When Sony re-revealed PS Plus Extra and Premium earlier this week, we saw a lot of people asking whether the classic PS1, PS2, and PSP titles included with Premium would include Trophy support. The digital trinkets system has become an integral part of PlayStation gaming since it was introduced back in the PS3 era, and some would argue that without Trophies, playing games just isn't the same.
Sony didn't mention Trophies at all in its aforementioned re-reveal, which had us thinking that the classic games simply wouldn't support them. But then just a few days later, Sony Bend confirmed via Twitter that the old games can indeed be retrofitted with Trophy support. Its very own Syphon Filter will even come with a Platinum Trophy when it launches on PS Plus Premium.
The response to this confirmation has been hugely positive, begging the question of why Sony didn't just say that some games will have Trophies in the big info blowout. But we're not here to discuss the Japanese giant's marketing — we're here to ask whether you care that much about having Trophies in classic PS1, PS2, and PSP games.
So, if these games didn't have Trophy support, would you play them? How about not having a Platinum? Vote in our poll, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 116
Where is the "classic games do not interest me" option?
Trophies would be a plus but if I get to play The Getaway and Black Monday then im playing them regardless.
It's not a huge deal but it'll be nice to have some.
I have been getting trophies since they were introduced 14 years ago. At this point all games should have trophies and tbh i would feel less motivated to go back to old games if they didn't have any. I wasn't interested in the higher tiers of plus but will give it a go at some point if all these old games incorporates them.
Theirs to many modern releases to replay these games without trophies. I went from passing on the Premium tier to wanting it now just off the news of Bend announcing Syphon Filter would have trophy support.
People that won't play games without trophies are just odd and missing out on a lot of great games
Yes it does.playing syphon filter with trophies make a retro games feel really good.i just love the sound of the 🏆 trophies anyways.word up son
Maybe not, but it would be really really nice
I think it can be a good and bad thing. On the one hand being able to get trophies in games like Metal Gear Solid and The Legend of Dragoon would be really cool, but on the other having to add trophies means that it’ll take longer to release new classics.
@MFTWrecks I'd assume you wouldn't have even clicked on the article if that was the case.
To this day I still do not get the appeal of trophies, I couldn't care less if classic games don't have trophy support
I dont even care if modern games have trophies. If they removed them entirely i wouldnt even care.
I absolutely don't need them, but if they are included in a classic that I love I'll definitely go for the platinum.
Absolutely not needed but a nice bonus.
No. I don't care about trophies they are cool if I happen to get them but not a priority.
Honestly, I just want a good selection - the ability to play these classic games - and enhanced performance. Trophies are a nice bonus in my opinion
It wouldn't stop me playing it, but it would be very nice. Sadly as much as I want to not care about trophies I do.
I couldn't care less about trophies. They're often bad asking us to get bored playing in modern games for some instant recognition, imagine for classic ones!
If adding trophies slows the progress of adding more classic games then no.
Anyone who refuses to play a classic game because of a lack of trophies is the type of person who has not, and probably never will kiss a girl (assuming they are a male)
@Katsuhono some people like to fully complete everything a game has to offer. Trophies persist a record of that accomplishment that isn't tied to your save file and is viewable from outside the game.
I'm a big retro game fan and trophies make little difference to me, so I'd play these anyway. If this encourages more people to play and by extension we get more games then great
As sad as it sounds, they do for me. Ps1/ps2 graphics are so bad, they're hard to stomach (ps3 games are absolutely fine), so the trophies give a nice motivation to play a few old games all over again.
I love a lot of older games regardless but just having the achievements in RetroArch made me fully appreciate a lot of games.
I still want to see a real scientific study done about the personalities that require trophies and those that don't. They're obviously a mountainous difference in the two groups psyche's. But I wonder what else it may mean for each group.
@Deljo How so? All PS games starting in 2008 were required to have trophy support, so what exactly have I missed? This service and legacy offerings are brand new. There’s only so much time in a day, and most people have backlogs. If a legacy game doesn’t have trophy support, there are no lack of great games to play that do.
Not necessary, but an excellent incentive!
Considering I've turned off notifications for my PS trophies I really couldn't care less.
Doesn't bother me if they include them for people who care, but to not play a game because of a lack of trophy support sounds alien to me.
@DefiledViper well if trophies are that important that you won't play a game without them I can name hundreds from nintendo etc that you'll have passed on...
my interest in these old games were never trophies to begin with, I'll absolutelly go for the plat in something like the original Abe's Exoddus, but I wouldnt care much if it weren't there
Would I play the same old games with no additional content/challenges from the devs? Rarely. For some exceptional games perhaps, but without the new content/tasks, and how it plays into the whole metagame, I really doubt I’d replay many. Give me new tasks and ways to experience the games I’ve already played though and that could induce me to do so.
When you also consider that other games have them it would be hard for these old games to compete.
Trophies would be an incentive to replay them again, but I don't necessarily need them to play. They're nice to have but I wouldn't cry if they didn't exist on all games. Why did we play games before trophies/achievements were a thing? Oh, because they were fun and/or had a gripping story worth revisiting.
@ATaco Omission of data does not make for more accurate data.
@Deljo You’re missing the point. There are excellent Switch games no doubt. But trophies/achievements have massive followings, even if you personally aren’t interested in them. There are simply no shortage of great titles that do offer trophies/achievements.
No, I've played them for years without trophies and I can live without them now, only focus is new games that have trophies anyways
@Danloaded Both Getaway games would be great but highly unlikely. There were so many licenced shops and brands in that game. Even businesses that dont exist now like Blockbuster and Woolworths. Old BT vans that got changed on a 2nd release. The legal implications are probably too high. Mass shootings with familiar branding in the background is no no these days. Saying that, I'd like to play them again with updated controls.
They don't need to have Trophies but having Trophies will no doubt make them more appealing to people yes, I'm sure Sony know this themselves.
Final Fantasy Tactics I'll play again regardless. But I said before, I really want it to have trophies so I can make it my 500th platinum.
Other games that I'm barely interested in, like Worms, would need trophies to pique my interest enough to give it a shot.
As someone who gamed for 20 years before achievements were a thing, and 17 years since, I can say that I now would have to seriously consider the value of a game without trophies before playing it.
When I get a game I immediately look at the trophy challenges, at what I need to achieve to get the platinum. This is another game campaign. Without this it would feel like half a game for me. Like the campaign has just be cut and I’ve only got a very linear path to follow and a much smaller game.
But I don’t see this as strange because there is quite literally less to do.
I do find it strange when people, almost smugly, state they don’t care about trophy challenges from the developers, that they ignore these, yet obviously go for all the other challenges in a game. Like, what is the difference?
thank god i don’t care about trophies anymore , i keep the notifications for them off and turn off anything related to them . they’re nice & people that hate on them are clowns , but if i turn them on again it’ll just mess with my mind
i remember hacking my xbox live achievements with third party programs and getting my score reset twice as a kid so , yeah
I'm not interested, trophies or not.
@MFTWrecks your response isn't in the scope of the survey. It's not trying to figure out if people enjoy classic games or not, it's trying to see if trophies really do make people more interested in playing old games they otherwise would not. If you'd never be interested, your response wouldn't matter because nothing they could change would make you want to play "classic" games.
@GrimWillows damn i didnt think of that. I forgot how much of that was in the game. Still surprised no one took the indicator mechanic from that game. Added alot of immersion getting from A to B
@thefourfoldroot1 That's exactly what I mean, though. We've been gaming about as long, before or after trophies. I remember the very day the trophy patch was added to PS3. But from there we diverge completely. The concept that anyone actually does put so much value in them confuses me even more than their existence. I just can't comprehend, at all, any part of the mindset you've developed for them.
I know you're not alone in it, there's plenty of people that seem to, but I can't comprehend it. I don't mean "I don't like it" I truly mean I can't comprehend the thought process involved at all. It seems to me like extreme OCD. And maybe it is extreme OCD. But I'm a pretty OCD person myself, yet that doesn't even appear on my radar, so I genuinely just don't know. If it were going to set anyone off I'd have thought it would be me.
To me it seems like people that need checklists to make something worth doing, and need to hear a ding or some sort of congratulatory feedback to make a thing worthwhile. Or some sort of paper trail to prove the worth of their actions. And similarly are prone to do a thing they otherwise wouldn't do due to the presence of such list or feedback. It seems very arbitrarily rigid to me. Yet I can't stand minecraft and freeform sandboxes without actual objectives to achive.....so again, you'd think I would be the prime candidate to be a trophy obsessive, right? But I'm the total opposite.
That's why I'd really love to see a personality analysis of the extremes of both sides. Someone like you that pretty much puts it as the central pillar of gaming, and me that truly can not understand at all why it exists and how anyone cares that it exists at all. I'd assume that even where we have the same opinion on a thing, our thought process to get there would be wholly different and entirely incompatible.
There's probably profound societal implications to analyzing PlayStation trophies!
If there are no trophies I rather dust off my PS2.
If it's a game I want to play, I'll play it regardless. Trophies are a nice extra feature to have and I always complete them when available, but I don't let the lack of a trophy list dictate what I play.
Classic games are great anyway but new features can make them more interestiing for new players. I grew up playing them in my consoles and will replay in their original states when feell in the mood. Recently I replay the original FF Tactics on my PS1 and was as good as I remember, absolutely masterpiece. However, I'll like to use my PS4 or PS5 to replay them at higher resolution and using the headphones for higher sound exploitation.
@MFTWrecks It's implicit in not acting in the thread 😋
Lol, yes, you are probably right in that last statement.
Obviously I can only speak from my own mind, and I cannot understand how people can differentiate between trophy challenges and, say, a sub quest in a game. They are both tasks set up by the dev. They aren’t strictly necessary, and perhaps can even be a bit repetitive, but they can also give a sense of accomplishment and progression, as well as scratch that tickbox OCD you mentioned.
I remember as a kid spending years racing my own ghosts in Super Mario Kart. I was obsessive about shaving milliseconds off of my own times. Nobody could understand how I could enjoy it, but I just did. If I’ve diverted my obsessive tendencies into something more varied, like going for all the multitudes of (trophy) challenges devs set then I’ve probably made a positive leap forward.
But if you consider the path to platinum as a game, you might understand. It is a campaign to me. And there is no difference I see between completing all tasks from a narrative campaign to see the end credits, and completing all the tasks in a trophy campaign to get the platinum. True, the narrative campaign gives a resolution to a story, but a trophy campaign encourages you to experience the varied possibilities in gameplay (as well as often encouraging you to see multiple endings incidentally).
It’s true I could just imagine my own tasks and do these things without the trophy tasks set by the dev, but then it’s also true I could write a book instead of read one; I could do it, but it takes more effort and wouldn’t be as good.
I started rambling so I’ll stop there, lol.
While I did like achievements/trophies back in the 360/PS3 days, the 3DS/Wii U and Switch eras reminded me that gaming is more fun without them.
Never cared about trophies, not hating on them their just not my thing, so this won't make a difference for me.
They have to be good lol trophy support is just a bonus
It's cool that they are there but if I am going to play a classic game it's either for nostalgia or the game is related to something I played recently like when I played Persona 3 after playing Persona 5.
of course not. why would you ask such a question in the title mate🤦🏼♂️
@Danloaded oh forgot about that. Yeah love the lack of hud. Games werevery frustrating though. Would be cool if they just re-released with all fake companies. Tbh I recently started Sleeping Dogs definitive on PS5 for £3.75. wow love the open world and systems in that. Going for the plat. Besides the Mafia series there's not much out there for real world immersion. I think Getaway has a good chance of being revived tough.
Having only recently achieved my first PS3 platinum I’ll be looking forward to getting a PS1 and PS2 platinum too
I'm a trophy-hunter and won't deny that, I love to collect the digital things, to stop sometimes and see the collection, to see and compare to other players'. That said, if I like the game and want to revisit it, I would play it even without trophy support. But yes, having trophies is a huge incentive for me.
If I'm going to go back to play an antiquated game for nostalgia's sake, or even for curiosity, the answer to the question is a loud, resounding, emphatic YES.
That said, the only game I really have ANY interest in going back and playing, should it ever be offered, would be RESISTANCE: Fall Of Man. And even then it would ONLY be for trophies if they're offered. And I say that as someone who still owns the game and a PS3.
Never understood Trophies. I play for enjoyment and to relax, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I play some games on their easiest settings for that very reason.
Trophies seem to add unneeded pressure or a cheap way for Devs to make people play the game again because they missed a trophy 15hrs into the game.
If that's your thing, than fine, I have no issues with it, but like I said, I just don't understand Trophies...
Sony are very bad at PR. They never make it clear about anything they do which forces people to press for answers for clarification.
They need a PR person on the level of Phil Spencer. When he has something to say he makes sure they can hear it on Pluto.
@thefourfoldroot1 It's not an activity I'd really do, but I can see the ghost racing thing since shaving hundredths of the time is the whole mechanic of a racing game, so that one sounds less alien to me than the trophies! Not fun to me, but it's still the game's core mechanic so it makes sense that some would do it.
It doesn't help the distinction between personalities that do and don't celebrate trophies, but to (maybe) answer the question on what makes it different from game quests.... I think the difference is how arbitrary and peripheral they seem compared to game quests. If a quest is in the game, it's literally an in-game activity. And you may choose to do it, or you may not choose to do it, it's an activity option within the game. But the devs put it in the game as part of the game, to be a cohesive part of the game. Trophies are sort of tacked on. The game doesn't provide them or reward them, the OS does. Which itself feels disconnected from the actual game experience - it doesn't live in the game's world. It's not a main activity or core part of the intended experience, otherwise it would have been part of the game proper. For me, the platform holders told studios you need to have a checklist of tasks included. So they think of a checklist of tasks and include it. Nothing important enough to put in the game, otherwise it would already be there. Or in some cases it's important enough to put in the game, so the game already has it in the game, and then you get a trophy for doing the thing the game already had you do which seems redundant. For "platinums' it gets weirder, because then you have a list of "hidden" trophies that mostly involves searching the internet for more tasks you weren't told about but know exists so you can go out of your way to do a thing that's not part of the game to fulfill the checkbox you didn't even know existed. And then there's the arbitrary tasks.
I have one, and exactly one platinum, and that's Astro's Playroom. It was fun, too short, and I figured it was a good chance to try and see what the fuss is all about for actually TRYING to platinum something and squeeze some more playtime out of it. And it will remain my only platinum for sure. It just wasn't fun. I sat there playing with my phone out finding a list from IGN or some such, going through the list of checkboxes, and fast traveling to different places, to play through it, just to do some stupid thing like "bounce the beach ball 3 times" or "skate in a figure 8" or whatever it was. I know not all trophies are so menial, but it just kind of reinforces what's so different about it vs real in-game quests. It was mostly chores to do because the list says to do them, and didn't fit with the flow of gameplay in any way. The actual in-game collectibles to 100% it are real in-game objects you haven't yet located and are hidden as part of the level design. Some of that is cheap filler, too (find 100 feathers/pages/whatever in Assassin's Creed 2....) and when it's cheap filler I ignore it, too (not obsessed with "100%-ing games unless it's a game that makes it fun to find 100% of the things.)
R&C Rift I couldn't quite get myself to complete the in-game 100% like I did for the PS4 R&C game. I loved the game but at a certain point I was just done with it before maxing out all upgrades on the Omega weapons, let alone doing menial challenges for trophies. Kena was short enough to be a viable trophy hunt, and I 100%'d the main collectables (rot, etc), but when I was done with it, much as I wished there was more to play, I was just done with it....going back for trivial tasks wasn't going to feel rewarding, it just felt like lingering too long after the party ended. Sure you can find things to do....but it's still an empty room after the music stopped. I'd find it more fun to replay the game from the beginning and experience the real progression again, or NG+ or something than just finding empty tasks to fulfill.
The closest I'll get to it is something like, within the new Kirby game (Switch), each level has all the collectibles, and certain trophy-like tasks to perform (destroy all 4 posters, slip between the boss's legs, beat the boss without taking damage.) The tasks are still somewhat menial, and I tend to hate "take no damage" or "beat with a specific weapon" type trophy tasks, but in that game the list is narrow, built into the level design, includes actual in-game unlocks (each "rescues" a captured Waddle Dee, and AFAIK getting 100% unlocks something in the town), so it's not peripheral to the actual game's systems. And it's a focused, narrow list baked into the gameplay loop of repeating specific levels to 100% them, so despite trophy-like tasks, I'm enjoying completing them. But they're still not truly peripheral like trophies are.
Ironically (relating to the original article), I think trophies probably more beneficial in old games than new games. For a new game, the game should be providing all the challenges within the game, or within the DLC, or whatever that the developers have in mind to be the core gameplay experience. But for an old game on BC, they can't go back and edit the games to add new content with new challenges and rewards, and most of the potential players already played the games in the past, so adding new goals to old games at the OS-level actually has a little value. But to add to the irony I'd think that would have more value on 8 and 16-bit console games with simple gameplay more than on anything in PlayStation's history that already had deeper, more complicated gameplay tasks and rewards. Though some early PS1 games would still benefit more than anything current.
Edit, ok, I rambled more than you!
@DefiledViper I don't think I am. The question was would you still want to play the classic games without trophies and I assume that by your response you are someone that said no. My point of view is that trophies are meaningless and I don't need validation to play a game I enjoy. Getting a platinum trophy doesn't mean that you've seen all a game has to offer, for example I recently got the platinum trophy for hfw and still had a hell of a lot of game to play. If they mean something to you then great but the question remains what did you do before they existed? Did you not bother with games as there was no way to show your mates a 'trophy collection' or did you play games like a normal person for entertainment?
“ The game doesn't provide them or reward them, the OS does. Which itself feels disconnected from the actual game experience - it doesn't live in the game's world. It's not a main activity or core part of the intended experience, otherwise it would have been part of the game proper.”
You see, I just have a different view on this. It has been coded in as an activity, imagined and designed by the developers, and just because it appears on my profile screen rather than being shown as an in game reward or piece of text saying “that-a-boy”, does not mean it isn’t just as intrinsic to the game. The fact it is shown and recorded external to the game save is a plus for me in fact.
I understand you saying certain trophy tasks seem superfluous to the main story and of gameplay in a game, but I see them as providing variety due to that. Extra tasks to go back to, which often extends interest in and so the lifespan of the game.
Ultimately, everything we are talking about is a bunch of 1s and 0s, so where a signifier appears ( say as a trophy in an in game characters house, or a trophy on my PSN profile) is 100% irrelevant to me.
“ The actual in-game collectibles to 100% it are real in-game objects ”, see, this is just a distinction I don’t understand. They are no more real 🤷♂️ They are obviously prettier, but that’s it. The fun is surely in the getting…
@MFTWrecks You’re not really needed for the poll then. It was would just dilute the other responses. I personally think we should have more stuff done like this.
Of course Id still play them without trophies. Trophies have never been more than an extra incentive to keep playing the game a little while longer, and that's not a bad thing. Cool if they're there, cool if they're not
That said, if it doesn't include a platinum, then I wouldn't bother at all with the trophies. For some reason a game not having a plat just doesn't seem worth the trouble of getting all trophies. And iirc, some of the classics on PS4 didn't have plats so it might be the same here
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
I play PS1 games on original hardware with a bulky CRT, so I don't mind playing games without them as at the end of the day they are just virtual things but would give extra incentive to revisit some old games, would rather take 60 fps over that though.
@naruball If a trophy makes you play a game you can not stand because its to ugly then i think you are totally weird. But then again you have people buy games my name is mayo for a platinum trophy so who am i to complain. If they release Legend of Dragoon ill buy it day one.
I don't need them to play them, I need them to finish them.
They definitely don't, but I think it's a fantastic bonus and will certainly encourage me to try and unlock as many as possible.
I dont give a sh... For trophys anymore for a long time. Trophys is for idiots! A true gamer play the game without trophy. Before ps3 etc why you play for? For the game!
Trophies might be cool for games I might revisit, but it's not a deal breaker.
I dont care about trophys at all and I dont understand people that do ,to be honest
I am one of those that fall into the "wouldnt care if all games didnt have trophies" but I get some like the accolades of achievements etc.
@MFTWrecks "Where is the "classic games do not interest me" option?"
There's the door.
I don't think I've ever cared about a single trophy. They Give me Digimon World, Ape Escape, Point Blank, Bloody Roar, Legend of Dragoon, Rival Schools, Kula World, Tomba, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis and Die Hard Trilogy, I'll be happy :'D
I'm surprised 20% of those polled need trophies to play a game. I understand the challenge behind trophies.it adds another element to the game, but I could care less about trophies. I would like to see another poll, if age matters with trophies. Maybe I'm just too old to care.
@Spyroescape excalty, I've played these game on PS1 decades ago, I'm not gonna play them again just to get a trophy, have nothing to hide lol
@BeerIsAwesome the saddest part though isn’t that they a digital participation trophy it’s that there’s actually people out there that strive to collect them because they see it as some form of an achievement
There's only so many gaming hours in your life and while it's nice to revisit old games either on disc or via a sub service I'd prefer the effort was spent either improving the game or on something new. Not on a reward system to keep gamers locked into the same game for longer than necessary.
I mean, it's all a mind trap regardless but don't take the piss.
@feral1975 like the mirror inside a budgie cage. It only stimulates them because they have a tiny mind
I would still play them, but trophies admittedly do give me extra motivations to play thru a game to the very end...
@NEStalgia you have a point that hidden trophies or trophies where the description doesn't say what unlocks it are dumb. How are you supposed to do something when it doesn't tell you what to do?
It varies the cohesiveness of the trophies to the game world as you put it. There are games like Valkyria Chronicles where the trophies are pretty tightly coupled to the game and the game encourages you to be good at it to earn them all. Then there are games where the game menus don't acknowledge the existence of the trophies. However I've got to agree with thefourfoldroot1 that in both cases I wouldn't consider them tacked on, rather as intended parts of the game.
Trophies don't need to be explicitly drawn by the game because this is the modern age and they can leverage the OS to do it. It's kinda like how most games don't implement their own save/load screens, they just use the one the PS3/4/5 provides, or their own on-screen keyboard or web browser.
@thefourfoldroot1 we really need that scientific study... It's amazing how radically different people's entire way of understanding the same situation is. We'll change politics forever! (After we dissect your brain for study, of course )
I wonder how many devs put trophies in because they think putting game goals in an external app enhances their game vs how many do it because the platforms force them to and people seem to demand it?
@feral1975 " a reward system to keep gamers locked into the same game for longer than necessary."
They just call that "seasons" and "dailys" in the new games...
People have spent over a century perfecting it, so unless you spend no time in any medium you're still locked in to some degree.
@feral1975 that’s 100
@NEStalgia completely. Seasons and daily’s are absolutely just as inane
@PegasusActual93 me too but only for point blank, the rest I emulate 😀
Trophies only have intrinsic worth, just tell yourself you got a trophy for beating the game.
No. There is no amount of enticement that will compel me to replay old dated games I've already played.
These games already had their time and my time. If I could go back and redo things from the past, video games would be very low on the priority list.
It’s not that I necessarily need them to play classics per se.
I would probably do a quick playthrough or spend a few hours on each title as a nostalgia trip even if they didn’t have trophies.
But I do think they need to have trophies if I’m going to be engaged with the Classics section longer than just an initial playthrough.
Without trophies I will probably sub to the Premium tier for only one month and get my fill of the classics. With trophies attached to the classics, I will likely keep the Premium tier subscription for longer periods of time.
This is just for me personally. I do like trophies and I hope they are added to alot of the classics.
I don’t care about trophies at all. If I played through a 100 hour game, and at the end it said “press X to collect your platinum trophy,” I wouldn’t bother pressing X.
I’m going to say agin, I have access to most of these games on my vita already, so the only way I would bother looking at them in ps5 is with trophy support. Vita otherwise is a far better way to experience them for me.
My Plan is to stick with just PS Plus! I don't care for old PS1 and PS2 game unless they are brought up to date! I will keep a eye on titles and any upgrades to them. Trophies could be a extra incentive to play games that old. Most of my time is already taken on PS4 and PS5 games.
The poll is a bit misleading as the bottom 3 options are all ‘No’ but just worded differently.
“ I wonder how many devs put trophies in because they think putting game goals in an external app enhances their game vs how many do it because the platforms force them to and people seem to demand it? ”
I’m guessing most, as trophies, because it’s required, but the actual tasks they would / should be adding anyway. At its most basic they actually do - so the Yakuza games, for example, will generally have trophies that require you to 100% a checklist of activities which is already in the game as a checklist, with then some extra added for beating the game on the hardest difficulty, getting through the challenge mode activities etc.
Sometimes the tasks likely wouldn’t have been added at all though, and so the trophy system provides extra challenges. For example, I’m currently playing Slay the Spire which, at its core, is quite a repetitive rogue-like. Now I’ve “finished” the game multiple times, with the only implied in game tasks of rising through the difficulty levels (ascensions). However, along with that task, to basically just keep playing normally, there are trophy tasks to go for that change up how I am encouraged to play. For example, win with 5 cards or less, win with only one Relic, beat a particular boss with a certain card, etc. This adds a great amount of variety and makes the game better.Would they have added these tasks if not for trophies. Probably not. I mean, they could have made it an “in game” labelled tasks as well as a trophy but they didn’t; could I set these tasks for myself? Theoretically. But, as I said before, that requires effort and imagination. What is wrong with having the devs set the tasks as they do already in games?
I don’t think my brain is that different from most gamers in this respect. The only difference is some gamers value all tasks set by developers (including trophies) with some of us actually treating the route to platinum as a separate campaign, whereas others arbitrarily decide that these tasks are superfluous and less “meaningful” that the “in narrative” tasks (Non gamers would find this strange because they wouldn’t really see any difference).
The big difference really would be between those of us who get the trophies when playing games and those who get games only to collect trophies. That latter group are somewhat obsessive of course.
It always occurs to me that If the “trophies” where just labelled “challenges” or something, I think people would be somewhat less sanctimonious about avoiding them (I don’t mean you, but some).
Demanding trophies for games that never had them, seems pretty weird standpoint to me.
But theres no harm in adding them if a dev wishes to spend the time.
I play games for the gaming experience, trophies are very much an afterthought. Its a free world of course, but people more bothered by trophies than the game itself have their priorities pretty mixed up imo 😁
I play games to the play the games. It's been years since I've cared about getting a trophy
The options are not great. I would play them without trophy support but trophy support would make me play them more (for example getting fast times in ridge racer will give me an incentive, or completing Einhander - which has to be announced please please Sony - or Omega Boost score or whatever).
No they don’t need trophies, but having them would encourage me to play them more.
Don't need them to enjoy some old classics. Especially if it's a game i really loved back in the day. Having trophies would help encourage me to put other games on hold and boot the game up sooner so it's not sitting in my waiting to play list
While they aren't essential it can still add a bit of fun to a game. I get there are people that only play games for easy trophies and as a result don't really play any games of much substance as they are simply spending money on cheap easy games to brag about it to others and spend every waking moment doing it.
As someone who has a reasonable amount of trophies compared to many people I know usually I will only go for most or all trophies if I have fun with the game in the first place if it is a broken mess but is considered an easy platinum I will skip it because that level of frustration isn't worth some digital trophy.
I will definitely replay some games too because of it as I am sure certain trophies will have me doing things in those games I never did all of those years ago so they can also help people rediscover older games.
Adding trophies may entice me to play games I have already done in the past, but I would have had to have loved that game, not being a hardcore trophy hunter, it’s a nice extra which I am sure lots will have fun with, but I do enjoy getting trophies
I’m what one could call an “organic trophy hunter.”
Basically I like to see the trophy icon pop as I naturally play the game. I’ll go out of my way for certain trophies as long as they are not incredibly annoying to get.
Don't need the trophies in these games but it's cool if devs want to add them.
@NEStalgia people that have to have trophies are 56% more likely to be serial killers. #science
@thefourfoldroot That's an interesting point about calling them "challenges" and you're probably right. I also wonder though if people would be interested in completing "additional challenges" so much if they weren't framed as "attaboys". I'm going to guess no, especially since I recall someone in a conversation either here or pxb once talked about not liking Xbox achievements because it doesnt have a platinum. Meaning the "prize" is the goal not the extra activities in a game. It would be an interesting experiment to see how people overall react to an "extra challenge list" that's not a set of prizes that are socially shared. Someone like you wouldn't care, but I bet it would flop.
What you described about Yakuza is kind of what I meant about the ones that actually are content that should be on the game being either artificially separate from the game or redundant because they're already in the game. I always find it strange when you do a thing in a game you're tasked to do in the game and you get two results from it, the in game result and the ding from the os. I find it even funnier when I do easy things you're expected to in a game and get a ding. It's truly funny on xb when you get a "rare achievement" with a special sound and it tells you what percentage of players got that achievement and it's like 3.4%...... And if course it's launch day for the game....
@Niktaw lol! And the knives are sorted in order of length, and always polished on Tuesdays using only a toothbrush.
“ I recall someone in a conversation either here or pxb once talked about not liking Xbox achievements because it doesnt have a platinum. Meaning the "prize" is the prize not the activity”
That is a bit strange. I do like platinums because it’s a nice little marker that the game is now “finished” and you have done all the challenges, but I was also fine going for achievements that just added to a cumulative gamerscore on Xbox. Remove the score and trophy and just have a checklist from the devs on suggested things to do and a lot of completionists would enjoy them, whereas for now they turn their nose up because they can’t get past the name and image of “trophy”.
And yes, the “socially shared” thing doesn’t really apply to me as I have no gaming friends. Although, I did enjoy challenging the wife on Astro’s Playroom when it would message about her beating my score and then vice versa, so perhaps I wouldn’t be immune to competing on trophies had I that influence.
Trophies / achievements can be diluted with pointless dings of just completing a level or something, true; and Xbox, particularly, further diluted achievements by removing them from being purely in game and adding them for things like trying Netflix for the first time or some such rubbish. I’d already move away from Xbox by then though.
I’m a bit sad that MS deleted my account because it is nice to look over your achievement/trophy history. It’s a great reminder about games you loved and challenges overcome (or yet to be overcome), which is another nice thing about the trophy / achievement system for those of us getting on a bit or who have played many hundreds of games through the years: that nostalgia hit when viewing them. As someone who enjoyed Astro’s Playroom I’m sure you’d appreciate that also.
I play games for their gameplay. Not to tick off a checklist … unless that is the game.
Trophies are fun but at this point I have so many they’re meaningless. I’ve not checked a friends profile since the PS3. It’s a shame they’re not something more useful like a profile icon so I could show them off. I get that some people enjoy chasing them and they can extend the game, but to not play a game because it doesn’t have any, especially one that was made before they existed, well you’re just doing yourself a disservice there.
I don't need them to play but having them will likely make me commit a bit more then I normally would.
One word - Yes.
Plain and simple waste of my time playing old games with nothing new to unlock
If it has them or not, I'll still play 'em.
I never understood playing for trophies anyway. I play games for fun, not for obtaining some meaningless achievement.
So, if the game is fun, yes, i'll play it.
What is the purpose of playing them via the top tier if they had no added value over the OG releases?
@savarunl Exactly...but from the PS subscription perspective, I don't really need to pay for the top tier to play for fun. I can fire up my PS1 and have the same amount of fun. Get it?
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