
Topic: Death Stranding OT

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@KratosMD I think a lot of it can also be traced back to Horizon Zero Dawn, and considering how they both use the same engine, that's very plausible.

HZD had a similar unlock system for new areas. Even the map is 3D like it was in HZD. Hiding in tall grass, and the Machines/Mules scanning the area to find you. The gameplay difference between ''human'' encounters and the much stronger Machines/BTs. Scanning the environment. Even enemy movement, and how they're tied to zones feel similar to HZD. It definitely feels like some of the underlying mechanics have been re-purposed for Death Stranding.



What’s the deal with roads, because mostly they are already built by someone else. Do they need to be rebuilt regularly or once they are in your instance of the game they remain?


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 The paths you walk? Or can you also build proper roads? I bet stuff will erode away due to timefall, that also can happen to other structures iirc.



@kyleforrester87 The roads will need maintaining in order to keep them like new or TimeFall will eventually destroy them. I built one tonight, can't believe how fun it is just gathering resources to contribute to building stuff, I also climbed a snow topped mountain and fell, looking on as everything that was on my back tumbled downward!



@KratosMD ah. Yeah, I had to build the first bit of road too (assume this is the same for everyone) but the rest seems to just get built by everyone else pretty quickly. I dunno, maybe it’ll go over time.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Has anyone triggered a Voidout yet? I got caught in a tricky area by BT's and now there is a huge crater in the game!



@KratosMD. If they eat you, i usually manage to get away but it got close enough to grab me then boom!



I got dragged down the river by BTs too, I didn’t notice any permanent effect on the world afterwards though, but I wasn’t really paying attention


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 it's the main one once you get dragged down. If it gets a hold of you that'll trigger one.



@KratosMD @MightyDemon82 I believe that even the craters will erode over time due to timefall. But I've looked up a video (cause I'm so good, I haven't died yet ), but man those things are huge. Comparable to the one you set off in the prologue.



@Octane haha, try having a truckload of goods then getting attacked by BT's especially when said truck is eroded due to TimeFall and low on charge. Makes it tricky to gather up all your goods and escape at a decent pace!



It dawned on me whilst playing that DS takes a lot from Mudrunner with the challenging environment traversal and the carrying of cargo. Makes me wonder what other mechanics could be taken from sim games to produce something more than the sum of its parts.

PSN: Aleks-UK


How are the trophies? Are they popping with regularity or are they difficult?

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution Initially seem to pop quite often the first time you do something. One for completing each Chapter and some for getting a very good score on a mission which I doubt is viable as you play..more of an end game returning with the best equipment and structures completed etc. I imagine the plat will be hard work, but 70-80% will unlock as you play to completion without chasing.

PSN: Aleks-UK


@Shellcore Ok, sounds good. Not that it’s essential, but a good trophy list is a nice plus. That’s about the clip that I expected - 60-70% completion by just playing the game pretty normally.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

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