Gran Turismo 5's Still Coming Before Christmas, But There's No Date Attached To That Yet.

We'd just like to know what's going on. We get the impression Sony want to make sure everything is absolutely 101% locked down before they make a new announcement, and that makes sense, but it would be nice to be kept in the loop wouldn't it?

SCEA's marketing gaffer, Peter Dille, has done his best job to distill concerns, revealing to Siliconera that Gran Turismo 5 is still a dead-lock for a pre-Christmas release.

“Yeah, Kazunori came out with a comment that  they are working on a few last things,” he said.

“He apologized to the community, but explained it is coming before Christmas. We haven’t put a date to that yet, but we will just as soon as we get word from him when he’s done.”

Pressed whether the Christmas release applied worldwide, Dille responded: "That's correct."

So it's still coming then. So they tell us. We're getting tired of this "will they, won't they" situation though. A little more transparency would be nice.