
Topic: Crash Team Racing

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You know, instead of adding microtransactions, the online could have been improved. It still has the same issues it's always had. Priorities, I guess.

And yeah, I had the new decal for the champion kart (which I'm surprised I got, thought I wasn't close to top 5%) for whatever reason.

"We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt." -Victor Sullivan
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -Solid Snake

PSN: HeartBreakJake95


The star Nitros oxide skin has appeared in my game today as a CPU character in a single player offline race...

For some reason I thought that none of the Nitros oxide edition exclusive skins would even appear in the game (apart from online) if you didn't have that version. It's giving me serious fomo but maybe it's appearance means it's due for the pit stop? Maybe? No probably not lol

See ya!


So after a lot of practice, I finally managed to unlock this guy:


There's still two bonus tracks that I haven't beaten Tropy's time on yet (Twilight Tour and Prehestoric Playground). I'll attempt them another day.

After that, I'll be mostly done with this game, but could pop back in and try any new tracks, and unlock more new characters in another grand prix (only if they're easy to unlock). As cool as it would be to attempt to beat adventure mode on hard and get gold and platinum relics and do Oxide's time trials, trying them would be too tedious for me.


Congrats @crimsontadpoles !

For me it was Oxide station that was the bane of my life getting N.Tropy considering you have to actually have to beat his time to just unlock his ghost on that track. Really silly decision there.

Forget those Oxide times though. Whilst on a few tracks I've actually already beaten his time somehow I'm not bothering with 'em to get the Tropy skin

I might try and get the platinum paint though... On easy which apparently has slightly easier Platinum relic times ha ha

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@crimsontadpoles well done well done! I only managed to get n tropy on Friday and i only beat his ghost by a fraction of a second on tiny temple to do it...

That being said even as late as the beginning of last week I was thinking how n tropy would be impossible for me to get and lo and behold he is finally mine. It encourages me to get the digital skin and platine paint job....

So far I've done the N. Oxide time on oxide station (I did it "straight" after I got n tropy while i still had it memorised, I say straight after but it probably took me an extra hour lol), mystery caves which took me about 6 hours, thunder struck which was surprisingly easy and n gin labs, which I decided to do the glitch on to get the n. Oxide and platinum relic time before it got patched (don't judge!). I still feel like tiny temple is going to be impossible to beat n.oxide on but every bit of progress encourages me to go that extra mile!

Unfortunately I "accidentally" started doing sewer speedway late last night and ended up staying up all night and I'm still a second away from beating the n. Oxide time

See ya!


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I didn't notice that with Oxide Station, but have noticed that some of the times are quite weird and inconsistent. On some tracks (such as Turbo Track) I could beat Tropy's time straight away, and then even beat Oxide's time while racing Tropy's ghost. On other tracks, it could take me lots of attempts just to unlock Tropy's ghost.

@ralphdibny Oxide will be super tough to beat, but if you keep trying and slowly beating your best times then it'll be possible. Tiny Temple was a tricky one for me to beat Tropy on as well, as he keeps his blue flame rather far into the lap.


Most of the Nitro Kart tracks are really easy to beat the times for (Except Tiny Temple and Out Of Time) like as if the ghosts are going by the slower gameplay of Nitro Kart in my opinion @crimsontadpoles

Deep Sea Driving is a bit of a toughie too thanks to the randomness of the blades (But even Oxide messes up there)

Considering one of the challenges a few days back was to beat your own time on a track it's another reason why I'm not bothering with the Oxide times... that way I can still somewhat accomplish those... No way in hell can I do stupid pixel perfect runs

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


I have a renewed vigor to do these oxide times and I feel like I'm in a good groove, apart from the aforementioned, I have now completed all the times from cash Cove up to Coco park, digital n tropy shall be mine! Then all that will remain is the platinum relics and the grind for the pit stop...

Oh yeah and the hard mode trophy but I tried it the other day and got my rear end handed to me on crash cove so maybe that will be impossible 😩

See ya!


The N.gin labs shortcut isn't patched @ralphdibny by the way ... Just did it in single race with Zem finishing the track in 1:29

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy aww thanks! I have already taken advantage of that shortcut! I have 4 CTR tracks left to do, bit stuck on dragon mines at the moment. Then I have all but one of the CNK tracks to do !

See ya!


I've just been using it to farm coins seeing as I don't play online and to unlock the recolour skins @ralphdibny 😅

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy omg that's such a good idea! I've been using android alley like a numpty, I'll have to work out the wumpa per minute ratio of that track!

You're doing the exact same as me, farming wumpas and recolour skins! Glad there is someone else out there as sad as I am lol

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Wellllll I've only been playing the game for like an hour a day if that whilst doing the challenges to make sure I get the Kart unlock... So I haven't actually done it that much @ralphdibny 😅

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy haha yeah yeah me too 🙄 but seriously I normally just play the online multiplier which can take an hour all in with the wait time between races, and I do the nitro too until I've reached the end of the track (which I have now, so now im just spending hours on the blimmin time trials!)

Holy moly if I've calculated it correctly then the offline wumpa harvest for n gin labs is something like 37 wumpas a minute! Without a glitch, android alley only pays out 20 wumpas/minute

Edit: (so as to avoid an unlawful bump)

I have just today managed to get the relic platine paint job and beat hard mode to get the platinum trophy! And the other day I managed to get digital n tropy so I am chuffed. It's weird that all that stuff seemed impossible even as recently as a week or two ago. Now I am just farming the coins on n gin labs as @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy suggested partially to save up for the spyro grand Prix and also to clear the rest of the non event items from the pit stop! The end is in sight!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!



So the "Spyro"mobile is basically just a recoloured batmobile right?


I got Hunter and the spyromobile kart already thanks to the coins I already had from the last time I played.

I got Spyro too seeing as he's fairly easy to unlock in the grand prix,

Once I get the Dragonfly car and Gnasty Gnorc (i guess) i'm just not gonna bother with the Grandprix stuff (or the game beyond the odd race)

Not that I have the time now anyway seeing as I'm back at work but still

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy bat-spyro! I'm nearly there with all the new pit stop items, it's mainly the decals that I am waiting on to cycle round....

There's a new place to farm wumpas by the way, since n gin has been patched...

It's dingo canyon. You can do a full race in under 20 seconds once you get used to it so you can earn between 70 and 105 wumpas a minute (allowing for mistakes). Took me an hour to work out the best way to do it but it's really worth it if you want (comparatively) quick offline wumpas...

There's also one in electron avenue but I think it is too hard to do reliably every time...

See ya!


New characters coming for the Halloween event: Nina Cortex, Komodo Moe and N Brio.




@AdamNovice nice!!

I've finally unlocked everything in the pit stop so missing stuff for me is:

Tawna pink paint job
Fake dinosaur head stickers

The American sweets promotional items
Car/paint job/stickers wheels

I don't know how to get these being a Brit :/

And of course the Nitros oxide edition bits and bobs, I mean how can you decide whether you want extra rubbish before you even play the game?!? (I definitely want it now lol)

See ya!


Oooh N.Brio and Nina? Nice. Best get round to playing it again soon

And @crimsontadpoles that's some nice information! Still too grindy for my liking but better then nothing I guess

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"

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