Bros before...

Rockstar Games' Dan Houser casually dropped a tidbit concerning Grand Theft Auto V’s multiplayer in an interview with IGN today. The traditionally shy executive confirmed that the “crews” players form in Max Payne 3’s multiplayer mode will carry across into GTAV via the Rockstar Social Club.

He said:

Multiplayer is an ever-more important part of all our games moving forward. And by creating crews through Social Club, the crews that you create in Max Payne 3 will be ready and available for you to play in Grand Theft Auto V from day one. It's all part of our larger approach to make multiplayer deeper and richer than what's currently available, much more easily accessible to the newcomer and rewarding for the hardcore.

We made a promise not to talk too much about forthcoming games until a little further down the track but, yes, crews will feature in Grand Theft Auto V multiplayer.

Crews are essentially like clans, allowing you to unlock XP rewards when working as a team and discover enemies who've killed members of your posse. You can join up to five crews at any time.

It sounds like multiplayer is going to play a big part in Grand Theft Auto V. We just hope it's better put together than the rough component included in GTAIV.
