
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

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Cheers. I didn't have a problem with the zombie just before the bar, when you are with the NPC. I think a few people had problems here though.
The zombie that got me was the one by the metal gate, he didn't kill me but drained my health such that the lift zombie finished me off.
As for Village I bought that for VR which when played in disabled the trophies, which is nice. I'm not a fan of Mercs mode so I can't see me getting that plat even when/if I decide to play it in flat mode.

Cheers and apologies for the notifications, I wasn't aware that was happening and I'm sure it was tiresome after the fifth notification.
As for re2r, I bought that way back in 2020 I think and earned one trophy then moved back to what I was playing at the time. I haven't returned since but I did buy the unlocks dlc (which was on offer) as the platinum seemed out of my reach without it. I quite dislike the unlocks dlc model in any game and usually resist, in fact I think this is the only time I bought such dlc...that is my story and I'm sticking to it.
Although I doubt the unlocks dlc helps with 4th survivor.



@CaptD It's fine, it's probably due to my own notification settings. There were only a couple so maybe you didn't beat my times on the easier difficulties 😉.
I brought the extra dlc unlocks for RE2R when it went super cheap later on. After a few normal playthroughs there is something quite pleasing about blitzing through it with an infinite rocket launcher, who's scared now Mr. X?
You're right they don't help with 4th survivor. You have to complete it with a set inventory of weapons/ammo. With my limited attempts I realised I barely got half way and get it progressively harder as it goes. I think you need to be really good at staggering enemies with a single bullet or two and rushing past without getting grabbed. Two things I don't excel at.


PSN: leejon5

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