

Posts 721 to 740 of 844


Oh threat room was fairly easy tbh. Most characters have a quick move and knockback ability using those with a bit of positional awareness can see you through. I maybe only failed to survive a couple of times and then I had a fair idea of which cards in the deck were causing the problem - too many heroics or skills for example. I would recommend with completing them in roster order or keeping a note of who you completed with to save issues later when you can't remember!

I just put that into the daily routine for a while, doing one with the next character before the days mission so didn't seem like a grind. Also worth noting that you can use the combat ability tonic things in threat room and they get refunded afterwards so you don't need to worry about that. And as soon as you get to the third round you can play the conceal one and end your turn and you automatically win should you need to. The other one I found useful was the one that gives lifesteal on all attacks for when you leave too many alive and take a few hits and need to recover health.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Th3solution Cast your vote you coward 😜

@CaptD Decent suggestion, I’ll add it. I haven’t read much on the technical issues with Dave the Diver, I reckon it’ll be looked at pretty sharpish though.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel Lol, alright, alright. 😄 But I make no guarantees that I’ll be able to fully participate. I’ve got some travel I have to do in May and part of the month I’m out of commission.

But my first choice is Life is Strange: True Colors. It’s been in my backlog for a while.
I’d also be semi-interested in Celeste and Tren, which are probably short enough that I might have time to squeeze either of them in. Both are highly thought of, so are games that I feel like I should experience.

I’m curious about Dave the Diver also, but I was surprised to see it’s closer to a 30 hr game (per HLTB) and so that length dissuades me right now.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Solid suggestions mate. I wouldn’t worry about your ability to participate, I need the numbers 😂

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel 😄 happy to oblige.

You’re doing a fantastic job keeping us organized and together, buddy. GameClub has been a really useful means to nudge me to try games that I might not get to otherwise. We all get stuck in our comfort zones to varying degrees and run the risk of missing out on some of the fabric and texture of what’s out there.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution You’re very welcome, the pleasure is all mine. Even if it just benefits one person it is worth doing 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel @CaptD I played Dave the Diver for a couple of hours or so the other day, and did not notice any technical issues. Sometimes this things can be down to 'situational issues' that we are not aware of lol.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Good to hear. In the forum thread on psnprofiles someone said that it was fixed in a recent patch but I always like to give it a bit of time just in case especially as this bug seemed a bit on the grim side.



I've finished playthrough one of Midnight Suns and I quite enjoyed it, it felt good to finish a Firaxis as I enjoyed Xcom but as I progressed it's systems become more mind boggling and the difficulty get ramping up (seriously my dudes were in rehab more than on the field) so I never finished them.
Midnight Suns is far more approachable, of course I did play on story mode for a peaceful (i.e. Easy) time.

Knowing nothing of the majority of the characters I didn't know what to expect and when the Midnight Suns appeared and looked like rejects from the latest Saints Row game I feared the worst but all of the characters were.well voiced and quite likeable except for IronMan, blimey did he go on and on, he was unbearable during his Threat room challenge.
And I'm sorry but Bruce Banner needs to sound like Bill Bixby.

With regards to the trophies, with the exception of one, which needs a partial play-through all were easy and quick to obtain. Nearly all should be obtained by the end of the first playthrough as long as you do a little planning and make lists of all you trained, did missions with etc..
I will say that I agree with @sorteddan that I care little about all the fashion items etc.., in fact my character was just the standard one created for you.

All in all a very good game and I hope that it sold enough in order to fund a sequel But I guess the Marvel licence takes a large portion of the revenue.



Makes me so happy to read so many positive things said about Midnight Suns in this thread.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Guten Tag! Lots of suggestions but still no game with more than a single vote for May, come on it's our one year anniversary, sort it out you lot.

Eiyuden Chronicle Rising
Life is Strange True Colors
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Dave the Diver
Desperados 3
Raji: An Ancient Epic

Thank you all for your continued engagement and contributions


One love 👍

@Pizzamorg @Mr_B021 @QualityGeezer @KilloWertz @Th3solution @Ryne-Gaia @crimsontadpoles @RogerRoger @Hallowmoonshadow @R1spam @CaptD @Th3solution @ralphdibny @LobsterJohnson @SillyBoyJudas @kidfried @Fight_Teza_Fight

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel I’ll stand on Life is Strange. But mostly I’ll just be playing Midnight Suns this month I think 😁

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I will be playing Dave the Diver next month anyhow.... And despite being one of the main contributors to this thread recently I still maintain that I'm not a game club member.
I may, however, continue to join in the upcoming discussion... Hey I kind of like it here.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Some rules I try to live by:

Don't join any clubs.
Don't vote.
Don't ask for help.

It is ok to cry out or just cry though. I do that quite often.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


That reference is as old as me 😂👍

But no. I always preferred a Blue Ribband.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

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