
Topic: American Sports

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nomither6 wrote:

the eagles are gonna choke whether it’s championship or SB

A part of me wanted to pick Giants over Vikings and Eagles, I think it could happen, but probably unlikely.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Th3solution wooo !!! how about these games tonight , huh !!

my prediction is accurate so far ! 😂



How do the Chargers Charger themselves out of this lead in the second half?

Also felt bad for Geno, for like two and a bit quarters the game felt quite competitive and then I dunno, the Niners just transformed into a landslide, Purdy went Super Saiyan and the Hawks disappeared.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@JudgeDredd dammit i was close ! tonight was comeback city ! crazy games today



Chargers don't just get eliminated, they get eliminated in the most Chargers way imaginable. One positive that can be taken away, is after that gaff with Williams and now this, even the Chargers would have to fire at least Lombardi or Staley, if not both.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


Assuming all the favourites win, Jags go on to play the Chiefs. I think the Chiefs have generally a worse special teams unit, and maybe a slightly worse defence (or maybe just weaker in some elements the Chargers are stronger and vice versa), so between that and if Lawrence has exorcised whatever demon he had in him in that first half, I think this will be a very different game and could end up being one of the best games in the playoffs.

This has the potential to turn into a shootout thriller and I think the ceiling for a fun game is probably higher with the Jags in the game. I do think KC win though, regardless of whether Lawrence throws 5 INTs again or if he spends the whole game slinging dimes.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@JudgeDredd i feel for chargers fans as a cardinals fan ; i’m not a fan of neither team but the chargers staff definitely needs some house cleaning that loss is inexcusable. they even had the refs on their side and still fumbled an easy W



@Pizzamorg not gonna lie , the jags are a pretty fun team to watch and it’s always hilarious watching lawrence throw interceptions; but i’m more excited to see how the cowboys do , AND I HATE THE COWBOYS



nomither6 wrote:

@Pizzamorg not gonna lie , the jags are a pretty fun team to watch and it’s always hilarious watching lawrence throw interceptions; but i’m more excited to see how the cowboys do , AND I HATE THE COWBOYS

I fully expect the Cowboys to get a big lead early on, choke, watch their lead get chipped away until Brady pulls out some miracle drive at the end to take the lead and win.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


i just might delete my prediction list at this point ; 4th quarter all vikings needed was 1TD and failed how many drives ? they just got bullied by NYs defense . another CLOSE game by the way , smfh !!!



@Pizzamorg hah , we’ll see , brady is washed up 😂 but the cowboys doing what they do and choking is why im so excited to see how this plays out

[Edited by nomither6]



At least for who I was cheering for, the playoffs have been brutal so far. Seeing the Seahawks collapse and get blown out in the second half. The Chargers losing in truly historic fashion. The Dolphins almost shocking the world with a win with Skylar at QB, only to lose in the dying moments like that.

Based on that, when Slayton (I think it was?) dropped that wide open pass, I was waiting for the theme of these playoffs to continue, but no... Vikings proved to the world just how fake they were all season and the Giants take the win. Finally some good vibes from these playoffs (for me).

[Edited by Pizzamorg]

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg @nomither6 @JudgeDredd Exciting games so far, for sure. I expect tonight’s Bengals-Ravens game to also be close. I’m not surprised with Vikings underperforming. I’ve felt they were overrated all year. Also felt Jags were undervalued. They were looking better in the latter part of the season. Same for Cincinnati, they’ve been hot. I don’t think Baltimore will be able to pull a win out tonight

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”





Brady’s last game?
The guy is immortal, but at some point he has to retire.
This may be the end for him.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


by the way , i didn’t know dallas had a second stadium in tampa & home field advantage ! did u hear the crowd reactions ? damn ! 😂 😂

brady boy probably had the worst night of his career , if he actually retires on that note then YIKES. it could be worse though , like missing 5 field goals 😂🤣😂🤣


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