Sony has finally spilled (some) of the beans on its overhauled PS Plus service, just a few weeks out from its various regional launch dates. It's revealed (some) of the games that'll be available to subscribers through its new PS Plus tiers, Extra and Premium, while also giving us (some) new information on what we can expect from PS Plus going forward. On a surface level, the reaction has been a bit mixed — but it's important to note that the game lists are far from finalised.
Still, we want to know where you stand on the new PS Plus now that we know a lot more about it. We actually published a similar poll to this one back when Extra and Premium were first announced, in which 24 per cent of readers said it "looked good at first glance", while 21 per cent said that they needed more info before deciding.
In the end, things were unsurprisingly split, with 28 per cent of readers ready to commit to Premium (or Deluxe, as it's going to be known in countries without the ability to stream PS3 titles) — the most expensive tier. 27 per cent said they'd go for Extra, while 34 per cent were happy to stick with Essential — that's the existing PS Plus, just renamed.
But it'll be interesting to see whether your opinion of the new tiers has changed. Where do you stand on Premium and Extra now? Have you been convinced to up your subscription? Let us know in our new polls, and then explain yourself in the comments section below.
Comments 131
I can plug in my ps1/2/3/4 if I want to play those games, and I’ll end up buying the new games before they’re on plus often enough that it doesn’t make sense
Eh, when i have a 60gb ps3 and my ps5 next to each other. I dont need to pay to play a select few games
I get a free premium upgrade till 2024 so happy days.
If the service isn’t up to scratch by then imo then i’ll change subs.
I’m definitely interested in the Premium subscription, but it all depends on the games of course. The PS1 selection so far is a little disappointing and the PS2 games are the ones that are already available on PS4.
I’m stacked for a few years so I’m in the free upgrade group too, but if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t hesitate to join Premium.
Definitely Premium for me to start with. The service is sounding better and better the more I hear.
Depending on how the PS1 catalogue grows I might drop down to Extra, but we'll see.
I won’t be interested until it has new games that are 3 months old or less. Personally I have no interest whatsoever in replaying old games I’ve already played when they were new
No idea. Will depend on the price difference and the games. I already have an XBSX with game pass and PlayStation has been my main console for generations so I already have most PS4 and PS5 games I want so it'll have to be pretty good to get my money. If the classic game catalogue is good and it's not way more money I'd think about it.
I will try out extra as I am basically new to PlayStation. I mean I owned ps4 slim bit I mostly played Destiny on that and the only 2 exclusive games o completed were HZD and Uncharted 4. Later I sold the console coz I couldn't stand 30 fps
Once I knew they weren't going to be adding trophies to the classics. That made my decision to just stay at the Essentials level right then. The trophy support would have gotten them alot more subs for that Premium tier, but we are in the Jim Ryan era and he only cares about attracting the casual audience.
Well yes and no. Already stocked up on premium but from what we’ve seen so far it seems the service is more geared toward new PlayStation gamers. I hope we’ll see third party titles day one at some point!
I paid for Game Pass long enough to see its advantages, but also long enough to realise subscription services are not for me. Not nearly enough time to game and I like the fact that I can play at my own pace. The backwards compatibility catalogue is nothing compared to what I can play on my hacked Vita. Actually I'm going to let my PS Plus sub lapse and that will be it. I'm happy for those who will find it useful though. It's nice of Sony to make this an option.
Only reason I am subbed to Premium is because I already have it stacked. Based on what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t have. The classic part of the new tiers did not impress me at all. Hopefully there will be better games in the final launch line up.
Premium because it's by far the cheapest option for early adopters. Got years stacked already for like $30-$40 average.
Extra is more than enough for me. But we'll see what they do for Premium down the line
I am subscribed until Xmas, but the fact they have stopped us stacking PSN (used this in the past to stock up cheap) and the PS+ games (IMHO) have been awful I will be letting my subscription lapse :/
I'll probably go premium for a few months at least then once the novelty wears off and I've played the classics I want to play I'll probably down grade my subscription to the basic package
If I cared about subscriptions I'd pick Extra as it seems like best value for money but I don't (I'd rather actually buy games). For context, I subscribe to Xbox Live Gold (because you need it for online multiplayer) but refuse to subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate even though it's only £1 to upgrade.
No interest in PS1/PS3 games, so I'll go with the Extra tier. I'm suscribed to PS plus until May next year, I'm interested to see how much more will I have to pay in order to upgrade to PS Plus Extra.
I´m only interested in the Extra tier for now, here in Brazil we won´t have PS3 games in the Premium.
Heading for Extra at the moment, as I need more games on the Premium to even consider it, maybe in a couple of months.
Not sure I wanna pay £100 just to play like 4 games on there I really want and then feel pressured to finish them before they are taken off and refreshed. I like my sales to buy and play games at my own pace for now.
At the minute extra offers the best value for money IMO. But if the selection of classic games expands to include more games that can't be played currently without the original consoles, then I'll be happy to subscribe to premium. Ps2 is my favourite console so if we can start to get more games from that generation, it will be much more appealing to me
The extra is too expensive for a subscription, in my opinion, and made the essential look weak. So I won't be renewing it any more.
I guess I'm just too curious, so I will start with a monthly or quarterly Premium just to test it out. Will keep it or downgrade it dependent on the value I get out of it or which games will be added.
I'm going to try a month of premium and see how the streaming goes. It was terrible last time I tried ps now, but i recently upgraded my Internet to 350mb, so I am hoping for better results this time
@Sakai The threshold is somewhere around 25 down if I'm not mistaken. Anything above won't make a difference. As for streaming, I had varying results depending on the game. Some ran like butter, some were unplayable.
No longer subbed to Plus, but when that Vintage library gets a major buff I could be convinced to go for the top tier.
I’m gonna give them a year of premium and see what it does. Not a huge investment to play some ps1 and ps2 games in comfort and if it works out great, if not I’ll go back to essential next June.
They’re trying here so we should give them the benefit of the doubt that this won’t suck.
@dschons I tried killzone and a few others on my last connection and it was unplayable sadly. Just upgraded to full fibre as my last internet connection was awful
I will stick with what I have the bog standard essential.
Played the old games when they first came on the console they come out on.
I do wonder if all this bc is a waste of resource and cost to Sony and would be better invested in new games. Same goes for Xbox and Nintendo.
I guess if these services break even cost wise and the employment resource is specific just for this and could not be used elsewhere and all costs are covered from subscription then it won’t hurt.
I wanted to be excited, but so far there's not much to excite me. The package looks great as an extension of "PS Plus Collection" as an attraction for new PS gamers, but there's not a lot on offer here for long-time PS gamers with extensive libraries of their own so far. If Sony increases output of exclusives significantly, and those exclusives start appearing on Extra after, say, a year, I might find Extra exciting in the future, though.
Premium is strange. It's paid demos, retro games (we were told we shouldn't want to play) but those of us that have owned PS's for a long time also own a lot of those games already), a limited version of Ubi+, and the streaming and PS3 games we used to get with Now, rebundled for more money.
For me I'll stick with "Essential", and it's a downgrade because I previously would subscribe to Now for a few months here and there mostly for playing games like Eternal Sonata or inFamous that were PS3 streams not available digitally otherwise. Since it now involves changing my regular sub to a premium tier to do that, I probably won't do it anymore unless the whole package becomes more compelling to me.
I’ll subscribe to the basic because I have to be to play online.
As someone who buys day one on pretty much everything there is no need for me to subscribe to anything but Essential.
One caution to those signing up for Premium, is, if you haven't previously used Now, be forewarned that Sony's streaming was not very good before. IDK if this marks the jump to Azure or not for the infrastructure but the old Gaikai was kinda mediocre in terms of streaming performance and consistency, with lots of wait times trying to get into the game from what I've experienced. Now was cheap, so it didn't matter much. Premium....is not cheap.
@Spoonman-2 AFAIK the ban on stacking is only until mid-June when the upgrade period is finished, then we should be able to stack again. Though we don't know what form the prepaid cards will come in once they reissue them and/or if the sales will still exist as they did.
If any, will be the basic 'Essential'. To be honest, I don't even seem to download or play the monthly games much now anyway, I was thinking of letting my subscription expire. Pleased to hear my old PS1 / PSP purchases may come back on PS4 though.
Definitely extra for right now, need to see more of the classic backlog first to see if I want to do premium. Still holding out hope for trophies but not looking good
I think I'll stick to essential for now. We still don't have all the facts on how this thing will work so I'll wait to see how it all shakes out on launch.
Lets see how much premium is gotta cost here since there's no streaming avaliable in Brazil, but its definitivelly worth the cost for the ps1, psp and ps2 games, so thats what I'm going with
No . What would be a bigger and better announcement is separating online multiplayer from plus , but i know that’s a pipe dream
I'll keep to the one I have now.
Don't like that they're putting backcompat behind a paywall.
If you're in the essential tier, how do you upgrade to the higher ones? Just purchase and the remaining time left, is converted, ala gamepass. Or..
After I found out I can download my PS3 PS1/2 games for nothing, I ain't really that interested anymore in the retro stuff.
Will probably look at the one that let's me play some recent PS4 games.
I’m going to upgrade my remaining ~6 months to Premium, check out all its features while it lasts and then decide whether to keep it or go with a lower tier
Extra looks good to me, although I can see myself upping it to premium for the last couple of months of each 12 month period, and then switching back to extra come renewal time.
If there are good deals on annual subs to either Extra or Premium I might try it out, but otherwise it's not worth it to me. They're both decent deals, I just don't need access to more games I don't have time to play.
It looks OK as a start so far, better than I thought with Ubi+ & rewind/save states in older games. But the proof of the pudding will be in how they continue to update it OR if like PS Now they let the list grow stagnant and stale.
I took advantage of the PS Now loophole a few weeks ago and as I had PS+ stacked for 4 years I now have PS+ Premium for 4 years. Should be enough time to see whether I want to sub
Extra for sure, think it will prove to be excellent value for money.
I'll be staying on essential unless a lot more PS1 and PS2 games are announced. At the moment there's just nothing for me on the higher tiers
for now I'm not sold, unless they bring back certain ps1/2 classic rpgs, i really don't like the idea of ps now, that games change every 3 months or so plus i've heard streaming is pretty laggy, never really invested in it. i know sony's history of not really investing in anything long like psp/vita/ps tv etc, also im not really gaming much at the moment as focusing on other things
Signed up until 2030 with PS Now
Really wasn't sure what Sony would do to combat all the attempted stacks but I just went for it anyway and got my Plus subbed till 2027 and my Now runs out next Feb - got my stack in just in time (great feeling) .... so looks like im getting 5yrs Premium whether I like it or not. If I hadnt stacked it id prob just be looking at Extra. Really looking forward to a few of the PS5 games i'd been meaning to pick up.
Add in trophies on all games, and it’ll give me enough of a reason to check ‘em out.
Now, if they added in the Sega Dreamcast’s library, I’d totally be bought in.
And, where are the Vita games?
I own about 2/3 of the ones they’ve already announced so really no need to pay for a subscription other than the normal tier.
Due to my current subs, I'll be subbed with Premium for 18 months but if I didn't, I'd be going with Extra until I'd played all the juicy PS5 games, then slipping back to Essential.
I've got a PSTV & PS3 if I feel like I want to play any retro stuff.
There’s a good enough number of games on Extra I haven’t played so I’ll probably get that.
My time is limited, so I won’t spring for premium.
I'm not interested in a gaming sub. I rather choose the games myself.
I understand for most this will be good to have though, it's just not for me.
I'm just interested in the PS4 and PS5 games to be honest.
As someone who would only be interested in the modern exclusives I’d go for the Extra option. Then if any of the first party games in the service goes on sale, I’d buy it through the service as I’m presuming they’ll be a further discount if I’m subscribed?
I wouldn't touch those tiers with that piss poor selection of Classic PS1 games with a ten-foot pole.
I'm definitely going to sign up for premium to access Guardians of the Galaxy, Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, Outer Wilds, Syphon Filter, Jax games. We need more PS2 titles and PS3 emulation in future to make it a better service, but I see things improving over the next couple years for sure.
I still don't understand how the PS+ monthly titles will work, when or if we will lose games every month, which games will receive trials and when, and if PS Now catalogue will transfer over next month. Lots of questions, and the service needs time to improve its catalogue and go full downloads only.
Absolutely no interest so far. I'll stick to PS Plus.
@BReal Hilarious entitlement right there
Amazes me the amount of people who expected/demanded trophies to be added to old games. Like who exactly is going to be doing all this work?
@Mega-Gazz same for me.
Unsubscribed last year but not going to re sub. There is no value for me personally. Still have my OG PS3 (old games comp) hooked on the TV. GP will do it for us in matters of value tbh.
Premium baby!
@MatthewJP I guess they could use the gaming equivalent of Chinese sweat shops like Apple do lol. I only read about the supposed trophy implementation here at P[ ]. Anyone with half a brain knew it was never going to happen. There were PS3 games (released before trophies existed) that never had trophy patches. I don’t know why anyone thought PS1 & 2 games were going to get them. Unless the idea was put out there to get peoples hopes up and lead to their inevitable disappointment 🤷
@Rural-Bandit exactly , it’s an outdated practice that they’re milking because at this point they know that they can get away with it . proof being that NINTENDO of them all , had the balls and audacity to do it themselves ! Might as well have mobile charge for online next .
@MatthewJP even if they did add trophies these games weren't built for them , the trophies they would probably add wouldn't be many and people would still complain about them.
Nope will just stick with the basic so I can play online multiplayer occasionally
@nomither6 "Might as well have mobile charge for online next ."
Considering the kickbacks that go back to phone mfrs from cell plans, they more or less do....
I dont have my ps1 ps2 ps3 anymore or the games, I sold them years ago because you know, I like new stuff, I might want to play some ye olde games at some point out of nostalgia ,but honestly the majority look and play dreadfully ,but I'll give them 10 min of my time,maybe 😁
@nomither6 Regarding paywall for online. Your dealing with a ring-fenced system. That takes resources to manage. Try playing in the wild-west of free pc online play. You don't know if your dealing with an outright cheater or trying to hack your personal details.
@twitchtvpat if Sony gave away free ps5 consoles to anyone that wants one people would complain,because you know ,people 😂
From the look of things they might have actually mangled PlayStation Now to do this. I'm curious if we'll still have all the games that are already available now or if there will be some major cuts to the service.
The Extra tier is fantastic if your new to PlayStation or dont own most first-party, but thats not me. Im intrested in the retro stuff, and am quite pleased with the Nos style additions (plus the linked backlog), but for right now the titles they showcased havent grabbed me yet...most were already on PS Now already. Still I'm pleasently surprised and will give it a shot at some point, just not in a rush to join day one.
Quick question I was seeing online there is a deluxe tier? Apparently this only applies for countries that doesn't have streaming is this true and exists? Only asking because it hasn't been displayed anywhere on here in articles.
a good poll would be , " do you regret stacking years memberships now or not", so far i'm not but we haven't seen what these ps1 classics look like yet , and we haven't seen what ps2 classics they plan on adding. i'm still holding on hope for games like silent hill the room to be added.
Should be subbed on the premium till nearly 2025 due to a cheeky 3 month Now card of ebay👍very pleased with the discount but not overly impressed so far
Not at all. Sticking with my older systems for the older games I already have.
@hoffa007 yes, deluxe is premium minus streaming (and thus minus all PS3 games). Since it gives you less stuff, it's also cheaper than premium.
@KayOL77 atleast im free to use my own internet . at least i have more freedom .
I'm just thrilled that old purchases will be honored and downloadable independent of the subscription (Ps3 not withstanding).
@NEStalgia i decided to leave that out , i didn’t wanna ruin the joke 😂 lol
They’re all games that, if you’ve been a PS player for a number of years, you’ve already played. Good for new people though.
@nomither6 ...and I have the freedom to take part in a managed online environment. Not to mention all the PSplus discounts that come with that small fee. Oh and switching off pc crossplay. What about the free PSplus games too? The cloud save stuff? The psplus collection on ps5? See all the freedom I have in using that service?
While I'm sure this looks good to some, this new format is about as far from something I'd personally want as you could possibly get. I likely wouldn't even sign up for any if it even if it was free. In the end, I'm praying they just release a bunch of PS1 classics from game prison for individual purchase.
I still need more information.about more ps2 and ps1 games.word up son
Guys when you actually think about this...Extra is phenomenal value for money.
It has pretty much EVERYTHING Plus and Now has and a boatload more including now year old ps5 games.
I feel this is a powerful move to also win over Xbox players. They have argued that a good quality subscription service with great games is a win-win. Well with extra you get pretty much ALL PS4 and year old ps5 games bundled. This is Plus Collection and new games not on yet. This will bring non-ps players into the fold of playing the great ps games the rest of us all have been playing and also getting those same players to expect more from ms studios.
There are probably MANY more announcements to come before next month as well.
Can't wait!
Ps:. It can't hurt that the phenomenal demon's souls remake is now on there too, to mop up new Elden ring fans.
Not a single game announced that i don't already have or have no interest in playing. At the moment this is not really for long time PS fans as we've bought most of the big games offered. I'm not buying many £70 games so I guess it will be good to get in 24 months when the new games I haven't bought are added
If a company wants to me to pay them money for game's I already own you better add extra value to them said game's.
Both GamePass & Sonys or any other sub service just isn't worth it if you already own or buy new game's. But if you don't buy many game's or haven't owned past gen consoles, there is definitely value for money. Basically it's for the casual gaming market.
@Bagwag82 cos being willing to pay money (note the pay money part) for a service if it interests me is entitlement 🤦🏻♂️
I suggest you buy a dictionary and learn words if you’re going to try and insult someone
@awp69 As someone else pointed out, seems geared towards new owners. I know if a AAA title I'm interested in comes out, I'm not going to wait over year to be able to play it. Making the current PS Plus tier "good enough." Even a few great indie titles wouldn't make it worth it, to me, that is.
@KayOL77 good for you , you like to be manipulated under the guise of discounts and games that you can get regardless of a forced subscription.
paying to use your own internet is ***** .
There are some real gems on the older systems, however with that said, what is being offered is ok at best, but not what many want it seems. Personally I would rather they just merge the PS3 store into the current one so that we have access to what we already own, and not have to worry about if/when any of those games would be added at Sony's discretion. To me, that list is crap, and what does interest me, I already own.
Couldn't disagree more with all these casual gamers chiming in that avid gamers would've already played all these games. There are over 15,000 games on PSN. Many more if you add in the PS1/2/P libraries. The announced list is 114 games, that's 0.7% of the library. People who play way more games than you lot don't have great odds of having played all these then.
I'm never going to sign up for the top tier, period.
As for moving up from the basic to the second level, it will depend on how many games are in the list that I'm interested in. For now, there aren't very many, as I typically have bought the ones I was very interested in as they came out.
I'm currently all paid up until April 2023. bought a full year of both P.S Plus and P.S Now
I will subscribe for the odd month of extra here and there when something appears that i wish to play.
@Milktastrophe only stating as, on here they only state Essential, Extra and Premium and the prices for UK, Asia, America and UK. How much cheaper is the deluxe than premium? Just interested as the difference isn't massive between Extra and Premium.
Only essential for me. (for multiplayer only)
I have got PS1,2,3,4 (5 is not so easy to get). Why should I want to pay for games I already have or had?
1000+ games I never wanted to play? Oh well ...
Sorry this does not make sense for me.
I prefer to own physical copies of games and I don't play online, so unfortunately it's not for me.
Not interested in rental services or always online streaming. PS Essential is a big annoying to say so I’ll keep saying PS+.
Games I keep in my library ‘forever’ and it’s necessary to play online all games so that’s that.
Only subscribed to play online, don't care about plus or premium. If they release there PS games day 1 I would subscribe but not for old games I already own.
@hoffa007 I'm not sure if the price has been revealed for every region yet. The only deluxe price I know is Korea which is 86,500 won, which is 1.9x the essential tier (44,900 won), compared to premium being 2x the essential tier. And deluxe being 1.15x extra compared to premium being 1.2x extra. Hopefully this can help you guess what the deluxe price will be for your region, probably around 1.9x the current PS+ price.
Also, not sure how Korea lucked out with their pricing, that top tier is $70USD, even cheaper than US's extra tier.
@Milktastrophe ah right, thanks for the info. Seems the US did missout on that price.
I'll be honest I feel I'd play the classic games a few time and drop them and the list right now ain't calling me. When I think PS1 AND PS2 I think JRPGS and I ain't seeing them
Question..I have ps+ until next year so if I want ps extra how does it work if I've already paid for a years service?
As someone who's never been a ps gamer until i got a hold of a ps5 recently. Extra looks enticing.
Im not sold on a huge game library, as ive found to only play a select few games intensely. As a current xsx gamepass ultimate sub i know now that it probably was overkill. Purchased elden ring for r both game consoles, says it all.
I find ps extra a good deal, as ghost of tsusima is on my wishlist as well as death stranding.
I'll get PS+ again at some point when I need to back up some saves or actually play something online. 🤷♂️ The starting classic lineup is not that interesting.
Meh not really - at this point, I keep a PS Plus sub for online play and cloud saves. The offering is OK and I like the start of getting older games out there. However, i have a big PS1, PS2, PSP and PS3 library already and I don't have enough time to play as it is.
In the begining will go for Premium, if i don't like it I will change it to extra.
With my amount of free time being so limited, i've subscribed to sod all ...to illustrate , I'm around halfway through HZD, and that i got free on Playstation when sony gave it out during the pandemic...
God knows how long it will take me to finished AC Valhalla on that basis.
So any Xbox or Playstation or Ubisoft pass etc would be like chucking money down the drain !
What I don't like is the fact that previously PS Now and PS+ were separate, whereas now to get access to the same games it's up to double the price. A point glossed over by most media outlets.
I have no interest in PS+, but could get PS Now for £50/yr. Now to play the same games, I'd now have to pay £84/yr (for less games) or the full suite of games for £100/yr, ie double the PS Now price.
"But you need online anyway", I don't, in the 5.5yrs I've owned the PS4, I've had PS+ in only 12 of those months. Also worth pointing out, online multiplayer was included for any PS Now games in the service.
So I'll ask, if all I want is access to the PS Now games, why do I have to now pay double the previous asking price? Am I supposed to be excited by the rebranding?
You can use a USB stick to backup your saves (USB 3.0 or 2.0), and it would also allow you to backup your screenshots & video clips.
As USB 2.0 sticks work, you may even have an old one in a drawer. Failing that, they are very cheap.
Never bothered with Now and the only console I can't play is the PS2 after my fatty 60GB PS3 died some years ago now.
I still have a PS3 Slim for PS1 and PS3 games and a PS4 Pro next to it so all is well AND I can play games with DLC!
Basic is OK for me and I'm subbed until Dec 2023, I think.
Nope, not sold.
I already own every exclusive PS4 and PS5 games I like, and Sony brings nothing new to the table, it's just the same old games and same old services, mixed and offered under new names.
If there's a new exclusive game released in the future that I want to play, I usually buy it at launch. Waiting for it for months or a year to be added to the library is a no go.
PS1 PS2 exclusive games I've already played enough times, and the few ones that I like, have been remastered for PS3.
PS3 - I have a phat one at home, with the games I like already on it (all of God Of War games, Infamous 1 and 2, etc).
As for the multiplatform games - I have a hefty Steam library (Sony can rarely beat cd key sites when it comes to discounts).
So I'll stick to Essential tier, thank you very much. Don't see a point to spend more than that.
So many people who clearly aren't the target market for this (for example, they spend a fortune buying every big release day 1, they have Gamepass, perhaps big pc libraries, or old consoles/emulators for retro) calling it crap is hilarious.
Guess what? There are LOADS of us who are going to do very nicely out of it, both from a gaming point of view, and a financial one!
@Bonito This is the argument that gamepass players all use. All those games!!!
@DaveSimonH Plus all the newer ps5 games that weren't on plus or now.
@KayOL77 yeah but I have only time for the games I want to play.
@Bonito That's fair enough.
@DaveSimonH totally agree psnow users have been pretty shafted by the price increase
that will teach me to buy new games lesson learned i will just wait for them to get released on PS+ extra
I have no interest in the back catalog of old PS1/PS2/PS3 games. I prefer modern graphics and quality-of-life improvements.
That said, I think Extra is the tier for me. I like the big assortment of PS4 and PS5 games available, especially when Ubisoft+ is factored in. I already own some of the titles they listed, but there are enough that I haven't purchased and would try out to justify the price bump over the Essential tier.
@Yaycandy Upgrade the HDD on your PS3 to an SSD! I put a 120GB Kingston SSD in and it's well the £20 it cost.
When the 860 pro came out i installed it in my ps3. Along with a reflow and resoldered the gpu. Still the best console for all ps1,ps2 and ps3 but you gotta care for it like a car lol
Will let others guinea it first. I have normal plus for awhile anyways.
I'm already subscribed to PS Plus, and have 5-6 years stacked up of PS+ Premium (via the Now conversion).
No. Have all the original consoles hooked up to a retrotink 5x, I’d rather play on the original hardware.
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