We prefer our adventures from the comfort of a couch, exploring virtual worlds with the least physical and social contact possible. If, however, you are the type that prefers *excitement* in the *real-world*, then perhaps this Uncharted-themed rollercoaster might be for you?

Called Uncharted: The Enigma of Penitence, its maiden voyage takes place on 17th June at PortAventura World, located in Tarragona, Spain. If the rollercoaster is as realistic as the trailer suggests, it's also going to have massive insurance liability. We can't imagine kids and younger fans will have the dexterity (or courage, quite frankly) required to pull off that complex of an initial base jump, let alone the requisite mid-air remount.

What do you think of the Uncharted rollercoaster? Are you superfan enough to take a ride? Keep your responses rooted in reality in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]