Sony Expect The PS3 & PSP's Sales To Rise By 15% This Year.

Not content with those figures, they also expect the Playstation 3 and PSP to see a boost.
"We had our largest sales year ever last year, and we'd look to go about 10-15 percent north of that this year," said John Koller, head of SCEA marketing.

"We also had our best sales year for PS3 last year and we'll look to go north of that by a similar percentage."</blockquote>

With the XBOX 360 and Nintendo Wii so far in the lead in the US, it's hard to imagine that Sony will catch up with either. With the Playstation 3 on the verge of profitability, it's likely we'll see Sony continue to do their own thing: which is - make excellent games and support current customers. We're glad we're just gamers and not shareholders.