
Topic: Tomb Raider I-III Remastered

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I'm having fun constantly toggling between original visuals and updated visuals. It's interesting to compare them, as some things are easier to notice with original graphics, and other things are easier to spot with updated visuals.

I'm playing through Tomb Raider 1 currently, whilst trying to see whether I can get the 86 or less saves and guns only achievements in this run. I've played through the original game several times before over the years, so I know my way around moderately well, though I do seem to be missing a lot of the secrets so far.

[Edited by crimsontadpoles]


@crimsontadpoles I've been hovering over the "buy" button for most of the day - I think my hesitancy is down to already having the originals (which I enjoyed in the way back when) on the PS1 and the very mixed reports on the quality of the new control scheme - which is what I'd be most interested in using. I take it you're using the original "tank" controls?



@crimsontadpoles I read what @Max_Headroom posted earlier and that made me even more reticent, honestly. I think I might wait for a discount after all.



I’m really enjoying this just making my way through the caves now, I rather like the tank controls for traversal but I’m finding the combat a bit awkward. The only thing I rather dislike is the darkness I find myself switching to classic graphics just to see where I’m going.



Falcon94 wrote:

The only thing I rather dislike is the darkness I find myself switching to classic graphics just to see where I’m going.

That is my other gripe but its not as much of a pita as the controls.



Nice preorder discount on Amazon UK for standard and deluxe versions.
(Credit to hotukdeals)



Just finished TR1. I love all the updated models, even if the cutscenes are still a bit jarring.

Onto TR2 now and I'm running out of medipacks all the time compared to TR1.



I’ve beaten Tomb Raider one and two and really enjoyed them. Reached the Canoe section of tomb raider 3 and seems to be no way to exit the canoe.

I’ve tried pressing sideways and all the buttons on both modern and tank controls. It’s a really jarring way to end the series.



@Ryall Press and hold the roll button then press sideways while that button is held down should work for exiting the canoe. The order matters because sideways by itself moves the canoe left/right.



@Grumblevolcano Thanks. It turned out I was trying to get out of the canoe in an area. That I wasn’t allowed to get out of the canoe.



Do you think they'll eventually release IV? Kinda surprised they didn't put them in this one tbh.



@NeoDave3 As far as I’m aware all the tomb raider’s after 3 are named not numbered.

Sounds like we’re in for another reboot, so I doubt they’ll get to anything called Tomb Raider 4 any time soon.

[Edited by Ryall]


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