Absurd Ventures

Last year, we brought you word that Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser had started a new studio called Absurd Ventures, promising to create original IP for "all platforms and formats". It seems the new outfit has commenced work on a game that promises "best-in-class combat and third-person action across multiple game modes".

That's according to a new job listing on the developer's website, spotted by Eurogamer. The company seeks additional hands to work on an "open-world action-adventure game". As Eurogamer astutely notes, it's likely very early days for whatever they are working on, as they're still looking to hire for high-level roles such as lead designer, lead gameplay designer, art director, and technical director.

Absurd Venture's mission is to build "narrative worlds, create characters, and write stories for a diverse variety of genres" across all mediums, including games, animation, books, graphic novels, live-action, and scripted podcasts. Former Rockstar vice president of writing (co-writer on both Red Dead Redemption games) has since signed on with the studio, as has former Rockstar writer and producer Lazlow Jones.

Are you excited to see what Absurd Ventures is cooking up, likely in the next half-decade? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source absurdventures.com, via eurogamer.net]