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And just like that, E3 2017 is over. The annual Los Angeles expo is a funny thing - especially from the perspective of those who watch it unfold from home. Here at Push Square, we spend weeks anticipating it, then we spend hours upon hours planning for it. Then when it finally rolls around, we destroy our sleeping patterns so that we can cover it. And then, in what seems like the blink of an eye, the whole thing is done and dusted, and it's back to the usual routine.

But now that 2017's iteration really is over, we want to know what you lot thought of it. Not just the press conferences, but everything; the livestreams, the off-stage announcements, the general quality of the games on show - everything. Are you happy with what you saw? Are you disappointed? Did you think the whole thing was a waste of time? Whatever your opinion, be sure to vote in our polls and then feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.

What did you think of E3 2017? (114 votes)

  1. I think it was fantastic  0.9%
  2. Yeah, it was pretty good51%
  3. Meh, it was okay36%
  4. It's left me disappointed10%
  5. It really was rubbish3%

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What was your favourite thing about E3 2017? (110 votes)

  1. Watching the press conferences25%
  2. Seeing all the games45%
  3. Hearing from developers5%
  4. The surprise announcements20%
  5. Reading and watching people's reactions5%

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