News Articles

Wednesday13th Jul 2016

Tuesday12th Jul 2016

Wednesday29th Jun 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Mods Suffer Another Setback on PS4

    The saga continues

    PlayStation 4 mod support for Fallout 4 has fallen foul of another setback today as Bethesda has revealed that the incoming mods beta on Sony's console has been delayed. Naturally, we assume this means that actual mod functionality - which was supposedly going to be in place relatively soon - will now be pushed back. It's also...

Monday20th Jun 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Mods Don't Sound Too Hot on PS4


    So, Fallout 4 mods are supposed to be finally coming to PlayStation 4 this month, but as is all too often the case with Bethesda when it comes to working with Sony's consoles, things aren't quite as simple as they should be. Just recently, Bethesda released some notes on the incoming mod support, and was quick to outline some potential...

  • News Next Fallout 4 DLC Gets Another Midnight Launch on PS4

    Build 'em up

    Fallout 4's Contraptions downloadable content pack is out tomorrow on PlayStation 4, but Bethesda's confirmed that it'll be available to download at midnight, much like the add-ons that have come before it. To be a little more specific, it'll be up on the PlayStation Store at midnight across Europe no matter your timezone, while it'll...

  • News Nuka World Will Be Fallout 4's Final DLC

    Going out with a bang?

    During its E3 2016 press conference, Bethesda confirmed the existence of Nuka World, Fallout 4's next big expansion. The add-on, which features a whole new area, new quests, and a Raider-based plot, is due to launch in August, following the release of two smaller downloadable content packs within the next couple of months...

Thursday16th Jun 2016

Wednesday15th Jun 2016

  • E3 2016 Become a Raider Boss in Fallout 4's Next Big Expansion

    Bandit country

    Nuka World, announced during Bethesda's E3 2016 press conference, is Fallout 4's next big expansion. It's not due out until August, but the developer's spilled some general details on what we can expect from the add-on all the same. The big story here is that you'll apparently be able to lead Raider gangs, becoming the brutal tyrant...

Monday13th Jun 2016

  • E3 2016 Here's What's Next For Fallout 4's DLC on PS4

    We're going to Nuka World

    Bethesda revealed what's next for Fallout 4 at its E3 2016 press conference, and while a couple of meagre add-on packs had many fans groaning, the good news is that the open world role-playing shooter is getting what looks to be another sizeable expansion in August. But first, let's rewind to the not-so-exciting stuff. To...

Friday3rd Jun 2016

  • News Europe, You Can Now Download the New Fallout 4 Far Harbor on PS4

    Frame rate supposedly fixed

    Is the saga finally over? One of the biggest stories of the last few weeks, Fallout 4: Far Harbor launched in extremely poor condition on PlayStation 4, with many players experiencing crippling frame rate issues when exploring the expansion's new island setting. In order to fix the problem, Bethesda has saw fit to...

Sunday29th May 2016

Friday27th May 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Mods Set to Arrive on PS4 Next Month

    So close yet so far

    Fallout 4 mods are arriving on Xbox One at the end of the month, but Bethesda thankfully hasn't forgotten about the PlayStation Nation. After announcing a release date for mods on Microsoft's machine, the developer followed up by saying that mod support is "still on track for next month" with regards to PlayStation 4 players...

Wednesday18th May 2016

Tuesday17th May 2016

  • News Fallout 4: Far Harbor Gets a Midnight Launch on PS4

    Come on in, the water's fine

    Bethesda's planning on getting Fallout 4's first big expansion, Far Harbor, into your hands almost as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the 19th May. The add-on will be available to download on PlayStation 4 at 00:01AM no matter where you are. Technically, this means that Europe will be able to get stuck in hours...

Saturday7th May 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Far Harbor Trophies Emerge From the Deep on PS4

    Let's have a look-sea

    Due to release on the 19th May, Far Harbor is Fallout 4's first major expansion, and takes place on an irradiated island that's apparently one of the biggest add-on areas that Bethesda's ever crafted. The downloadable content got an official trailer earlier this week - which you can watch through here - and now the expansion's...

Friday6th May 2016

Wednesday4th May 2016

Thursday28th Apr 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Survival Mode Set to Irradiate PS4 Next Week

    Pack those stims

    After a long wait, Fallout 4's revamped survival mode will be coming to PlayStation 4 next week, Bethesda estimates. The punishing new setting does away with privileges like quicksave and autosave, forcing you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive the dangers of the Commonwealth. Survival mode's been in a beta testing phase...

Wednesday20th Apr 2016

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Update Is Coming to PS4 Very Soon

    Third person camera also improved

    Fallout 4's survival mode is finally out of its own beta and, er, into another. The new mode is available right now on PC as part of the game's 1.5 update beta - and that means a console version of the patch can't be far off. If we had to guess, we'd say that it'll probably be available to download within the next...

Monday11th Apr 2016

Thursday7th Apr 2016

  • News Fallout 4 Named Best Game at 2016 BAFTA Game Awards

    The wanderer returns

    In case you missed all the chest-thumping on social media, the 2016 BAFTA Game Awards were held earlier tonight. Fallout 4, Bethesda's latest open world blockbuster, staggered out of the nuclear haze clutching the show's most prestigious award - probably much to the disappointment of editor Sammy Barker, who'll no doubt by...

Tuesday5th Apr 2016

  • News A Fresh Fallout 4 Patch Has Snuck onto PS4

    Weighs in at 2.4GB

    There's a new update out for Fallout 4 on PlayStation 4 - but don't get excited just yet. According to Bethesda, the latest patch is only an incremental update - in other words, the developer's just bringing the game up to speed with other platforms. Apparently, the patch adds in Trophy support for the upcoming add-on, Wasteland...

  • News Fallout 4's Next DLC Scavenges a Release Date and Trailer

    Working the wasteland

    Fallout 4's second slice of downloadable content, Wasteland Workshop, will add a ton of new settlement options to the open world game. It'll allow you to capture and tame deadly Commonwealth monsters, create flashy new homes, and even set up your own sick and twisted arena that sees unarmed men go up against wild beasts. Well,...

Tuesday29th Mar 2016

  • News Here Are the Full Details on Fallout 4's Survival Mode

    Wasted in the wasteland

    Fallout 4's incoming survival mode is sounding more and more like a rather drastic gameplay overhaul as opposed to a new difficulty setting. Currently being beta tested on PC, the new mode makes living in the wasteland a much more realistic and brutal experience, and Bethesda's gone ahead and detailed everything that you can...

Monday28th Mar 2016

  • News Fallout 4's Far Harbor Expansion Sounds Bloody Massive

    Making waves

    Fallout 4's already stuffed with content, boasting one of the most dense game worlds that we've seen in quite some time - and it sounds as though it's about to get a heck of a lot bigger. The game's third piece of downloadable content, titled Far Harbor, is set to be a more traditional expansion, introducing a fresh location that...

Tuesday22nd Mar 2016

  • News Sony Revokes Free Fallout 4 Season Pass Purchases on PS4


    You win some, you lose some – but you've always got to try. Sony accidentally listed Fallout 4's pricey Season Pass for free late last week, leading many to believe that they'd nabbed all of Bethesda's post-release content at a complimentary fee. However, it's since revoked access to the DLC, so you'll need to stump up if you want...

  • News Fallout 4's Survival Mode Isn't Too Far Off on PS4

    Best stock up on InstaMash

    Fallout 4's overhauled survival mode was confirmed weeks ago, but it's still yet to scavenge a concrete release date. The tweaked difficulty setting will require you to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive, while healing happens over time, and ammunition has weight. Basically, it's going to make the game more of a...

Monday21st Mar 2016

  • News You Can Play Fallout 4's First DLC at Midnight on PS4

    North America has to wait, though

    Fallout 4's first slice of downloadable content, Automatron, is set to launch tomorrow on PlayStation 4, but Bethesda's revealed that European vault dwellers will be able to get stuck in as early as midnight. According to the publisher, the expansion will go live at 12:00AM across the Old World. However, you...