
Topic: The Boost Thread: GTAV, RDO etc...

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Good show. I too will install it.
Just a footnote, I do have the season pass, I think there are a few levels in the dlc which I haven't played yet. Also I would like to try for the hardest difficulty (dlc) trophy, the game is generally a bit difficult imo but i think there is a trick and that is get to the last checkpoint on whatever difficulty and then restart on hard difficulty so a bit like the various glitches in Zombie Army....if no one is up for that then no bother.



@Bundersvessel and myself are gonna be serving up some liber-tea via the original Helldivers this coming month, let me know if you’re down for force-feeding democracy through the top-down twin-stick curriculum to the inhuman masses.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@CaptD aye I’d imagine there’ll be more than a little of that tbh… so #nokicks in advance ✌️

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore @CaptD Excellent stuff, when would be a good time to start together? I’ll try and have a little look solo this week to get a feel of it. Would a set day and time be best?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Bundersvessel @colonelkilgore @CaptD Would love to join you guys but I didn't do too well getting time on RF so will have to see as I'm really interested to see how it compares to HD2. I'm only one trophy away from the plat on HD2 now 😎



@Bundersvessel yeah I’m gonna try and get some time in on it solo sometime over the next week myself. Wednesdays are always good for me as it’s my day off… but I should be able to make most days if I’m honest, I know @knobbly_truck is keen to get involved also, so I’ll put a group together and we can work out the details.

@render I don’t think this will be something where you’d have to commit in the way Red Faction: Guerrilla required tbh (thank gawd!), so you’d be more than welcome to get involved as and when you’re able mate. I’ll add you to the group anyway and we can take it from there. Good luck on that final HD2 trophy btw 👊

**** DLC!


Wondering if anyone would be interested in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhatten. There are a fair few co-op trophies where you need 4 of you, each playing one of the titular mutant turtle ninjas of teenage years. It’s by Platinum Games, so will be a tough old plat but would normally play like butter. It reviewed very poorly at release but does seem to have built a cult following in the subsequent years, particularly in co-op.

Only problem is, it’s highly rare… and very pricey. That’s why I’m a bit reticent myself to pick up the game without knowing if anyone else would be interested.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


I’m looking for players for a co-op trophy on MLB The Show 22. Apparently the plat is super easy and only takes around 5 hours but the online is dead and there’s a trophy to start one co-op game… would take no more than 5 minutes. So if anyone is interested let me know.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

I’m looking for players for a co-op trophy on MLB The Show 22. Apparently the plat is super easy and only takes around 5 hours but the online is dead and there’s a trophy to start one co-op game… would take no more than 5 minutes. So if anyone is interested let me know.

I actually managed to find a 2-on-2 co-op game in the end, so got the trophy in the end. If anyone else is having issues though let me know as i’ll have the game installed for a while yet.

**** DLC!


Hey trophy boosting peeps,
After a couple of Dead island riptide and Dying light 2 trophies.

DL2 - Kill 100 zombies with 2 other players.

Dead island riptide - Dream team. Finish all MAIN quests (28 of them) with other player(s) plus Mark 100 zombies and have them killed by other players.



FYI. Apparently the final assault is underway in Helldivers. Not sure if I will be able to participate as I don't know whether this is a 48hr thing or that 2hr thing.



@CaptD yeah I put a few missions in as the attack began, then another 4 just now (it is 48 hours btw)… but I’m a bit miffed tbh as we had some yellow on the board around the time I did my first attack missions and then when I logged back on an hour or so later we were back to nothing 🤬

**** DLC!


@CaptD @colonelkilgore I noticed the same last night and it literally happened between two games. I'll put some more time in today and hopefully we can push this one over the line.



@render yeah it’s a bit annoying really, considering the difficulty we’ve had getting this thing over the line the last 3 months.

Anywho, yeah I’ll be chipping in as and when I can… looks like I might have a relatively quiet day so I should be able to get a fair few in 🫡

**** DLC!


@CaptD ooh nice, well I’m off work atm so let me know if you fancy playing it 👍

**** DLC!

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