Sleeper hit

Considering ten days ago virtually everyone expected Until Dawn to flop, the Supermassive Games developed schlock horror has enjoyed something of a surprise turnaround. The game entered the UK sales charts this week in second, just one spot behind Gears of War: Ultimate Edition – which is obviously both cheaper and based upon an established brand. Not bad from the PlayStation 4 exclusive.

Disney Infinity 3.0 entered in third, while Madden NFL 16 touched down in fourth, as it was all change in the top five. Familiar faces did round out the remainder of the list, with LEGO Jurassic World, Grand Theft Auto V, Minecraft, and Batman: Arkham Knight padding out the top ten – but there was room for Dishonored: Definitive Edition in seventh.

Of course, all of these games are just keeping the chart warm while Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain bides its time. What have you been spending your money on of late? Cough up in the comments section below.

UK Sales Charts: Week Ending 29th August, 2015

  1. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
  2. Until Dawn
  3. Disney Infinity 3.0
  4. Madden NFL 16
  5. LEGO Jurassic World
  6. Grand Theft Auto V
  7. Dishonored: Definitive Edition
  8. Minecraft: PlayStation Edition
  9. Batman: Arkham Knight
  10. Minecraft: Xbox Edition
