means you have a couple of 'professional' gamers in the lobby wanting to stomp all over everyone for fun, so be it. You either roll over and die, quit or adapt. By adapt, I mean change your playing style - stop running blindly to the objectives, running around corners etc. Not going to say 'camp' either but play 'smart'. If that means holding down a lane for a a few seconds until you feel comfortable its clear to push forward, then so be it, pay attention to the mini-map to see where your team is, where the 'enemies' seem to be.

When I started playing, I would often get matches where I would be happy to get 5 kills and limit deaths down to under 20. I was able to beat campaigns on Hard/Veteran but still got annihilated - that just pushed me to change tactics, try different playstyles etc. Unless you are a professional and regarded as the 'best' in the world, there is ALWAYS someone better. Play smart and you can get those that are K/D orientated to actually quit - even if they are better slayers than you. Maybe not with BO4 as TTK is much slower which favours those with Scuf controllers.

Anyway, if you can't play exactly the way you think the game should be played, then adapt or play something else - even if that means just a different mode. If being the attacker/aggressor isn't working try playing more defensively...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Today has been a landmark day.

After over two years of not bwing able to walk far or let alone wear shoes, I was able to wear trainers with no pain

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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