
Topic: Books You're Currently Reading?

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update. been reading Star Wars Joiner King the first book of the Swarm War Trilogy. about finished reading it too.

next books: Stephen King Talisman, You Like it Darker, and the other two Swarm War books



reading the new Stephen King You Like it Darker the rest of this month since I just got the book an hour ago today in the mail



It's been a lovely holiday weekend here in Norway and I celebrated our Constitution Day by spending the weekend with my sister and her family. She loves reading as much as I do, so many an hour was spent on their sunny veranda reading crime novels.
As as result, I finished both The Fifth Witness (Goodreads page) and
Suicide Run: Three Harry Bosch Stories (Goodreads page), which were both solid entries in Michael Connolly's Harry Bosch universe. I awarded each a four star review on Goodreads.

Now I'll return to the Dragonlance series with Dragons of the Highlord Skies (Goodreads page), the second book in the "Lost Chronicles" series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I was bit disappointed with the first entry, so here's hoping that this one fares better.



@FuriousMachine that sounds great, we are getting some decent weather here in Scotland for a change. It's been nice to sit outside and read. I'm currently reading Sapiens, which is very interesting so far as well as various manga and comics!

Edited on by MightyDemon82



@MightyDemon82 "Sapiens" is a very fascinating read, though it did my already dim view of humanity no favours
Glad to hear you're also experiencing fine weather over there; I'm hoping for many such fair days when travelling your lovely country for two weeks in August.



@MightyDemon82 We'll be travelling from Edinburgh to Stirling, then via Glencoe to Fort William. Visited both Stirling and Glencoe when I was over seven years ago, but the plan is to see more of Glencoe this time around. That place is simply stunning! Then we'll head to Inverness (my travel companions this time around haven't been to Loch Ness, so that's mandatory, naturally ), then we'll head to Ullapool to take the morning ferry over to Isle of Lewis. This will be my first visit to the Outer Hebrides and I'm really excited about that!
We'll explore Lewis and Harris, taking the afternoon ferry to Isle of Skye the following day, where we'll spend the weekend and celebrate my 50th birthday. I'm really lucky to have a few people coming over to help me celebrate, so that will hopefully be a weekend to remember.
After that, we'll head back to Ullapool, where we'll commence driving the North Coast 500 to Thurso, take a trip over to the Orkneys, where we'll spend a couple of nights, before heading back and completing the eastern part of NC500 down to Inverness and Speyside Bridge, before heading back to Edinburgh for two nights.
I've visited many of these places before, but i can't seem to get enough This will be my seventh visit to Edinburgh, a city I love dearly, and one really fond memory from my first and second visit in the late 90's was buying way too many fantasy novels in a huge bookstore on Princes Street (think it was a Waterstones). I had to persuade a buddy to pack some of them in his luggage and I still had to pay overweight fees for both of us.
(There, I managed to keep this tangentially on topic )

Edited on by FuriousMachine



@FuriousMachine sounds like a fantastic birthday trip, I hope the weather is great for your travels. Maybe take a bigger case this time around incase you find yourself in bookstores again 😉.



reading the first story in Stephen King's You Like it Darker.

the Bastids they from a previous Stephen King short story or something?



@MightyDemon82 hehehe, considering the luggage fees airlines are operating with these days, that would be some expensive literature Thankfully, books are easier to come by today than back in the 90s (very few bookstores carried much outside books from Norwegian publishers in those days), so "peruse, then order when I get home" is probably a winning strategy here

Edited on by FuriousMachine



Finished Sapiens, a fascinating read, I'm not a huge fan of our species as a collective and the book hasn't changed my mind. Started Upgrade and enjoying it so far!



@FuriousMachine let me how Dragon of Highlord Sky's is. I have been meaning to pick that up.
Myself finishing a fantasy book by a local author only 4 chapters in, but quite good called The book of fates desire by Ryan hampton



Finished "Fifth Business" ,the first book in the "Deptford Trilogy" by Robertson Davies. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read, highly recommend it. The second book in the trilogy , "The Manticore" appears to be equally engaging thus far. A lot of psychology in Davies' books, apparently.

Edited on by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Elodin Will do! I can already tell you that I like it better than Dragons of the Dwarven Depths so far, but as with that, your enjoyment will come down to how much you like the original Chronicles. This trilogy is pretty much for die-hard fans only, I feel.
In this one we get to visit Icewall and meet Feal-Thas, who turned out to be a much more interesting character than I had imagined. We also get to read more about Kitiara's story, which is very welcome. I'm about half way through and it's on track for a four star review from me, if it sticks the landing.



Upgrade was a fantastic book. Just put it down now, I can't believe I read that after reading Sapiens. Will definitely read more of Blake Crouch's novels!

Next up I might finish up the Mistborn trilogy with The Hero of Ages.



@MightyDemon82 Glad you enjoyed it; Crouch has quite a few good books Can't remember if you read "Recursion" or not, but that's another really good one, in my opinion. My absolute favourite of his is the Wayward Pines trilogy; I enjoyed those immensely. There are those that didn't like them at all, though, so your mileage may vary, but I think they might be to your liking.

I've also read "Run", "Abandon" and "Snowbound" and while they're all good, I didn't like them as much as I did Pines, "Dark Matter", "Upgrade" and "Recursion". "Run" is probably the weakest, as I felt it was too similar to Pines and not nearly as good.



Bought a book called "The Golem & The Djinn". Really haven't made much progress last month due to real-life non-sense but I'm gonna get thru a few chapters tonight...if I can.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



@FuriousMachine I will definitely read Pines and Recursion. Choosing my next read is a tough one, might do some manga/comics before I do another novel!



@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot I looked it up and it looks pretty interesting. Would love to hear your thoughts on it when you're finished with it



Finished Dragons of the Highlord Skies (Goodreads page), the second book in the "Dragonlance: The Lost Chronicles" series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

Reading a "new" (for me) entry in a saga that defined my years as a pre-teen and young teenager had me a bit skeptical going in, especially since I hadn't read anything in almost 30 years (except the occasional re-read of the original "holy six"). I wasn't really blown away by the first entry in this trilogy, but this one really hit the spot for me.
As this story is a "sidequel", there were a couple of too obvious redshirts in there, but they were engaging characters so I didn't mind all that much.
Maybe one my favourites in the series, and highly recommended for fans of the original "Dragonlance Chronicles"; I gave it 4.5 stars in my Goodreads review.

Now it's back to Peter May's "China Thrillers" with The Runner (Goodreads page), the fifth and penultimate entry.


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