
Topic: PSN ID Exchange

Posts 101 to 120 of 374


kyleforrester87 wrote:

WigSplitter1987, add away

wigsplitter??? Will send a request in a minute. After looking I cant believe wigsplitter Is that popular. Haha.

Edited on by themcnoisy

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


PS4: TaimeDowne
XB1: BAMozzy

PS4 games: Destiny, Killzone and just ordered Zombie Army Trilogy... not many games - YET!

Please send a message saying PushSquare so I know where you added me from.

Edited on by BAMozzy

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


themcnoisy wrote:

kyleforrester87 wrote:

WigSplitter1987, add away

wigsplitter??? Will send a request in a minute. After looking I cant believe wigsplitter Is that popular. Haha.

Haha sorry just saw that..Whats wrong with WigSplitter?! I've been using it for 13-14 years now


PSN: WigSplitter1987


kyleforrester87 wrote:

themcnoisy wrote:

kyleforrester87 wrote:

WigSplitter1987, add away

wigsplitter??? Will send a request in a minute. After looking I cant believe wigsplitter Is that popular. Haha.

Haha sorry just saw that..Whats wrong with WigSplitter?! I've been using it for 13-14 years now

Why wigsplitter? Like is there a meaning behind it or is it just two words thrown together?

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


rastamadeus wrote:

kyleforrester87 wrote:

themcnoisy wrote:

kyleforrester87 wrote:

WigSplitter1987, add away

wigsplitter??? Will send a request in a minute. After looking I cant believe wigsplitter Is that popular. Haha.

Haha sorry just saw that..Whats wrong with WigSplitter?! I've been using it for 13-14 years now

Why wigsplitter? Like is there a meaning behind it or is it just two words thrown together?

I'd just started playing Counter-Strike and was watching Men in Black 2 in the cinema (crappy film!) and Will Smith has the following back and forth with the other guy before taking out some aliens:

  • We're off the book. I say split some wigs.
  • We need wig-splitting weapons.
  • Got them.

Thus, Wig Splitter was born!!! Works quite nicely in a game as headshot-centric as CS!

Edited on by kyleforrester87


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Add me peeps. I'm TiltedHalo
Looking forward to playing!



Cron_13 on PSN, Cron13 on XBOX Live

Still loving Diablo 3 and Hell Divers on the PS4 and usually up for some rifts or missions.

| PlayStation Network ID: Cron_13 | XBOX Live: Cron13 |


Psn: Clay_Davis83
Playing Helldivers, Diablo 3, Bloodborne, freedom wars.
Play on E.S.T. Usually down for some co-op!

PSN: ClayDavis83



Right, I've finally been on a bit of a spree adding everyone, for now I've only added people that I've actually spoken with, or who I see around the place fairly often. If I've missed you and you want to add me please go ahead and do so, my PSN account is the same as here - SteveButler2210

From 16/08/15 I’m going for sober for six months to raise money for the Princess Alice Hospice. Donations can be made here and anything you can offer is greatly appreciated:

Wish me luck!


PSN: SteveButler2210


Hey folks feel free to add me im marston1983

Currently playing Bloodborne, got it last night and havnt even got to the first boss yet



PSN: Xtreme_playa187

Currently playing : MLB 14, Warframe, FF TYPE-0
Will soon start: Hell divers (PS Vita/PS4), MKX.

Open to suggestions for other games, I tend to stick to tactical/rpg style games but I can play anything.

PSN: Ultranomnom

I'll take the Vita to the grave with me, even if Sony won't.

PSN: Ultranomnom


PSN: John81

Currently playing: GTA V, PES, Rocksmith, and various ps plus games.

Would love to get gaming with like minded people. Feel free to add me and mention your from pushsquare forums

Edited on by john81


PSN: john81


Hi everyone - my PSN is Tonyda1971 - feel free to add me but please mention you're from push sq!



Sorrowful_North. Say you're from PushSquare.

"Got that Kurt Cobain type of mind frame."

PSN: Sorrowful_North


JLPick please state that you are from PushSquare in the message box! I don't have the best internet connection, so I may not be able to play online all the time, but I have a lot of games that I can!


PSN: JLpick


Hi my psn is tenderbeefcake. I'm looking for friends for co op games like Far cry 4. Sniper Elite. Dying light. And others. I don't have lots of time to play because I have a family and work. But I usually can play from about 8 to 10 pm Eastern standard time.



Hi. If you play Destiny and aren't already a member, check out the Dads of Destiny clan (for mums too)




Psn is realbehan88 so feel free to add. Visit pushsquare every day for news and reviews, but never really comment. Hoping to change that.
Feel free to add and hopefully catch up with a few of you online!



realbehan88 wrote:

Psn is realbehan88 so feel free to add. Visit pushsquare every day for news and reviews, but never really comment. Hoping to change that.
Feel free to add and hopefully catch up with a few of you online!

What games do you play?

My PSN is billy-beauts

Edited on by Weskerb



@Wesker just sent you an add request.

I play anything from Bloodborne to FIFA.. But online I mainly play sports and FPS


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