
Topic: General PlayStation 4 Thread

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@Octane What in the world?? 😆
Glitching flying ships? Maybe this is an early build and it’ll be fixed before release. Looks nice otherwise, but geez, that’s pretty crazy.

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Nah, this was the review copy. The game comes out in two days. From what I've heard the bugs and glitches aren't as bad as they were in Unity, but it isn't an Assassin's Creed game without a fair share of bugs and glitches.

Anyway, previews are surprisingly positive. And it looks mildly interesting to me, so maybe I'll try it out one day.



Any open world game worth its salt has a decent set of glitches, they wouldn't be the same without them!


PSN: Quintumply | Twitter:


I had a lot of fun with Syndicate to be honest, so if this game is just as good or even better, that's fine with me. Don't buy Creed games at launch, but just wait for the next patch. That's what I did with the last couple of AC games and I had no complaints about glitches at all.



The game has already (or will receive) a day one patch - a 1.3GB patch for PS4

The Day One Update will focus on the following:
Fine-tuning the balancing of the game.
Improving performance and stability.
Reworking Photo Mode controls for better player comfort.

Interestingly, the game will have separate Audio packs that you can install individually to save space

Audio Language Packs
When launching Assassin’s Creed Origins, you will have the option to download and install separate audio language packs of your choice, available in your region. Each pack is approximately 500 MB.

There will be another Title update in Early November too which will most notably include 4K and Dolby Atmos support for Xbox One X and support of HDR displays for all platforms. There is no mention of 'Pro' support - whether it will support the Pro at launch or not or whether it will come with this update along with the 'X' support. However, those who have a HDR TV and a PS4 or Pro (or XB1s too I guess), will have to wait for this update it seems to get HDR.

Personally I have purchased for Xbox and will wait for the 'X' update before I start anyway. I think I would wait for the HDR support if I were to buy the PS4 version so I would hope that any issues were 'patched' by the time I actually start the game.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I wasn't really sold on the samurai game at first, but I'm much more interested now that I know it's an open world recreation of feudal Japan, as opposed to some cinematic action game.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Octane @Ralizah I probably would have been less excited about it except knowing it is Sucker Punch has me sold on it. Who knows, it may be garbage, but the studio does quality work, so I give them the benefit of the doubt. I think Guerrilla trying something new with Horizon and succeeding seems to bolster expectations of SP to recreate that kind of new IP success with Ghost of Tsushima.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Ralizah I've been saying for years that I want a modern take on the classic Mysterious Murasame Castle from Nintendo. Heck, even Kamiya has expressed interest in reviving the franchise!


Anyway, looks like I'm getting my game (sort of), just not from Nintendo




Housemarque, the veteran Finnish development studio behind Resogun and Nex Machina, announced in a blog post today that they will abandon arcade style games after a lack of financial success.

In a post titled Arcade is Dead, Housemarque CEO Ilari Kuittinen said that the studio will move away from their arcade sensibilities to focus on “something totally different than you might expect,” citing a lack of sales for their recent title Nex Machina. The game was a twin stick shooter developed with Robotron creator Eugene Jarvis. I liked it a lot.

“Lackluster sales of Nex Machina have led us to the thinking that it is time to bring our longstanding commitment to the arcade genre to an end,” Kuittinen said. “While this genre will always hold a special place in our hearts, the industry is moving more toward multiplayer experiences with strong, robust communities.”

Ugh. That's too bad. Their games are some of the best arcade-esque experiences out there.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Seems like Activision are putting that Microtransaction patent to good use...


Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Fight_Teza_Fight Not at all - at least not in this case. All this is, is similar to Destiny's tower - a social hub where you 'can' buy loot crates but also access any loot crates you have earned. Its similar to Destiny's tower where you can go to the cryptarch and decrypt engrams that 'everyone' in the tower can see what you 'found' or go to eververse and buy bright engrams and decrypt those so everyone can see what you earned. In other games, like the previous cod's, you just opened up a menu to buy loot crates - either with in game credits or bought credits but it was not interactive. With this 'Hub' you can be there just to test out a shooting range for example, go and prestige, see what 'rewards' you have earned through play and cash in credits for loot crates - whether you bought them with 'real' money or not.

Its NOT a competitive arena - which is what the patent was designed for. The purpose of the Patent was to put you in a match with either players on your team or against you with Loot box weapons in particular (something WW2 won't have at launch) so you get to see how well it performs, how beneficial it is to make you want to buy it. The other aspect is to put those with the weapon into lobbies with 'noobs' to make them feel more powerful, make it seem that weapon is more impressive to give them a false sense of 'happiness' at buying that particular weapon or spending that much money to acquire it.

That patent only applies to matchmaking for competitive play. You have Skill Based Matchmaking - which will try to put people of a similar level (like those with 2.0 K/D's together) regardless of whether its the 'best' internet connection for those players too. This 'patent' also does something similar but instead of picking players of the same 'skill' level, its picking players with DLC weapons and putting them with players that will most likely spend real money on loot boxes but haven't got those weapons yet. They wouldn't put those players, like me for example who has 'never' purchased any loot crates, with those people that have the weapon as they know it would more likely create an issue (like pay to win complaints) instead of filling game lobbies with people that are 'closest' to each other so get the best gaming experience. What this is trying to do is put those that spend the odd £2-5 fairly frequently with those that have the best weapons so that those people that spend, spend more ad more in pursuit of these. It has NO baring in a 'social' non-competitive space at all.

All the above is doing, is making things like loot boxes - whether purchased with real or in-game earned currency - a more interactive experience than just going to a menu, like prestiging was too but now a 'social' experience and everyone in that 'hub' will see you prestige - like being awarded a medal in front of your peers instead of just clicking a few buttons. Like I said, the hub is like Destiny's hub where you can go and get engrams decrypted, purchase mods, cash in tokens, etc as your character instead of doing all of that in a 'menu'.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy I see. Guess my problem with this is that this encourages/tempts other players to do the same.
I don't have a problem with it as long as it's out of sight and doesn't offer a competitive advantage.
I think AAA gaming has crossed the line. I just wonder what it is going to take to upset the apple-cart.
Dauntless is actually going to get rid of their loot boxes following all the controversy so there is hope.

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Fight_Teza_Fight Personally I would prefer Loot boxes to be removed totally from all but F2P games. The point of Activisions Patent though was to change how competitive matchmaking was handled but te situation above is not a 'competitive' hub but a 'social space'. In the past, if you reached max level and wanted to prestige, you just go into your menu, click on 'prestige now' and follow the on-screen prompts. Afterwards, jump back into the MP lobbies. Same sort of thing with purchasing loot crates - whether earned in-game or purchased with real money.

What this 'hub' is offering though, is a more 'interactive' way of prestiging - you go to a 'captain' and he awards you your 'prestige' and those in the Social space see that you have earned your prestige. Its basically taken all the aspects that you would do 'privately' in menus and made it more a social and interactive event. Its like 'Destiny' and cashing in your 'engrams' in the tower essentially. In CoD, that would be hidden behind some menu option to decrypt rewards instead of visiting the cryptarch in a social space. In CoD, you did visit a special character, but it was always a 'private' thing and hidden behind a menu if you wanted to get your Loot box. Don't forget you can earn loot boxes in-game too. Now they have moved that 'character' to a social space and made the experience more 'interactive' - you actually have to move your character to the person selling loot crates, like going to visit the captain to prestige or some other character for some other reason - as if you were in WW2 and headed back to 'barracks' for a break from the fighting to pick up your post, get your promotion etc.

There is no indication though that Activisions patent for multiplayer matchmaking based on loot is applied to CoD:WW2. It probably won't be at launch for certain as the loot boxes are purely cosmetic (at launch). The purpose of the patent was to ensure that those with loot box weapons were placed in specific lobbies to either tempt others to spend money to try and get those weapons or to make those who had spent money on getting those weapons feel like it was 'worth it' and therefore 'spend' more money to get more weapons. As NO weapons are currently in loot boxes and the 'Hub' is only Social (not competitive), this patent has absolutely NO impact on CoD:WW2. It may make it seem 'cooler' to buy Loot crates - seeing them 'dropped' from a plane like a care pack but the patent was purely for competitive matchmaking and only for 'weapons' so its not applicable to CoD:WW2 - at least not at launch.

As I said, I totally agree that Loot boxes should be removed - at least those that can be bought with 'real' money. I don't have an issue with loot boxes as a 'reward' for in-game play and only purchased with in-game currency that can ONLY be earned by playing (not topped up with real money). I think its a 'good' incentive for games to keep gamers playing and nice random rewards - purely cosmetic of course - never hurt anyone. I do object though if they are more than cosmetic and purchasable with real money. Whilst this game, at launch, may not be implementing that Patent, and certainly not in the social hub as that is non-competitive and therefore not applicable, that doesn't mean that later down the line, if/when weapons are added, the patent isn't applied.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


THQ Nordic has acquired Experiment 101 and with it the Biomutant IP. These guys seem to have some seriously deep pockets. They are buying IP after IP.
I hope they don't crash and burn as I'm a massive fan of Darksiders.

Also in sad news Hiromi Tsuro passed away. Japanese voice actress that most notably provided her voice to Naomi (MGS), Julia Chang (Tekken), Bulma (Dragonball ) and Reina (Yakuza ).

Her last words in DBSuper as Bulma:

[Edited by Fight_Teza_Fight]

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@WanderingBullet Kamiya wants a lot. Too bad they're stuck with developing licensed games, or co-developing with Nintendo and Sony. It's been a while since they made something on their own.

I'm not sure if Capcom would ever greenlight an Okami sequel though...


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