PSone Games Look Set To Live On Via PSN.

First up - the ESRB have rated Spyro 2 and Spyro: Year Of The Dragon for release on the US Playstation Store. Of course that doesn't mean they're coming soon - both Klonoa and Vib Ribbon were rated too - but it always means they could be rolled out if the PSN is having a slow day.

Secondly - Capcom have announced that they are looking to bring more and more PS1 ports to the Playstation Network this year. They have, in fact, around 20-40 games planned.

Capcom's Chris Kramer said:
"We'll definitely be looking at a lot of titles that have things like Street Fighter and Resident Evil in the title," Kramer said. "We're thinking about putting together a long list of the titles we're looking at, and then releasing it on Capcom Unity and having people vote on them. Ultimately we're looking at bringing between 20 and 40 titles to the PSN over the next several months."</blockquote>

Remember, PS1 titles are playable on the PS3 and PSP.