
Topic: Tomb Raider I-III Remastered

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Played an hour or so of TR3. Wasn’t sure which to start with, but I’m unlikely to play them all, frankly - at least not back to back - and 3 is the only one I have not beaten so thought I had better start with that. Hopefully this time I’ll stick with it and put it to bed.

I am really liking what I have played so far. Takes me back, for sure. Really enjoy the classic controls.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Digital Foundry seemed to be pretty impressed with it

My brother bought it and shared his screen with me. I watched him play it for a bit and liked what I saw. If I didn't have Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to play then I'd probably buy it.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


I have played 45 minutes (ish) of the first game and i am loving it, i am playing with modern control enabled as i couldn't get on with tank control.



Great to see the screenshots and all the activity, the launch seems to have really gone down well which is great considering the marketing for it seemed quite minimal.



I wasn't expecting this remastered trilogy to review so well, guess it's another one for the backlog. Ah what a year so far.



Going to pick this up on friday how's the modern controls I hear they can be a bit awkward in tight spaces.



Can't believe they haven't assigned a 'hop backwards' option in the modern controls! Gah!



Falcon94 wrote:

Going to pick this up on friday how's the modern controls I hear they can be a bit awkward in tight spaces.

I started with TR1 and modern controls, the first part of the game is fine then when you get to the short ledges the controls will drive you mad for a while, persevere and after a while it clicks and it becomes much easier, it took me a while to learn to press jump and R2 to grab ledges especially in water (i never looked at the controls) but again it becomes second nature after a while.

I found saving at every point i was miss jumping and dropping off a ledge a huge plus meaning i could simply go into load game and go back to the same spot and try again.

[Edited by Max_Headroom]



kyleforrester87 wrote:

@Max_Headroom lol press up and down from the main menu (as I recall!)

I may have blocked the option by starting TR1 all of the boxes now say "Continue" and take me back to my saved place.



sanderson72 wrote:

Can't believe they haven't assigned a 'hop backwards' option in the modern controls! Gah!

That would have helped a lot.



@Max_Headroom Yes, it's really irritating. Some useful control hints on YouTube at

Hopefully Aspyr will add a backup function that can be mapped to one of the spare controller buttons.



sanderson72 wrote:

@Max_Headroom Yes, it's really irritating. Some useful control hints on YouTube at
Hopefully Aspyr will add a backup function that can be mapped to one of the spare controller buttons.

Thanks for posting i will try some of those tips.



I’m close to the end of the second level in TR3. Really, this game is so much harder than the first 2. I’d be half way through TR1 by now. TR3 is loaded with cheap deaths. Still, enjoying it a lot, but it may wear thin!

I just forgot how punishing it was.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger Some great screenshots there! I really like how her character model now looks exactly like it does in the FMV's.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Max_Headroom I'll try the tank controls first see how I get on, Got the day off work today so looking forward to a long weekend of Tomb Raider.



Anyone have experience with the Legend games, I have underworld on Steam but never played it are they worth playing or entirely skippable?



@RogerRoger Thanks I managed to snag anniversary & legend from gog for £2. I'll start legend once I'm done with the remaster.



I am giving up until a patch for the controls comes out i like the game but the controls have me pulling my hair out even using the tips in the video here, if they dont patch them its a few £ down the drain and a lesson learned.

[Edited by Max_Headroom]


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