
Topic: The Chit Chat Thread

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@Yousef- I never played Wo Long, but I have heard Rise of the Ronin is like a slightly easier version of the Nioh games, I certainly found most of it manageable but I had to become very efficient with the 'parry' mechanic in order to make it through. And thank you for your words of consolation.šŸ˜ƒ

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN actually Iā€™m a little unsure if the stuff I read is recommendable, as I donā€™t quite read books to learn history, acquaire wisdom or even follow a plot. In fact, all my stuff is not only strictly non-fiction but a lot of them act as auto biographies or means for me to navigate the minds of their writers. Art of War is the only ā€œmainstreamā€ book Iā€™ve read. The rest is either deepcut stuff like The Disaster Artist or things youā€™d rarely bring up in a book reading discourse like Art of the Deal.

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN couldā€™ve been me xD.

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@Yousef- I just checked and you're right - it was you! So sorry for my gross oversight, hopefully we can have some good discussion in that thread at some point!

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN no need to be hard on yourself, itā€™s all good xD
I look forward to it as well.

ā€œOne thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.ā€
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


@BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN Nice, dude! Glad youā€™re feeling satisfied with where things are at for you artistically. Thatā€™s a nice place to be šŸ˜„

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


Anyone else feel like that Olympics opening ceremony justā€¦ wasnā€™t very good? Quite disjointed with it taking place on the river, completely lacking in atmosphere youā€™d get in a stadium. The boats with the athletes took the fun away from the parade too, felt like they were stilted and on rails rather than being able to march together as a group, with not even all the athletes turning up. Celine Dion was the highlight!

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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