
Topic: Fighting Games!

Posts 21 to 40 of 126


@Omnistalgic nah, I just watch some streams on YT sometimes (like the PS Open Series). I must be thinking of someone else then!
I’m not confident enough to sign up for any myself



@JechtUltima Either MK11 or the new Guilty Gear. MK11 will be probably easier to get into coming from MKX (even though they're quite different). It also has good single player content. Guilty Gear is the current "hot" game everybody plays and is extremely fun to play at any level but I'd only recommend it if you're interested in playing online, as its single player content is pretty much just a very basic arcade mode (and a very advanced tutorial that you won't need for the arcade mode).

EVO warm-up finals for MK11 are literally starting right now on the PlayStation channel, so you might wanna take a quick look to decide if you like what you see



@JechtUltima MK11 Ultimate is on sale often - if it’s not at the moment I’d wait
Also, if you end up getting it, I recommend starting with the tutorial even if you have previous experience with fighting games. It has many unique systems and the tutorial explains them very well.
There’s also a short tutorial for each of the characters, which is great.



@JechtUltima Untitled
If the trend continues, it should be on sale again next week



@JechtUltima Hi there friend.
I agree with @Voltan advice.
In MK11 you don't need to worry about complicated stances, 3D movement, and Hundred moves and strings in your move list like in Tekken. And you don't need to worry about learning frame links, 8 frames of input lag , charge attacks, and overly complicated motion inputs from street fighter.
MK11 has a very simple combo system, each character has a good-sized and iconic move list, making them easy to remember. It has a diverse roster which you can customize their movesets to your liking and playstyle, easy inputs, simple mechanics and an easy to remember move list.
If you do want to get into other fighting games, always go for those who apeal to you the most, both in terms of content, singleplayer and online as well fun gameplay mechanics and cool characters.
Cheers, stay safe and have a good one

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



I noticed @Omnistalgic was playing Strive last night. How are you doing so far?

I also played a bit - only a single FT10 set with a Floor 9 Sol player in the park (again, I think they might’ve been trying a new character). I was winning pretty decisively up to a point but they managed to catch up and it ended up going to final game, final round and maybe 5% health left - but I won



Voltan wrote:

I noticed @Omnistalgic was playing Strive last night. How are you doing so far?

I also played a bit - only a single FT10 set with a Floor 9 Sol player in the park (again, I think they might’ve been trying a new character). I was winning pretty decisively up to a point but they managed to catch up and it ended up going to final game, final round and maybe 5% health left - but I won

It's going ok! I'm loving Nago but he's tough to pick up and play as he ignore a lot of the standard functions of the game. Might learn Sol or Ky as well but so far, no one is clicking. Once I finish the advanced tutorials I'll check out a few experts on youtube and see if I can master Nago or not. The visuals are amazing though, can't believe the netcode on this is actually good!


PSN: Omnicloud


@Omnistalgic Right! Most characters in the game have some kind of unique gimmick but Nagoriyuki might just be the most different one. I know a lot of new players like Giovanna too.



@Voltan Hi there friend. Nicely done 👍
Perhaps I should upload some Chipp and Ky combos myself..... If I ever learn how to do that first 😜
Besides those 3 Cipp mirror matches we had, I also had some pretty good matches with @Omnistalgic.
It was a Chipp/Nago matchup and I learn a lot from him. For instance, don´t get hit against Nago 😜
Let´s see if we can get some more people interested in playing. It is super fun, I tell you.
Cheers, stay safe and happy gaming to us all

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



I decided to get some trophies in Strive and I currently only have 2 left (the one for beating the "true boss", which seems impossible to me at the moment and the one for 100 instant blocks, which will come naturally - currently at 51)



Good games @RaZieLDaNtE super fun, I got spanked by some high level chip right after our Feels so bad...Can't stop his pressure to save my life, but I think I have to utilize perfect guard and pushback guard more in the match-up.


PSN: Omnicloud


Ended the night by going back up to floor 8. I can see this pattern (going to 8 only to be demoted to 7 the next day and go back up hours later) going on for a while



@Omnistalgic I will become that high level someday.
Or maybe I already am 😉
I just need to pratice more my timing and inputs, so I don´t make to many mistakes that costs me half my life bar 😜
I´m actually thinking to switch to my boy Ky. Haven´t played him in a while.

[Edited by RaZieLDaNtE]

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



@Voltan That actually happens more times that I can count on.
Yesterday I was floor 8 and I got beat up by an Axl 3 times in a row and got demoted 😒
I always go to the lower floor feeling like I´ve let myself down.
Wich is why I like fighting in the Park more. No risk of getting demoted even if I play a Celestial player and only get a few wins and we can just rematch over and over.
It´s a strugle, but a fun one. Except Axl. I hate fighting against him 😜

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



@RaZieLDaNtE The park is cool because most people are willing to play long sets - which really helps to improve matchup knowledge if they're any good. The tower, however, kind of serves as a validation that you're actually improving, which is something I also enjoy - so I like to do a mix of both

Btw, first DLC character will be announced on Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on the time zone). Any predictions? We know it's someone who wasn't playable in the series before.
I went ahead and got the Season Pass yesterday so I might actually check out how the character plays, whoever it is.
I played a few offline matches with Ky yesterday (for trophies) and I actually liked his move set a lot.



@Voltan I agree. Doing both the Tower and the Park is a good way to improve yourself.
As for the new dlc character I think it´s going to be between Happy Chaos, one of the "antagonists" of Strive story or Goldlewis Dickinson, another new character who is the right hand of the President Vernon, the USA President in GG. I´m very curious to see what kind of gameplay they are going to have.
like I said to @Omnistalgic during our matches, Ky is a really good all-round character and has been one of my mains since the first GG. Him and Chipp are very fun to play.
PS: I got 100 instant blocks trophy while I was fighting @Omnistalgic 😜

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



@RaZieLDaNtE yeah, I feel like I'm getting better now as well. There's a ton of defensive options even for characters without a DP, despite some characters being a bit too strong like Sol, I think it's a pretty balanced fighter so far.


PSN: Omnicloud


@RaZieLDaNtE I haven't watched the story yet but I have seen some pictures of Goldlewis and while the character design is pretty awesome, he seems like he would be both a big body character with slow movement and possibly a long range zoner, which might not be the most appealing combination for the very first DLC character.


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