
Topic: Mental Health Awareness/ Support Chat

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@themcnoisy Ah, mate. If I could relocate right now I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Hope you’ve been keeping well. Miss the Rocket League bants!

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


@KAIRU not missing RL though, that place is a cess pitt. The negativity over there, is not good for anyone's mental health.

Funnily my colleague has just relocated from Liverpool back to Ireland (Admitedly Southern Ireland - Sligo so its not that coincidental) he's had a good 8 years and has headed back with a heavy heart and loads of memories. I will miss him.

Anyhow what are you playing ATM? I'm currently running Diablo 2 remastered. Last night I beat the 3rd Area boss (mephisto). It took my about 2 hours with my Babarian whos about as lucky as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest. I beat the boss, warped back to base to move on. I have literally just found out I was meant to use a warp gate straight after the boss, else I have to do it again! Nooooo.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy Aye, I've heard Rocket League is just mental nowadays. It was great fun back when we were playing it but the skill levels of players now is just insane. Definitely way above my level.

I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 at the minute. My character is a sneaky wee Rogue with nimble fingers who likes to pick a pocket or two. Been having a blast just exploring and trying to get better at the turn-based combat. It's been good fun so far!

"A corpse... should be left well alone. Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly. Only an honest death will cure you now. Liberate you, from your wild curiosity." - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.

PSN: KairuDoes


When I'm feeling stressed, I find it helpful to take a step back and disconnect from the source of stress for a bit. Whether it's work-related pressure or personal issues, a short break often does wonders.

[Edited by yi887]



Mental health is an important thing. I had a near-death accident last year and it took some time to get back to driving again. I felt anxious when I had to drive and I would always try to avoid it. There was no way I could live like that for long. I started taking anti-anxiety medication and it helped with my driving anxiety, but I would feel bad physically. Driving a car in a condition like that was not an option which is why I turned to non-medical methods. A lot of people online talked about how meditation helped them with anxiety so I decided to do it too. I learned how to meditate with the Calmer app and I started feeling better 10 days after meditating every day. It also has other techniques that help in fighting anxiety which are a part of my daily routine now. I use way less anti-anxiety medication now and I feel like I can start driving soon.

[Edited by GoodGame]

Current Level - 55

PSN: wR_sixtee6

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