
Topic: Playstation 5 Recommendation Thread

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@Th3solution I went with Kena, but I won't be delivered until today or tomorrow, so it'll have to wait until I'm done with GOW unfortunately!



@Octane Sounds good! Either way it will still function well alongside GoW, even if it’s afterward. Or maybe even during GoW, as the review emphasized just how enormous Ragnarok is and so maybe a midway break from it will be necessary.

Regardless of when, I’ll be curious to see how you like Kena. Although I don’t think it’s the best non-Sony developed PlayStation console exclusive (with Death Stranding, Detroit Become Human, FF7R, and until recently Persona 5 all setting a high mark), it fills a very specific void in the PlayStation exclusive library. Stylistically speaking, there’s a paucity of these cute colorful and less photo-realistic games on the platform now that Media Molecule is tied up with Dreams. (With apologies to Concrete Genie, which also fits well there)

Edit: Yikes… and also maybe Ratchet & Clank, and how could I forget Astrobot? Oh well, you get the picture… 😅

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the PS+ thread or what, but this seems like a good enough place for it.

And I can’t believe I’m actually asking this question because I don’t know if I really want to know the answer…. but what can people tell me about how to approach the Kingdom Hearts games?
I see from today’s article that PS+ Extra gets:

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory (PS4)

This seems like it should be the whole series, so there’s no excuse to not try it… other than having no clue where to start. 😅. Well, that and hearing that some of the games are garbage.

The numbering system is completely bonkers here and as an outsider to the series, it makes almost no sense. It’s probably the highest barrier to entry of any long-standing series in production. All these crazy versions of the games, with remixes, remasters, and offshoots.

I mean, there’s some really long and complex gaming series out there but KH has to take the cake. The closest I could think of might be the Metal Gear Solid series where the numbering and naming convention is out of sync with an already convoluted timeline of storytelling. I could see a newcomer being confused there. But Kingdom Hearts looks way worse.

I did a quick internet search and tried to read the explanation of entries 1.5+2.5, 2.8, 358/2… holy macaroni! It’s just too much. I hate math and don’t want addition or fractions in my game titles. I believe I’ll just steer clear.

Someone convince me otherwise.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution the thing is though that even lots of people who played all the games still don't realy know what's going on lol.

the series is notorious for it's complicated plot even to veterans.



@jdv95 So it probably doesn’t matter what order you play them in and which entries you choose to skip. 😂
Maybe I’ll start with KH3.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution it's still best to play them in order though.

character relationships all play a huge role in the overall story.
only playing 3 would be a diservice.

just know that storywise,the series is a bit of a mess.



@Th3solution I only played 3 out of all the games. And while you technically should play them all in order, i heard even when you play them all in order the story is hard to follow. So i probably missed some backstory things, but still enjoyed KH3 more than i thought it would. I always thought it looked a bit to family friendly for me, but the gameplay was actually fun and i enjoyed my time with it. One day i'll play 1.5 and 2.5, but my backlog is already so huge that i don't know where and when to fit them in hehe.

PSNid: Lavalera


@Th3solution I played the first 3, as I'm 1, 2 and 3 because there is alot of games and 1, 2 and 3 is not the only order, there is alot of games in between that apparently make the story more connected.

I played them with my son, this was the main reason I played it, like jd said the story is just a mess I had no idea what was going on but the main part to play for is the characters and worlds you visit, the Disney and sqaure Enix characters make the game.

1.5 is a updated version on 1 so it's 1.5, 2.5 then 3 all the other games are old psp games I believe but updated to play on ps4 but 1.5 is old, its gameplay abd combat can be quite difficult at times but there fun games and actually quite challenging at times.

I'm by no means an expert and I'm sure that there's someone with way more knowledge than me on them but overall their fun and lighthearted games, 3 I particularly enjoyed.



@jdv95 @Lavalera @MaulTsir Thanks for your input, my friends. I do wonder if playing those extra titles like Chain of Memories, Re:Coded, 358/2 Days, 2.8 Prologue, and Melody of Memory might add to the story and help I make more sense.

In actuality, I played a little of the first game, KH1, way back on PS2 I think it was. I didn’t end up spending much time on it and must have quickly sold it back, but I remember the game was okay. I think it was just like a fever dream though with Donald Duck and characters from Final Fantasy and it was all a bit weird. I’m still surprised that Disney greenlit the project with literally all their IP just allowed to be vomited into a game like this.

Given my stage of life back then, I probably was put off by the quirkinesses of it all. I must have thought myself ‘too cool’ to be playing a game with Goofy and Donald Duck, running around with a giant key for a weapon.

I moan a lot about my backlog, so the consideration of Kingdom Hearts is more of an academic question rather than a practical one; I honestly don’t think I’ll dive into it. But at this stage of my life I’m secure enough in my manhood that I don’t mind admitting I love Disney and some of these animated properties. Also I’ve loved Final Fantasy from my beginning days as a gamer. When I saw that the whole KHseries will drop into my lap from PS+ and suddenly there is no financial obstacle to trying it, I had to at least give it a few minutes of contemplation.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I only played the third and, as others have stated, it made absolutely no sense on what was going on or why and I probably only became more confused as it went on. So I decided it was probably best not to worry about the plot and just enjoy the gameplay which was in all honesty pretty good. One thing worth mentioning though was that KH3 is largely based in more recent (for its time) Disney properties which I had never seen and so I probably missed a lot of the specific references as well. In that regard I may have enjoyed earlier games more as I might have related better with the characters and worlds they featured. So maybe factor that into your decision as well.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan That’s a good point. If I recall correctly, one of the first worlds in the original was Alice in Wonderland themed. I think maybe there was a Winnie the Pooh and then perhaps a Pirates of the Caribbean too…? I honestly can’t remember what I actually played versus what I have seen in trailers.

I’ve mostly kept up with Disney/Pixar output over the last 10 years, so I’m all up to date on things like The Good Dinosaur, Coco, Soul, Onward, Raya, etc. I have to admit, I’m curious how they integrate the different properties into one product. KH seems like it was a large multiverse before it was en vogue.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution At least you made up my mind to never touch the series! 😂

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Glad to be of service. 😅

The only reason the series was on my radar was because Dustin on SS likes it so much.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Yeesh, way too much on his weebish side for me. I think in that respect I'm more like Chris.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, Chris is almost the anti-weeb. 😅 But I was so glad to see him play Yakuza LAD and really enjoy it.

I’m probably somewhere in the middle. I like quirky Japanese games sometimes, but I just can’t always follow their strange storytelling.

I’m surprised Disney even consented to have all their valuable IP put into a bonkers Japanese style game series. They must have a really big market in Japan.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I'm might be more anti-weeb than Chris as I tried Judgement and I ended up not liking it at all. That has put me off trying Like a Dragon, as I've heard people have similar gripes with that game. I have zero interest in trying any of the previous Yakuza games at this point either.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah, and he even liked FF7R too and seems to be warm to FF16. Granted the modern FF games are quite westernized, but there’s something inherently Japanese there too. Yakuza (and I assume Judgment) is very Japanese. Y0 is the only game I’ve played with no English VA option.

I grew up on JRPGs and I used to like some anime from time to time, but now whenever they talk about One Piece or Naruto or Dragonball my brain just shuts off. I’m leaning more Western in my tastes as I’ve gotten older.

Some of my favorite games are Japanese developers doing Western style games though. Metal Gear Solid series/ Kojima games, Team Ico games, Resident Evil series, and of course now FromSoft games is entering my wheelhouse. Loved Nier Automata and very curious to see how Forspoken lands.

It’s funny because I think I’m least like Chris in my preferences because he loves Destiny and FPS, which I have a lot of trouble getting into and yet our favorite game of all time (or one of them) is the same — Shadow of the Colossus.


This has got me thinking…

I think we all have a few unfair gaming preferences and prejudices. So, for some people, it’s an immediate turn-off if the game is, for example, turn-based or if it’s open-world; in contrast, for some people it’s immediately a must-buy if it’s a Marvel game or a certain franchise like Final Fantasy or Star Wars, or if it’s made by a certain developer like Naughty Dog or FromSoft.

Like, for me, I have trouble getting into first person perspective games. It’s not a complete no-go, but it has to be pretty enticing to get me over that prejudice. Same goes for 2D games. Can’t seem to get over my unfair bias against them and I skip a lot of good games because of it (I haven’t mustered the motivation to play Hollow Knight for example).
And on the flip-side, I give a lot of leeway if the game is story-driven. A lot of rubbish games get a pass from me because they have a compelling story. I also have inherent favoritism toward Sony first-party and for certain licenses and franchises like Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, and Persona, for instance.

Weird how we all have unique tastes, isn’t it? 😅
Knowing one’s conscious and subconscious bias helps when determining what to play and what to recommend, but I’m constantly trying to overcome my own preconceived notions.

Apologies - Just some random end-of-week musings…. 🤔

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I'm not a huge JRPG and don't play a great deal of them. I really enjoyed Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age and Final Fantasy 7 Remake but didn't like Dragon Quest XI from last gen. I was into watching Manga (stuff like Akira) in my late teens as one of my friends use to collect them and I do like most of Studio Ghibli's films. So there is a inner weeb in there somewhere. 😂

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JudgeDredd My similar example - BioShock and BioShock Infinite. They’re amongst my all-time favorites, but are the dreaded first person shooter. But yeah, it’s good to leave the comfort zone from time to time as you might find a favorite laying there hidden in the weeds.

Another prejudice for me has been horror games. I really don’t care for the genre. But after pressing on with Resident Evil, I’ve actually found that I really like the series. I don’t think it will prompt me to start buying up every horror game now, but at least I am open to them a little more.

@JohnnyShoulder Embrace your inner-weeb! Your assignment is to play Persona 4 & 5 this weekend, followed by the Danganronpa series. 😜

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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