
Topic: Your Latest PS4 Purchase

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@CaptD yeah I’ve been making more release date purchases than ever before recently for the same reason.

**** DLC!


So I picked up Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster and Resident Evil 6 on the sale recently. Iam more then happy with these purchases. Think this was as a good deal.

[Edited by oliverp]



@oliverp nice dude, hope you enjoy starting your FF journey and finishing your RE one 👍

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Yeah it will be intresting to see if I manage to get into FF. I think it will take a little while becuse I want to finsh some things first in the game that Iam currently playing.

[Edited by oliverp]



After selling my launch ps4 back in 2018 for not using it( stupid on my part I know), my buddy gave me his ps4 pro for free since he wasn't using it and upgraded to a ps5. Got it at the end of last week. He had 2 controllers and all I needed to do was grab a charging cable.

Much to my surprise, I figured out my previous login. Had some digital games on my account, and even $3 dollars to spend lol. So needless to say, I've been on a slight kick buying all the ps4 games I didn't have originally, and some games that launched after I sold it.

With that said, I've picked up the following since Thursday..

  • FF7 remake $27 physical
  • Spiderman $20 digital
  • Miles Morales $20 physical

All for $40 on playstation direct which is surprisingly a great way to buy stuff, especially with free shipping

  • Uncharted 4
  • God of War
  • Rachet and Clank
  • The Last of Us Remastered

Now I need to somehow manage playing these between gaming daily on my series s and switch. Not sure which one to start with but I'm leaning towards FF7 Remake

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@NintendoByNature Hey buddy, welcome back into the fold. I have a similar dilemma, in that I have three consoles too. We manage though don't we? 😂

I’ve never really considered using PlayStation direct but those are some good deals, you’ve piqued my interest 🤔

You've certainly got a solid lineup to set you off there, I hope you enjoy FFVII. Feel free to add me on PSN, It's always great to have new people on my list and trophies to browse and maybe hook up on a game or two.

have fun!

[Edited by AgentCooper]

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel yea, it'll be cumbersome. I've been wanting to play FF7 Remake since it's launched but haven't had a system to play it on. Out of all those games I mentioned, that's the one I've wanted the most, so I'll probably start with that. Spiderman a close second.

I never used playstation direct either but I couldn't pass up those deals. $40 for those 4 titles is a massive bargain.

For sure, I'll add you the next time I fire it up.



Dropship commander (crossbuy PS4/PS5 plus supports both VR headsets, can also be played flat).
Very much a budget title and a lunar lander clone. Pretty bad reviews on PSN but I played a few levels in flat and in VR1, seems good to me. I gave it a go as I liked their Awesome Asteroids.
Just under a couple of quid in current sale.



Gnosia, Shantae & The Seven Sirens & Rune Factory 4 Special

Can't wait to try Gnosia. I've been been interested in it since @Ralizah's review for the switch version over two years ago so I'm very happy it finally got ported over to PS4/5.

I really enjoyed Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero last year so looking forward to trying a game in the series with Shantae's typical Metroidvania style.

And for Rune Factory 4... I've heard that it doesn't revolve entirely around farming and that it also has combat and even some light monster raising mechanics so... Hopefully I'll enjoy it!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow Nice haul! Gnosia requires a bit of patience due to its inherently repetitive structure, but it's unlike anything else I've played before or since. And is the sort of thing you'd never see a bigger studio make. I love indies that push the boundaries of game design in interesting directions.

Seven Sirens is solid. It did a good job of combining the kinetic speed of Pirate's Curse with the aesthetic appeal of Shantae's animal transformations. The Monster Card equippables add a fun layer to the gameplay as well. Also, while I still prefer the sprite art entries in terms of presentation, it's a very attractive-looking game overall. It had some game balance issues at launch, but an update a year and a half after launch addressed pretty much everything with a new "Definitive Mode."

You know I've owned Rune Factory 4 on 3DS for, like, ten years, and still have never played it? I'm curious what you think of it.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


I actually re-read your review on it @Ralizah recently and sure enough, it made me really excited to try it all over again so Gnosia's definitely getting played as soon as.

Hopefully I'll have good things to say about it!

I was thinking about getting Pirate's Curse which I think is considered the fan favourite? But I'd heard about all the improvements after looking up a couple of videos about Seven Sirens and it was on sale so... I nabbed it.

I have no idea what to expect for Rune Factory 4 Special to be perfectly honest. It was a purchase purely to say I've actually tried a farming sim (Properly at least, I tried a SNES harvest moon game and was not impressed).

Was either that or Stardew... The fact it was cheaper option helped greatly

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@HallowMoonshadow I'm glad they ported it to PS4 eventually. Back when it first released in Japan, before the international Switch port, they'd planned on it remaining a PS Vita exclusive.

Pirate's Curse is the fan favorite, but Seven Sirens is similar in quality gameplay-wise. I'd say PC has funnier writing and more interesting set-pieces, but both are great games in their own right.

Rune Factory is heavier on the action-rpg side of things than Stardew is. At least based on the NDS games I played. Although you'll still want to do farming for money/social stuff, since it integrates into the rest of the gameplay.

And if you like the dating sim stuff in series like Persona, know that this element is even more pronounced here, to the point where you'll be able to marry and conceive a child with your chosen waifu/husbando.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Just bought Life is Strange 2. After finishing Before the Storm and absolutely loving the game, as well as reading high praise about LiS 2 from @Tjuz and seeing that the game is on sale now, I just had to buy it. I decided to get it on PlayStation in order to play it on my Portal as I find these games to fit perfectly on a handheld. In fact, I found playing Before the Storm on my TV a bit annoying as I just wanted to lie down on my bed and enjoy the story. Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to playing this game in the future!



Well my mom surprised me with a psvr also I bought god of war ragarock and spider man miles morales for 20 each new and when to another game store and got gran turismo sport midievil everybody’s golf vr and knack 2 and got wipeout collection digitally

[Edited by TOUGHDUDE94]




@TOUGHDUDE94 Enjoy, there are some great PSVR1 games. Wipeout is especially good.
If you have some Move controllers then Skyrim and Borderlands 2 are both good fun.
Farpoint is a good shooter, it was given away for free during covid times so you might have that.



Been a while since I’ve found any rarities at my local CeX but did manage to find a copy of Transformers: Devastation on PS4 this morning. It was a touch pricey but I’ve had my eye out for this for a few years so snapped it up.

There was also a physical copy of Berserk: Band of the Hawk which is even rarer (and consequently pricier) but as I already have it digitally it stayed my hand. Still somewhat tempted to turn back though 😅

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!

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