
Topic: General PlayStation 4 Thread

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@Octane perhaps they don't have offices at all and the development staff just use the escalators and elevators in public buildings like hot desks and do all their development on tablets.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Good news, Doods!

NIS have been busy.
They announced 3 new games for PS4 and PSVita:

-Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
-Project Nightmare
-Disgaea Remake

Liar Princess looks a lot like the Yomawari games. Project Nightmare only had a live action trailer, but it's supposedly a horror adventure game.
It's unclear whether the Disgaea remake is an actual remake or a just high-resolution remaster. The game reveals were all represented in typically weird Japanese fashion.

As a big Disgaea fan I'm made up on the possibility of Disgaea 1 on PS4/PSVita. I hope it's an actual remake that uses the D5 engine. Should be easy enough as Nippon ichi create all the major characters anyways and add them as paid DLC for every game.

Also it looks like NIS are preparing for life after Vita, as these games are also coming out on Switch (apart from Project Nigthmare).
They've been great to the Vita & it's sad to see them go.

[Edited by Fight_Teza_Fight]

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@KratosMD it's great they are trying to remake games that maybe had some great ideas but for whatever reason we're not that great. But, shaqfu, may be a game that cannot be good.


PSN: ellsworth004


@KratosMD I would love to see more of these remasters/remakes. Playing Okami on PS4 for the first time, and definitely gonna get shadow of the Colossus. Just strange anyone would remake shaqfu.


PSN: ellsworth004


@KratosMD Despite how bad the, because of that it has gained a cult folllwing. It's just like the case with a bad movie. Plan 9 from Outer Space is considered by many to be one of the worst movies ever yet it's popular for that reason, and it doesn't take a genuis to know if something is popular it will make money.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Bluepoint Games is already working on another remake of a 'classic' title (as expected). There's a job listing on their website, and they're looking for all kinds of people, but it also comes with this note:

''The Bluepoint team is preparing for our next remake of a classic. Want to be part of creating something special, a game millions of gamers are eagerly anticipating?''

It's vague, and there's a lot of remakes millions of gamers are anticipating, but it's interesting to think about nonetheless. Anyway, seeing how all of their remasters and remakes have ended up on PlayStation, I think it's safe to say that the new one will too.

I have no idea what to expect or what I'd even want though... Pepsiman remake?



@Octane Ico or the Medevil game that was announced late last year.

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PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Plausible. Although I'm not sure if ICO is the game ''millions'' of fans are anticipating. I'll take an ICO remake, I've never played the game.



@Octane Demon Souls remake. Sony own the IP & pretty much every souls fan under the sun has been asking for it.

Also the servers are conveniently closing down at the end of the month.
Maybe that's because a new game is coming... .

E3 reveal. You heard it here first, folks.

[Edited by Fight_Teza_Fight]

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If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Fight_Teza_Fight Oh yeah please that would be awesome, never played that.

[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Fight_Teza_Fight @KratosMD It doesn't have to be a Sony IP though. Bluepoint also ported Titanfall to the Xbox 360, and they did the Metal Gear Solid Collection on PS3 and 360.



@KratosMD I’d consider it a classic. 8 years old & gave birth to a genre. Probably wishful thinking. I’m a big Souls fan, but I missed out on this game.

@Octane I consider them first party in all but name- like Insomniac.
They might go & do their own thing every once in a while, but they know where their bread is buttered .

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If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Octane I think a Metal Gear Solid 4 remaster could be very big.

However, if they're working with EA (Titanfall), I think Mass Effect would be the most obvious one.



@Kidfried Definitely would be interesting to see a Mass Effect remake for PS4 since the first game never came to PlayStation. After Andromeda’s underperformance I fear it would not be as well received though. I would be on board with it though.
In looking back at PS2 classics, I wonder if a remake of Prince of Persia would ever be considered. The franchise seems to have died but I would be curious to see if the gameplay holds up to current gen standards.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I get what you're saying about Mass Effect... that (star)ship might have sailed, for now.

I'd love Prince of Persia, but with Assassin's Creed being in Egypt already, I feel like now wouldn't be the right time.

Also: please Ubisoft, hire some excellent writers, before doing anything with that franchise again!



@KratosMD I consider the PS3 and XB360 as 'retro' consoles now. Neither console is still in production and both are over 10yrs old in terms of technology. Games like Dead Space, Bioshock, Uncharted etc are considered 'classics' so why can't Demon Souls? I admit Demon Souls is my type of game but its still a 'classic' of its genre. Its not just early PS3/XB360 titles either that are 'classics' - Red Dead Redemption is a 'classic' too. I know a lot of classics can be played on a current console via BC with XB1 but you still need a discontinued 10yr old console to play these - whether Physical or Virtual (as the XB1 uses).

I also think you can have 'Classic' games on current hardware too. The Witcher 3 for example is a 'classic' - whether it can be played on current hardware or not. Its redefined what open world action RPG's should aspire too and will be remembered for years to come. Classics don't have to be over 10yrs old to be 'classic' - especially not in gaming as it moves fast. A year is a long time in gaming...

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