
Topic: Crash Team Racing

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I'm surprised there isn't already a thread for this...but I guess if the topic isn't popular then it will get locked anyway!

How are people doing in the Nitro Tour? I'm currently in the top 5% but it's a pretty wide margin now because of the amount of players on it

As of 7/7/19 the championship leaderboard has 282, 592 players which means the top 5% have to be ranked higher than 14,121.55 and the nitro leaderboard has 689,284 players so the top 5% have to be ranked higher than 34,422.8. (I hope my maths is right)

I thought I had no chance at getting that champion kart but I calculated it on a whim and was very surprised so hopefully I can keep it up for 21 more days....

I'm trying to spend my wumpa coins only on grand Prix items while they are available but keep getting tempted by cool non grand Prix skins like the robot cortex!

See ya!


I've been enjoying this so far. Most of the tracks are interesting and fun to race around. The game took me a lot of practice to get used to it, but I'm fairly decent on medium difficulty now.

As for the grand prix, I've been keeping up with the daily challenges and doing all the ones that don't require online multiplayer. Surprisingly I'm currently in the top 5% for nitro points. Presumably most players aren't bothered about doing the challenges every day.

I'm not sure whether I'll keep up with the grand prix or not. Daily challenges along with items costing a lot of wumpa coins (both GP and regular items) makes this game feel too tedious and grindy for me, and puts a damper on what's otherwise a good game.

[Edited by crimsontadpoles]


@crimsontadpoles I agree with the grind putting a dampener on it but I sort of like the huge amount of content to unlock in game. It's a breath of fresh air in the age of microtransactions. Watch me eat my words when they introduce premium currency/lootboxes/battle pass though lol. I hope they don't but I don't see how the online content is sustainable for them, at least past the currently announced grand Prix events. I think Activision would sour the goodwill gained from releasing this and the crash/spyro trilogies by pulling a stunt like that however.

The game reminds me so much of Mario Kart though, especially compared to other kart racers like sega all stars that felt much more arcadey than mario kart. The amount of stuff to unlock reminds me as well of mario kart Wii, which I spent ages getting 100% by unlocking everything, getting gold all over my license (can't remember the terminology), doing time trials etc. I wish mk8 had similar amounts of unlockable content but it seemed paltry in comparison. I feel like the platinum relics and possibly the time trials in CTR are going to be impossible for me though...we shall see

See ya!


@Chaoslink1 have you done it on turbo track/slide coliseum/retro track? I guess some of these might contribute to the CTR tracks.

Otherwise well done on beating N. tropys times! I am shockingly bad at the time trials and can barely even unlock n tropys times on some tracks let alone beat them!

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah I have done it on those 3 tracks as well so yeah I don't know. I'm gonna try beating him again on some stages and hopefully he will unlock.

Also thank you After many hours of playing, I really just got the hang of the drifting and finding good shortcuts and I find time trials are much more fun than the relic races because you don't have to think about hitting most of those time crates and planning a route in your head while also trying to drift well

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PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 lol I think I'm the opposite! I have 4 gold relic races left to get 101% and the hot rod oxide costume. They are frustratingly fun but I don't think I have any chance of the platinum relics (thankfully no content/trophies are locked behind them as far as I know).

I think I'm going to have to look up guides for the time trials....I hear there's something about sacred fire and ultimate sacred fire :S, no wonder I hardly ever win online!!

See ya!


@ralphdibny I did also get all the gold or better relics for all the CTR and CNK tracks, surprisingly the CNK tracks were much easier as I got loads of platinum relics and I often missed more than 10 crates. But the CTR levels were much harder to get gold on so it took me more effort, altho i've been doing them all on medium so no idea what it's like no hard lol.

And yeah the drifting is so much more deep than I anticipated, because whenever you get a big boost from a boostpad, boost item or your third drift boost, you can keep that boost going by doing more well timed drifting but its very hard to master.

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PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 I look forward to losing the next 2 and a half months of my life to it....(end of the spyro cup I guess)

Also I've just got the relic gold paint job for doing the last golds so I am guessing there is a relic platinum paint job I am going to have to step up my game for!

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah there is a platinum paint job, i dont think i'll be going for all the platinums tbh lol and then there's Nitro's Oxide's ghost times which I definitely don't think im up for I also don't know what you get for that besides a trophy..

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PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 you have inspired me to tackle the n tropy time trials, 5 down so far and 13 to go! About to start turbo track and my hands hurt...

I just had a thought, I think you don't unlock oxides time unless you actually win against n tropys ghost, but I'm not sure if you'd still get the star if you beat his time without racing his ghost...

Maybe check to see if the oxide ghosts are unlocked for each level, maybe the character unlock is tied to that, if there's no oxide ghost then maybe race n tropys ghost on that level again and see what happens.

Just a random thought (and I'm not sure how well I've explained it) but it might be it!

Edit: you won't get the star unless you beat his ghost, I just beat his time before unlocking his ghost on turbo track... No star

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah I noticed that it doesn't count as beating him when you get a faster time, you always have to race against him, altho even if you lose the race, your fastest time will still count as beating him I believe. Point is, when there's a star next to the track name, it should mean you've beaten him on that track and for whatever reason, the game just decided not to give me N. Tropy... :/

My favourite games:
Retro games, Modern games, all AWESOME!!!

PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 hmm that's interesting, maybe that's what has caused the bug then? The fastest time counting as beating him even if you haven't physically beat his ghost? Can you remember which track(s) that's happened on?

Edit: I just tried to replicate that on tiger temple, looks like you have to beat the ghost to get the star

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@JohnnyShoulder I'm not really surprised either, I know crash and spyro have been multiplats for donkeys years but playing remakes of the originals on PlayStation hardware just feels like they're "coming home" so to speak. I considered switch versions but it just feels right on psx.

Though I might have to get the Japanese n sane trilogy on switch... The PlayStation mascot on a Nintendo console published by Sega?!

See ya!


Blimmin heck, one of today's challenges is to clear tiny arena without hitting a boost pad, might have to skip that one....

See ya!


I just finally unlocked N. Tropy after beating the last Nitro Kart track I hadn't beat him on yet, turns out you do have to beat him on all tracks excluding bonus tracks Finally! :')

My favourite games:
Retro games, Modern games, all AWESOME!!!

PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 ahh well done! I thought it might be the case because it says beat all of n tropys times or something but I wanted to confirm it first. Sadly I can't even unlock his ghost on oxide station!! Any tips for it? What character did you use?

See ya!


@ralphdibny I find using any character with the speed stat maxed out helps a lot, it takes some time to get used to lesser good turning but you can always brake turn if you have to by letting go of X for a bit while pressing square to make some turns a bit sharper. Those characters are also really good for drifting on straightaways because of their low turning and you definitely want to drift as much as possible. Oxide station can be quite tough indeed but it’s all about hitting most of the boost pads and drifting whenever possible. Remember, you can keep the big boost from the boost pads if you keep drift boosting consistently after getting a big boost

My favourite games:
Retro games, Modern games, all AWESOME!!!

PSN: Chaoslink1 | Twitter:


@Chaoslink1 nice cheers, I'll have to give it a serious go soon.

I think I've only got 3 sets of nitro tour exclusive wheels left to get out of all the new content, bit concerned that none of them have showed up over the last few days! I'm hoping they appear in the pit stop in the remaining 6 days, but otherwise I think I have the new cars+their decals, the skins (tiny biker, crash biker, test dummy n gin, painter dingodile, pharoah cortex) and all the paint jobs/flags/ sure that's it but if anyone thinks I've missed something then let me know!

See ya!


The new grand Prix is here! Played a little last night before the update and got some nitro but it doesnt seem to have registered on the page since the update. No sign of micro transactions yet.... hopefully I can get all the content because I won't be paying any more for this game!

Oh yeah and I already seem to have the back n time decal unlocked for the champion car :S, has this happened for anyone else?

Edit 2: and there seemed to be a tawna pink paint job with the words back soon over it! How can it be back soon if it was never there in the first place?!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!

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