
Topic: Welcome/Introduction Thread

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despite me ***** on nintendo a lot , the only nintendo console i actually dont have is a wii u. funny right ?



Thanks guys!



A little late to the game, yet Hello, my Screen name for Gaming is Patchex.



Hi all,

I am a 42 yo Playstation (and other systems) gamer from the UK. Been playing video games since the age of the Amiga 500 lol.

Outside of gaming I enjoy working out, fitness, going out, Netflix, that kind of thing. I especially like cheese and cheesy puns. I found this website just randomly surfing the net. I to am interested in psychology and am starting a 3 year course in Counselling at the end of the year.

Work wise I work in insurance, servicing life policies and other assorted stuff..,...pleased to meet you all....



@RazzleDazzle Welcome to one of the last decent gaming websites.
The Amiga was a great machine, way ahead of its time.
PS. We have a monthly game club which might interest you. @Bundersvessel Referral fee please.



Big up the old skool Amiga posse. I had a 600 myself so at least 100 better!
Welcome to the forums.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan thank you those were the days in some ways I guess but then again looking at the PS5 it is like wow.....gaming has come so far...



@CaptD Ah yes you have done well, very well indeed, once you have prepared the sedative we can discuss your fee… ahem I mean of course welcome welcome @RazzleDazzle great corner of the internet you’ve found here. You can find out little game club here the more the merrier. We are currently playing Inscryption

Good to know you, friend 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


NintendoLifer here! Just finally saved up enough to buy a PlayStation 5 with Spider Man 2, and two hours in having a great time! So now I’ve joined the ps fan base lol!

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


@OctolingKing13 Welcome! The forums have been a little quieter lately for some reason, but congrats on your purchase and I hope you find some value in joining the ecosystem.

Have you had a PlayStation console before or is this your first? What kind of games do you like and what are you looking forward to after SM 2?
(I’m also playing SM2 currently and having a really good time with it. I have a few extended thoughts recently over on the Spider-Man thread)
Depending on your situation, you probably have a huge library of quality titles from multiple genres to explore on PS5! If this is your first PS console in a while then PS+ Extra may be worth your while. It’s an excellent collection of great games, lots of exclusives and third party as well on there.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Hello. Welcome to the forums. I hope to get around to SM2 myself at some point as I loved the first two but my library and backlog never seems to get any smaller do no rush, how are you finding it?

Also make sure you check out Astros Playroom assuming that's still free with the console. It's a wondrous joyful, if short, experience. Also about as Nintendo as PlayStation gets.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Th3solution @sorteddan thanks! this is my first PlayStation console, so I’m really excited to get more games! I’m only five hours into Spider Man 2, but I’m loving the world and the story and combat a lot. It definitely lives up to my expectations so far. I played a bit of Astros Playroom, and was surprised how the free to play title was so charming. There’s a ton of PS games on my wishlist, but right now I’m thinking of buying Horizon Forbidden West or Stray. Or Persona 5 Royal! So many options lol! Anyways thanks again :]

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


@OctolingKing13 Great to hear that you’ve been enjoying PS5 and Spidey 2.
So yeah, you might enjoy going back to play the first game and the Miles Morales standalone expansion. Horizon is another great one to get into, and the first game, Zero Dawn, can be found really cheap and it might feel more appropriate to have the background of the narrative from the first game before venturing into the sequel. Rumor is that they are releasing a native PS5 remaster/remake of HZD soon, but honestly the PS4 version has a patch so it should run a 60 fps on PS5 and still feel very ‘current gen.’ Personally, I’ve yet to play Forbidden West, but I thoroughly enjoyed Zero Dawn.
Persona 5 is a great game too, and also can be found fairly cheap, I suspect. Stray was a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated, so it’s also worth a try, especially for when you want a shorter game between longer epics.

That’s one good thing about coming in late — a lot of great older games are not very expensive at this point, and/or are on the PS+ sub service.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@MrBook @Obscure Welcome back!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis

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