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@CaptD I usually hate anything resembling QTE's, but I don't mind the ones in Dave the Driver.

Tales of Kenzera: Zau looks and sounds the part, and plays pretty smoothly too. There are some tricky platform sections, and some of the challenge sections dump you back at the start. In normal sections, the game saves on a frequent basis, so it is not an issue in the main.

I have stopped playing games due to difficult platform sections, but have stuck with this one. Probably due not many are part of the main story, so you can skip them if you want.

[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I seem to have acquired more cats, I now live in fear of Environmental Health.

[Edited by CaptD]



Made it to Chapter 6 this morning so steady progress, the home screen says I'm at 75% so I guess a couple more to go.

I thought the Giant Gadon chase was fairly tense and made me sit up and pay attention but my arcade reflexes was me through first time.

The game is still throwing new systems at me which seems to add to the list of things I have to keep an eye on each day. Now I've got the farm, the fish pools, an underwater farm etc... Just makes the sessions more than double the time they initially were to get through a day.

Out of interest what weapons does anybody else mostly set out with? I tend to use a tranquilizer sniper rifle but am thinking of playing but more with the grenade launcher with may be flame upgrade?

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan I'm using the Red sniper rifle lvl2 although I've just acquired the upgrade materials for lvl 3.
I was a bit worried about the whole blueprint thing because I found a grenade launcher and was too worried about losing my Sniper rifle lvl2 if I were to pick up the launcher. Anyway at some point I did and was happy to find when I returned to the boat that my Sniper rifle lvl2 was still in my loadout box.



Greetings friends of Dave. The Godzilla dlc is free from May 23 till Nov 23, as noted on the front page of PushSq (just in case you missed it. . )



@CaptD There is also free DLC in Dave for The Dredge, which I have downloaded, but not got to in the game that I'm aware of.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Just opened a new swanky bar, it was locked behind an event and the event difficulty was cranked up quite considerably from others of the same type, I got a few BADs during the event and was concerned it was going to be platinum stopper for me but thankfully I still managed it....hand/eye coordination is not what it used to bel

@JohnnyShoulder Cheers, I've decide to hold off on downloading that for now, perhaps post game stuff.



Yeah I got that one yesterday but unfortunately I cannot be bothered to staff it or figure out how it works... So for now I've got a lovely empty beach front sushi venue with nothing in it except for some cucumber that the tutorial but made me send. I do hope nobody robs it while I'm away.

Chapter 6 seems to be going on for quite a long time, think I'm at the end of it but it's definitely been more convoluted than previous chapters.

Have you got the tamagotchi thing yet? I assumed I'd just been ignoring it but after checking the phone minigames I don't think I've got access to it. I've upgraded rice paddy and farm plots to max and am one cat feed away from finishing that I think.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan I've been doing the tamagotchi game for a while now. I just checked the trophy guide (a new one has been published on psnprofiles) and apparently it unlocked after the side mission Stormy Night (check your completed missions). I'm guessing that was a optional night mission, I do remember one which happened on an event night so perhaps you skipped will probably have to wait for a stormy night but do get on it as it is a bit of a grind, very simple though.

As for the side bar, I have it staffed and get around 6k from it per evening. What I do for its food is just send surplus from the fish farm, I'm sure there is a better system (i.e. I don't think they have any veg) but I can't be bothered tbh and it is fine just ticking over. I just staffed it with a few from my waiting area although I did need to hire a manager.



Fair. I will try employing some new staff and using half the profits from the branch to upgrade them. I've so far been selling excess fish to expand the fish tanks so I can breed more to sell!
Also just done the cat food trophy and bought sprinklers for the farm and now started chapter 7. Onwards and downwards.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


....and Chapter 7 was over almost as quick as it begun. Clear a few rooms, do a boss battle and credits rolled. The final boss battle was fairly straightforward, having a slow time function made it almost too easy.
Still gonna be playing for a bit to get the last 10 or so trophies (obvs) and will check out the free DLCs.
Around 29 hours so far, according to the profile
Really enjoyed Diving with Dave for the most part.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Just earned the Dave the Diver platinum, much to the relief of my customers who are getting bored of sea slug and cucumber I'm sure.

What a delightful game with bags of charm. The scope of the game really exceeded my expectations.
My goty so far for 2024, of course I haven't played many of this years' games so make of that what you will.
Hopefully a sequel is on the way as you can never have too many underwater games.



Well congrats for that! You are clearly a more capable and efficient Sushi master than I (still 3 trophies to go, but have got the GYAO! app now). I did put the Dredge DLC on and it made me grin massively when I got to pilot the boat again from the isometric view 😁
However when you dive in it just becomes more Dave the Diver like I've been doing for 30 hours but with more vicious fishies.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


And also have now gotten that shiny platinum trophy. Though the last few hours I had given up on the diving and was just using the ingredients I had already obtained so less Dave the Diver and more Dave the Menu Setter and Tamagotchi player. Took around 40 hours and now at a loss of what to do instead... Reckon I'll jump back in later in the week to see what this Godzirra fella is all about.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan Great stuff, Congrats and yeah I didn't do any fishing for the last week or two that I needed.
I think next I'm going to play Cat Quest and Lego tomorrow, perhaps Tunic....a few short games are in order. Must get back to Resident Evil 3.
PS. Getting near the end of platting Helldivers 1, I didn't think I would ever do it (took 8 years) but the PushSq motley crew got together and we are all on the way to that platinum. Similar story for Dead Nation a while back (that took me 10 years I think).



Bing! Bong! Friendly nudge for June votes, ta 👍

Find some suggestions here

Thank you all for your continued engagement and contributions


One love 👍

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper My vote is for Life is Strange: True Colors. However; this hasn’t garnered much support in past months, so I’ll offer some other ideas by way of new nominations:

  • Sifu
  • Immortals of Aveum
  • Deliver Us the Moon

If no one likes those ideas, I could be convinced to go along with Tren, or Celeste.

Hopefully all that is complex enough for you. 😅

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Sifu or Immortals of Aveum for me please.

Will everybody be Kung fu fighting in June? Who can tell.


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