
Topic: The Resident Evil Discussion Thread

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So I just finished chapter 2 of RE4 and arrived at the castle. I think I'm getting close to the halfway point of the game now, which is crazy considering I've been playing for 10 hours now. It's a really long game! Anyway, there are two things that I've been meaning to talk about.

First, I'm not finding the escort section with Ashley to be that annoying. You can just tell her to stop, then move forward and kill all the enemies, and then go back and get her. Or in some areas, you can tell her to hide in a container while you clear out the area from enemies. It isn't as annoying as I thought it'd be based on what people have been saying about this section.

Second, while I do like the upgrade system in this game, I don't like the fact that there's no item box like in previous RE games. The reason being that you're never going to try out all the different weapons because you don't have the space for them in your inventory. Weapons like the SMG, revolver and so on won't get used by me because I need the space for other stuff. However, I do like the fact that the merchant adds better weapons over time and that you can upgrade different stats, but I just don't see a reason to buy more weapons since I don't have anywhere I can put them. In previous RE games, you would constantly find new weapons (of which you could store in the item box) and that was something you could look forward to throughout your playthrough. That's sadly not the case in RE4 due to the new inventory system restricting that aspect.

With that said, I'm genuinely loving this game and I can't wait to explore this new area now.



Who is your all-time favorite Resident Evil character? Mine is Claire Redfield


PSN: WaterKirby1964


Looking forward to Resi 4, beat 3 Remake not long ago. Only ever watched a friend play the first game on his Saturn, when they first came out and played a demo of 5 on 360. But now I've had the pleasure of playing the original game remastered 2 and 3 Remake and 7. Fantastic games!



did not expect 4 remake to come out this soon.

i always thought it would be a late 2023/early 2024 title.

also no resi 8 dlc yet,guess that could be annoucement for geoff's show?



Wasn't expecting a remake for RE4 to be announced while I'm playing the original game myself!

I've been reading a lot of comments saying that RE4 set the bar really high and that it's going to be hard for the remake to top it. But in all honesty, as a person playing the original for the first time, the game isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. It still has tank controls, which the remake will most definitely improve upon, the game isn't that scary compared to previous RE titles, there are way less puzzles and the game is overall too linear compared to the previous games. So I wouldn't say that it's going to be hard for the remake to top it. It sounds to me that they're reimagining it and that's great because there are lots of stuff they can improve upon and add to make the experience even better. I'm confident it will be much better than the original.



I started the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis yesterday.

Am having fun, which is something I never expected to be able to say about a survival horror game. I think it helps that I'm playing on Easy Mode, though. Getting to the first save room and finding infinite ink ribbons, a small herb garden, and enough weapons to take Panama was a welcome surprise. I'm still having to manage my resources, but not to a headache-inducing degree.

It was also cool to return to the police station from RE2, and smart of the developers to keep Jill's visit contained to a handful of recognisable rooms, to avoid accusations of lazy duplication.

But good grief, the Nemesis needs to get the heck out. For an absolute unit, he sure can move! I'm trying to run past him every time, partly to conserve ammo but mainly because I hate the idea of being forced to stop what I'm trying to do and fight him on a random basis. I've done okay thusfar (again, thanks to Easy Mode, no doubt) but have still taken a couple of brutal hits on occasion. I'm hoping that the game's short length means that he doesn't become more frustrating than he already is.

Anyway, onwards with some kind of gem puzzle, it seems.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I’m glad it’s enjoyable right now. I actually never played the original RE3, only the remake. But yes, I really like the locations with the brief Police station callback as well as the new stuff.

Nemesis does grow stronger, but not necessarily more difficult, if that makes sense. Running past him is definitely the best approach until you’re forced to confront him.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Resident Evil 4 Remake is gonna be super hype for sure! Even the OG Resident Evil 4 is super awesome! 😎


PSN: WaterKirby1964


@WaterKirby1964 Agree 100%

Original RE4 still holds up today, and I'll never forget the 'magic' of playing this for the first time! (Think it was around ~2006-2007 on PS2 ha!)

Whilst I certainly don't want others to miss out, I am quite glad to hear that Capcom are pursuing current-gen only (PS5/XBS).... really keen to see what can be done with this game when there are no restrictions needed to accommodate previous gen systems etc.

My only concern is that they remove too many of the cheesy lines.... some of the things that Leon says are outrageously ridiculous, and all part of the original's charm for me



@Th3solution Honestly, despite his numerous unwelcome appearances, it's surprising how much you don't have to stop and fight the Nemesis. I just cleared the Trolley section and the whole thing ramps up like it's this huge boss battle, but I just turned around and opened the door and boom, cutscene. Perhaps I'll get caught out when I finally do have to stand my ground, but at least I'll have plenty of grenades!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger @Th3solution To be fair, Nemesis does get more difficult in the original RE3. At a certain point later on in the game, you'll have to confront him and he will absolutely destroy you. I think it took me at least 30 tries before I beat him, it was such a huge difficulty spike. Granted, I was playing the game on Normal so you might have an easier time than I did.



@LtSarge I sincerely hope so! Thanks for the warning all the same. I'll be sure that I'm well-stocked on herbs and sprays as well as ammunition, and I'm making good use of every typewriter I can find, too.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@LtSarge @RogerRoger I do remember a particular run-in with Nemesis that had me dying a handful of times, but after I figured out which grenades seemed to work best on him and other clues about the best approach to the fight, then it wasn’t too bad. I think I was playing on easy also. I’m with you Rog as far as the intensity of the setting and the horror aspects get my adrenaline up enough on their own, I don’t need to add extra challenge with limited supplies and higher enemy health. I really enjoy these games on easy.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Heck, even on Easy Mode, I've gotten Jill killed more than a couple of times already!

Was cool playing as Carlos for a bit back there, too. I think I must be nearing the end now. I'd heard that the clock tower sequence was removed from the remake; if that's true, then I'm real surprised, as it ended up being a pretty major part of the whole experience.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I personally didn't find the clock tower section to be significant to the overall experience. The puzzles were meh, there wasn't much in terms of story here and there were barely any enemies here. It just didn't add much. I would've preferred if they had expanded upon it.

Edited on by LtSarge



@LtSarge Maybe I'm thinking the clock tower's more significant than it actually is because I got stuck in and around it for a couple hours, then!

I blame the spiders. [shudder] Instantly made me 100% more nervous and cautious.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that part. Yeah that was pretty scary actually. The rest of the areas were pretty empty though. But I guess it was because of the possibility that Nemesis might show up at any time and chase you. At that point in the game though, you kinda expect him to show up all the time so it didn't feel that tense lol.



@LtSarge Yeah, the Nemesis definitely got to a point where he went from "Aah, crap!!" to "Oh, for goodness sake, it's you again, just get out of the way!" I think he's also scripted to definitely show up several times whilst you're in the clock tower, so there's always a feeling of escalation.

Anyway, perfect timing, as I was just coming here to say that I completed the game this morning! Overall, I'd give it a solid eight, same as the original Resi 2. I do think Resi 2 is slightly better, mainly because it has a more in-depth story when compared to six hours of "Run awaaaaay!!" but to balance that out, I did appreciate its tighter level design and minor improvements to the combat, as well as the fact that I'm not expected to play the blasted thing twice in order to get the whole picture. I definitely think that, despite my occasional frustration with him, the Nemesis is one of gaming's greatest villains. Naming the game after him, and basically making him the marketing campaign's star, was right and proper of Capcom.

Before shutting down, I gave the unlockable Mercenaries Mode a quick blast, and thought it was a fun idea, if a little too frantic for my tastes. When I realised that it merely unlocks more weapons to use in a second story run, I didn't bother trying to improve my performance but still, it's nice that it's there.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger Great job, Rog! I’m happy that you enjoyed it overall. All the Nemesis talk makes me want to play it again. 😄

So maybe you’ll give RE4 a try? Rumor is that we’ll have it on the docket for October in Game Club. Perhaps you’ll be back in the RE mood by then. I’m not sure if the RE4-6 trilogy pack is still on discount, but the $20 sale price for all three games means you basically get RE5 and RE6 for free. That’s the pack I bought several months ago for the same sale price, even though 5 & 6 are much maligned by the fanbase.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@RogerRoger Congrats mate! And I agree with you, I think RE2 is better than RE3 as well but RE3 still was fun and unique thanks to Nemesis, which is a great villain. I'm very excited to experience RE2 and RE3 again in the future in the form of the remakes, which I have yet still played. But that will have to wait until I'm basically done with the main series.

Speaking of which, I just finished Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways bonus content and it was a nice piece of extra story for the game. It wasn't anything special and you might as well save some time by just reading a synopsis of the plot since it doesn't really add that much to the overall story of RE4. But it was still fun playing as a different character and seeing the story of RE4 from a different perspective. With that said though, I'm finally done with RE4 completely and now I'm ready to move on to my next game.

In terms of Resident Evil though, I think I'll play Code Veronica next since I really miss the classic RE formula with fixed camera angles and tank controls. Then I'll play The Darkside Chronicles (which is best played after RE2 and Code Veronica, and in my opinion RE4) and then Resident Evil 5. I'm already contemplating on buying RE6 on PS4 since I really want to have all RE games on a single system. It's actually kinda cool that you can play through the entire main series on PS4, as well as Code Veronica and the Revelations titles.

Edited on by LtSarge


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