
Topic: The Food Thread

Posts 21 to 23 of 23


I had an amazing cheese and bacon burger in a London restaurant recently. The stuff of fables.
I would share the location but I don't want every one going there! 🤣

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


For tonight I cooked my first gyozas I filled them with beets, cabbage and carrots. Next time I will make the traditional pork gyoza recipe


PS: In the photo they look burned but that is just the light.


Wow, two bot posts in this thread! Reported so they'll hopefully get removed but so weird that bots can literally find any topic, including food of all things, to write posts about with probably dodgy links attached.

Anyway, I hosted some people today and served make your own Sundaes! Went down a treat. Had ice cream, brownies, cream, sauce and sprinkles and they brought along some of their own chocolates treats to add too!

See ya!

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