Disaster Report 4 Sounded Neat But Just Wasn't Coming Together.

It didn't take a genius to summarise that the game — about natural disasters — wasn't really appropriate. But it seems that there was more amiss behind the scenes.

Kazuma Kujo, who created the Disaster Report series, has been Tweeting about the ill-fated game. Unlike the other games in the series — which took place during or immediately after a natural disaster — Disaster Report 4 opened about a week after the event. The idea was to give players a look at the social implications of a disaster and the recovery efforts that follow.

With the game taking place after the disaster itself, players would be able to recruit multiple characters to accompany them, rather than the solitary companion of previous games. You'd also be able to revisit locations later, and see how the rebuilding efforts had progressed.

While the game sounds brilliant on paper, Kujo stressed that it wasn't the earthquake that killed the game, but Irem's laboured progress. In other words, it just wasn't coming together. Kujo has since formed a new company called Granzella. It launched its first PlayStation Home space this month.

[Thanks Andriasang]