Fallout 4 PS5 Patch

Bethesda will once again be updating a near decade-old game next week. It's currently prepping a Fallout 4 patch that promises "new options for graphics and performance settings", for release on Monday the 13th May. The update will also feature "further fixes and improvements", but we don't have the full patch notes yet.

Currently, the PS5 version of Fallout 4 has three graphics settings: a 60 frames-per-second performance mode targeting a dynamic 4K resolution, a 30fps quality mode at native 4K, and a special 40fps mode for 1440p displays. It'll be interesting to see what this new update brings to the table.

As for what "further fixes and improvements" might mean, there are a few weird visual bugs that this patch could clean up, like certain assets not being properly textured. Outside of that, though, your guess is as good as ours.

Have you ran into any problems with Fallout 4 on PS5? Establish a new settlement in the comments section below.

[source twitter.com]