Skull and Bones PS5 PlayStation

Ubisoft has revealed that Season 2 of Skull and Bones is coming, thanking players for what the developer/publisher called a "tremendous response" to the game's maiden voyage. It was thought that the game had been struggling due to steep discounts, introduced soon after launch, but it appears the company has managed to turn the ship.

In a blog post, Ubisoft unveiled a proclamation for the game's future, describing what potential pirates can expect to see in future, but not before thanking the players that made it possible: "Let us begin by saying how amazing it has been for all of us working on Skull and Bones to witness the tremendous response from our entire community since the launch of our game...It is thanks to your incredible engagement that we were able, throughout Season 1, to observe, listen, understand, and, more importantly, react to your feedback on a weekly basis."

In its latest financial update, Ubisoft failed to mention how many full-priced copies of Skull and Bones have been sold so far (thanks, IGN) but impressively revealed that it drove "strong engagement." Notching up the second-best daily playtime for a Ubisoft game, with the average session lasting four hours in the weeks following launch, Ubisoft put this late-breaking stickiness down to end-game content added in Season 1.

We enjoyed our time with Skull and Bones and are glad the game seems to have found its sea legs. Are you surprised to see a "tremendous response" to the game following its first season? Let us know in the comments section below.
