
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Th3solution Well, well... I've given 13 Sentinels the proper shot earlier tonight. I finished the tutorial section, so I've met about seven of the protagonists and done an equal amount of combat in the around three hours of playtime. This game is a lot! Every single chapter it just throws new characters and storylines and sci-fi tropes at you to the point I can't differentiate my left from my right thumb. I am absolutely lost as to what's going on, but I think that's probably the expected reaction so far! None of this is necessarily a criticism, but I do hope the game gets a bit clearer about the happenings sooner rather than later. The key in a narrative like this is to at least feed the player regular reveals that it doesn't become just a tsunami of the unexplained. That would get tiring eventually, and I'll admit I'm already getting to a point where I'm needing a bit more of a baseline to hold onto before too many new plots or characters are introduced. I know the title promises thirteen Sentinels, but I hope they hold off on a few of those for a bit!

That said, the main gameplay loop has seemingly opened up now with the choices between Remembrance and Destruction. Looks like I'm going to have to be alternating in-between to progress the plot, which I assumed was just going to be a forced thing like it was in the tutorial. There the combat seemed to be fairly tied into the overall narrative, which if I can decide to do that at my own pace I imagine it's not so much going forward. I hope the combat part stays more than just a wave-based RTS from now on as busywork between story elements. I enjoy the combat though and so far it's been not at all challenging, so even if not I imagine I'll get through it fairly quickly and it won't be too much of a hassle. Not like I'm going to up the difficulty there to spend more time with it!

The art style is absolutely gorgeous. I think it's genuinely some of the most beautiful art I've ever seen in gaming. The animations too are so much more detailed and bountiful than I would've expected from what is essentially a fancy visual novel in its gameplay. My one complaint with it is Ms. Morimura's character design. It's... eh, a little repulsive. Now I get that Japanese art will often have overly sexualised character designs for female characters, whether it be in anime or in video games, but she sticks out like a sore thumb with the size of her melons. It's not like the character design of any of the other characters so far is quite to that level (apart from maybe the slightly too suggestive poses some have in their Sentinel portraits), so it just makes her look ridiculous. It's hard for me to take the character seriously when I'm constantly thinking about her design whenever she's on-screen, but I suppose I'll get used to it eventually. It's not like I'm a prude or anything, but I just don't think that type of art is very tasteful in these settings. At least not in what is otherwise a very serious narrative.

I'm also quite pleased with the English dub so far. I debated whether or not I should play the game in Japanese as my general rule with non-English entertainment is to watch/play it in the language it was originally created in, but I figured I probably cannot even differentiate subtitle language/audio language in this game. Besides, it's a very wordy one and playing in a foreign language definitely takes a bit more attention and energy, so I didn't want to burn myself out either if I was gonna get addicted to this. I know English dubs are often quite controversial amongst fandoms in terms of their quality, but I think this one in particular is on the right side of it all so far.

That's probably about all I've got to say for now, but I'll get back to you when I get further into the game or when more thoughts come to mind!



Maneater. It looked like a throwback to cheapo PS2 games I used to play back in the day, and... honestly, yeah, it fits that vibe. It's weirdly addicting power-leveling my shark by flipping around the ocean like a coked-up chupmunk as I eat humans and slam myself into the sides of their ships, murdering my way through a parade of absurd celebrity shark hunters. Underwater combat sucks, which is most of it, but, eh, I wasn't expecting a good game.

It is pretty funny when you get hunters sufficiently angry, because once enough boats are out on the water shooting at you the framerate absolutely tanks. We're talking single-digit slideshow territory.

But I'm a mutating killer shark, and the game cost me $5 on Amazon, so I'm satisfied!

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition. Yeah, got my first FF taste with 7Remake, and now I'm binge watching FF-retrospectives on youTube



I've been currently replaying these 2 games. After I platinum FF7, I plan to replay Crisis Core: FF7.

No interest in playing Deltarune, until Toby Fox inevitably releases Chapters 3-5 in the future.

Final Fantasy VII (PS4 Port, replaying on my PS5)
Undertale (PS4 Port, replaying on my PS5)

My Anime List | My Video Game Collection

Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan

PSN: KidRyan89 | Twitter:


I'm currently playing Cyberpunk 2077 1.0 (disk version) on a PS4 Slim and it's a dumb fun. I heard and saw so much horror stories about release version, but I gotta be honest, it doesn't seem unplayable to me.
It's a catastrophe in its own right, that's for sure. But I'm ~7 hours in and had only one crash. Yes, most of the time I pray when something massive happens, yes, there's a ton of hilarious bugs, yes, view distance is a joke, yes, stable framerate left the building, but game kinda manages to hold on (I don't know how, it always feels like it's gonna blow).
I don't know, maybe it will get worse later.
Also, loading times are not that bad. Save file loads in ~50 seconds which I consider pretty good all things considered.



Started up Far Cry Primal yesterday. Played it for a few hours now and it's good fun. I was a bit worried about what the story was going to be like considering the game takes place 10 000 years ago, so there are more limitations for what you can craft for a story. And it turns out the story is rather simplistic but it works. Either way, it's cool to play a game that takes place during the ice age. It's also been awhile since I played a Far Cry game, so it's nice to be back playing this series.



Looked through my backlog trying to find something to play and I settled on Valkyria Revolution. Seems decent enough so far. I'm usually a big fan of these types of action RPG'S. The nations at war story reminds me of the Trails games.


PSN: Bentleyma-


I'm 10 hours into Far Cry Primal now and the game's finally clicked with me. It happened when I could tame a sabre-tooth tiger and ride it while swinging a giant club to kill all my enemies. What an awesome game! The story isn't doing it for me but at least the gameplay loop is really fun.

[Edited by LtSarge]



Glad you are enjoying it and yes it takes a while to get going, mainly until you can tame some vicious animals.
I wasn't sure how well a Far Cry without guns would go down but surprisingly well imo, plus I think they manage to keep mixing up the gadgets and animals to keep the game chugging along pretty well.

I can't remember the story but then Far Cry stories are always throwaway and if anything it is the characters that you remember.



@CaptD Yeah the progression system is great in Primal. By the end of the game, you do feel rather powerful, especially when you're commanding a sabre-tooth tiger. I'm 15 hours into the game now and I think I'm nearing the end of the story, which is good as I feel like I'm ready to move on from this game. I've pretty much experienced everything it has to offer.

It's too bad though that the game has been freezing on me so frequently on PS5. It happens every 1-2 hours and it occurs mostly whenever I try to fast travel. It's so annoying.

I won't remember neither the story nor the characters in Primal lol. Far Cry 3 had a great story as well as memorable characters. Far Cry 4 less so but still decent enough. Primal is just plain forgettable.



Made a start on Strange Brigade on Monday. Played through the first couple of mission and wasn’t sure about it. As a massive fan of Zombie Army 4 and the Sniper Elite games, I felt a touch disappointed at first but had a proper session with it today and got right into it tbh. Really playable, nice mixture of enemies and range of puzzles, decent level design and a really cool style. It’s made me laugh out loud a few times today to be fair, good fun.

**** DLC!


It is a strange one for sure (pun intended) and you have to lean into the old 30s British quirkiness of it all. I quite liked the level design as well plus the collectibles are actually a nice distraction, rather than the usually "go here, pick this thing up" although it does have those too..
I think it is the enemies bulletsponge nature that let the game down a bit but once you find a decent weapon and some nice gems then it gets much more bearable.



@CaptD yeah the style of humour is quite rare these days I suppose but has struck a chord with me, it reminds me of an old BBC show with Michael Palin called Ripping Yarns - great show btw.

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

@CaptD yeah the style of humour is quite rare these days I suppose but has struck a chord with me, it reminds me of an old BBC show with Michael Palin called Ripping Yarns - great show btw.

That description makes it sound like it would be my thing. I should have a look.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


It is an interesting title for sure, I will say that im not convinced it has great longevity and it doesn't take too long because its charm starts to ware off and because of that it is a much more enjoyable game in coop or in short bursts.
It is often in the PSN sales and the complete edition is probably the one to go for as it isn't much more expensive than normal (when on the regular deep discount sales).



Started playing Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. It must have been over five years now since I played Saints Row IV. I'm glad that I waited to play the DLC as it feels very similar to the base game in terms of the super powers. It's simply pure fun, so I'm looking forward to playing more of it!



I bought Strange Brigade: Deluxe Edition for £3.49 yesterday (£3.99 for the base game on sale). Not bad as it includes the season pass and all the DLC. Also, as a fan of Rebellion games (Sniper Elite Serie), I find this game quite fun.


PSN: ParboldCoder

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