Tag: What Are You Playing - Page 6
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 323
Bank holiday
We’re midway into a Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK, and the weather has been beautiful so far. Of course, we haven’t had too much time to stare at the sun, as we’ve been indoors with the curtains closed. How about you? Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 322
A royal return
Is it a new week already? Insanity! Well, it’s the weekend, so that means your regularly scheduled WAYP has returned, right on time. The weather’s a bit brighter, and KFC is open again, so things are looking up, readers. Sammy Barker, Editor: After finishing Dishonored 2 last week, I’ve been bouncing around different games...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 321
Lockdown entertainment
Are you all healthy and well? It’s been a strange couple of months, hasn’t it? Hopefully, your PlayStation 4 has been keeping you occupied during these unprecedented times. As always, we want to know what you’ve been playing in your regularly scheduled WAYP. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m blitzing through my backlog at...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 320
Snow joke
Goodness gracious, WAYP seems to come around quicker every single week. We’re not sure whether it’s lockdown or not, but it feels like the days are flying by faster than ever before – it’s almost May, for crying out loud! Sammy Barker, Editor: I’ll be overcoming the ice in SnowRunner this weekend, as I’ve volunteered to...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 319
Pick your poison
We don’t know what the weather’s like in your part of the world, but it’s beautiful here in Britain. It’s typical, then, that after over six months of wind and rain, none of us can go outside. Still, it’s great news for that backlog of yours. Here’s what we’re playing. Sammy Barker, Editor: When was the last time I...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 318
Take your heart
Let’s touch base, then. How are you all doing? It’s been a weird couple of weeks, hasn’t it? Hopefully you’re all staying safe and following your government’s guidelines to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It just so happens that playing video games is a great way to fight this blasted disease, so let us know what’s...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 317
Hunting grounds
Well, that’s another week in isolation done, and goodness knows how many left to go. We sincerely hope you’re staying safe and sane during these unprecedented times. As always, we’d love to know what you’re planning to play this weekend. Let us know in the comments section. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m agonisingly close to...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 316
Eternally grateful
Well, we don’t want to dwell on it because we like to think this website offers some form of escapism from the tragedies occurring outdoors. Nevertheless, we sincerely hope that you and your family are safe and comfortable this weekend – and, perhaps hopefully, playing some games together. Here’s what’s keeping us busy...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 315
Don't panic
Well, it’s not been the best of weeks, has it? The worst part is that things seem destined to get worst. Fortunately, it’s the weekend and there’s tons of video games to play – even better, they can’t give you any deadly diseases. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’ve got MLB The Show 20 to review. Despite the embargo already lifting,...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 314
Corona chaos
You can’t catch coronavirus if you isolate yourself indoors, so what better excuse could you have for playing games all day? Lock your windows and doors, wash your hands, and dig into that backlog – there’s literally never been a better time. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m messing about at the moment, not really settling on...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 313
Leap year edition
The weather is abysmal and the threat of germs linger on the horizon. Why would anyone want to go outside at all? Fresh air? It’s overrated – we plan to use our DualShock 4 as a kind of life support, and games are the only oxygen we need. Sammy Barker, Editor: Having left Concrete Genie in favour of work-related reviews,...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 312
Decisions, decisions
It’s been a hellish weekend for weather, so why would you ever want to go outside? Fortunately, a day indoors means an afternoon in front of the PlayStation 4, so what are you playing this weekend? Here’s what we’ve got in store. Sammy Barker, Editor: I have a list of mini reviews to complete as long as my left leg, but...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 311
Weekend wonders
It’s not been a particularly busy week in the games industry, but Dreams’ release feels significant, not just because it’s a major game but because more big launches are right around the corner. Yes, delays mean that the schedule isn’t quite as crowded as it once was, but you better start thinking about cleaning up that...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 310
That time again
There's no Super Bowl this weekend, and not even a full programme of Premier League fixtures, so sports shouldn't get in the way of your gaming. We've got a relatively short WAYP for you this time, but the comments have been on fire for a while, so we're looking forward to a bumper number of replies below. Sammy Barker, Editor: I...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 309
Chiefs vs 49ers
That’s an entire month of 2020 done and dusted. Can you believe it? The clock doesn’t stop, and we’re edging closer to those big spring PlayStation 4 titles as a result. In the meantime, what’s keeping you busy this weekend? Sammy Barker, Editor: I haven’t been able to commit to Judgment quite like I hoped to, but I want...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 308
Nioh em gee
February is fast approaching, but there’s still plenty of gaming left for you in January yet. Whether you’re trying something new or dipping into your backlog this weekend, we want to know about. So let us know what you’re playing in the comments section below. Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor: Look, I'll take any excuse to play...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 307
Mid-January blues
After all of the delays this week, you may be looking for a little something to console yourself with. Fortunately, there’s a huge new sale on the PlayStation Store and no doubt a bunch of software in your backlog. Here’s everything we’re playing this weekend. Sammy Barker, Editor: I'm thoroughly enjoying Judgment at the...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 306
An odyssey
We’re deep into January now, and the release schedule is starting to kick back into action, but chances are you’ll be digging into your backlog once again. What’s keeping you occupied this weekend? Here’s everything we’re playing. Sammy Barker, Editor: I'm on a real gaming binge right now, and I've ended up playing a bit of...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 305
2020: A Space Odyssey
Many of you will have been dragged kicking and screaming to work this week, but if you haven’t, then that moment awaits you on Monday. But why worry about that right now, eh? There’s still the rest of the weekend to enjoy. Sammy Barker, Editor: I have so much that I want to play but not enough time for any of it. I’ll...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 304
End of the year edition
It’s the last What Are You Playing of the year – heck, it’s the last What Are You Playing of the decade. And don’t bring that nonsense about when decades start and end in the comments section – it’s probably the most tired discussion of the, well, decade. No, don’t say it! Stop! Sammy Barker, Editor: Now that...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 303
Merry Christmas, everyone
It’s time for our regular festive treat in the form of WAYP, this time with a wintery twist. Oh, who are we kidding? It’s the same old WAYP as every week, we’re just publishing this one a few days prior to Christmas. Hopefully you plan to be snuggled up somewhere warm and not braving the high street. Sammy Barker,...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 302
Plenty to chomp on
Man, it’s been a busy week here at Push Square Towers. Not only did we cover a State of Play and The Game Awards, but we’ve also scheduled in almost 50 articles, which will run over the Christmas break. Yes, you ready that correctly – fifty. We’re looking forward to some game time this weekend. Stephen Tailby, Associate...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 301
Cleaning up for Christmas
We're getting dangerously close to Christmas now, so you should really start thinking about gift ideas for your friends and loved ones. Alternatively, you could just sit at home this weekend playing video games. That's what we'll be doing. Sammy Barker, Editor: An Amazon mix-up means that I'm still without a television,...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 300
Three oh oh
It’s a landmark edition of What Are You Playing This Weekend, and we still haven’t missed a single issue. Which, honestly, if you saw the slapdash organisation that goes into this feature on a weekly basis makes our consistency a small miracle. Anyway, this is a short one because yours truly gave the team about ten minutes to submit...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 299
Do you want to play a game of lucky hit?
Next weekend will mark the 300th issue of WAYP, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. On the precipice of this impressive milestone, join us as we play some darn video games, won't you? With pretty much all this year's major releases available now ahead of the holidays, we're very interested to see what...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 298
From a galaxy far, far away
Believe it or not, the big holiday release schedule is all but over. With the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, it’s perhaps time to turn your attention back to your backlog – or the many titles you bought over the past few weeks that you haven’t had time to finish yet. What are you playing this weekend? You...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 297
Last one Stranding
Death Stranding is out now, but how many of you are playing it this weekend? It's the biggest PlayStation 4 exclusive of the holidays, but is it on your radar or do your interests lie elsewhere? This is what we're playing this weekend. Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor: I look forward to a relatively relaxing weekend as I take a walk...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 296
Last man Stranding
Halloween is over and the nights are drawing in, meaning that it’s November and Death Stranding is almost here. Of course you’ve still got a few more days left before you can try out Hideo Kojima’s opus, so let us know what you’ll be playing to fill the time. Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor: Now that Big Review Season...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 295
Modern warfare
After a couple of weeks off, your humble host is back to post the latest WAYP. That means that it’s a desperately short edition, because apparently no one cares to respond to Sammy’s requests. The good news is that the comments are always action packed in these articles, so you’re going to have to pick up the slack in the space...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 294
Rainy days
It's been raining near constantly outside the Push Square Towers window, and with all those autumnal leaves littering the ground, going outside is a borderline health risk. Rather than risking our lives walking along slippery pavements, we'll be staying indoors playing video games, thanks very much. Feel free to use that excuse if...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 293
Sammy Strikes Again
With the fall setting in, things are getting a little cooler and a little rainier lately. You know what that means: new games are starting to arrive, and it's the perfect time to dive in. Whether it's something from your backlog or a fresh purchase, won't you join us on a lazy gaming weekend? Sammy Barker, Editor: This weekend...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 292
Tell me your wish
How has the weather changed so quickly? One minute we were wearing shorts, now we’re hugging our winter jackets. The good news is that you have absolutely no reason to go outside anymore, so it’s time to catch up on that growing collection of video games you’ve been side-eyeing all summer. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m taking...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 291
The impossible lair
Well, like you, we wish we were playing The Last of Us: Part II this weekend – but sadly we’re going to have to wait a few more months for that. In the meantime, there’s plenty on our docket, with October and November both looking particularly stacked. Here’s what we’re playing this weekend. Sammy Barker, Editor:...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 290
Rogue corps
There’s just a few weeks until Death Stranding drops, but you should have plenty to keep you occupied in the interim. We’re busy beavering away with a bunch of games here at Push Square Towers, as we endeavour to bring you more reviews over the busy holiday period. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m working my way through Contra: Rogue...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 289
Back to the beginning
The long-awaited Borderlands 3 has finally arrived, but the review schedule is so busy that it's not the only title on the agenda of our esteemed editors. In fact, this is quite the eclectic WAYP. Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor: For me, this weekend is all about review duty. Two games are waiting for my critical gaze, both...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 288
Welcome to the next
Oh, it’s busy now. Just like that, the gaming calendar has launched into life, and we’ve got more to play than we can possibly cope with. Hot releases right now include Control and Catherine: Full Body, but there’s so much around the corner that we’ve been forced to be organised. For once. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’ll...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 287
Summer holiday
Our industrious leader Sammy Barker is on holiday right now, but that doesn't mean our longest running feature is taking a break. After a quiet few weeks, we're starting to see some cool games emerging. Here's what we're up to this weekend. Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor: Catherine or Katherine... Catherine or Katherine... Or Rin?...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 286
The sun is shining
Crikey, where did that beaming ball of fire sitting in the sky come from? It’s absolutely roasting this weekend, so there’s never been a better excuse to close the curtains and lounge around in your underpants. You might want to point an extra fan at your PS4 Pro, though – it’s going to get noisy in this weather. Sammy...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 285
The age old question
Big new releases like Control and Man of Medan are right around the corner, so this may be your last weekend with your backlog before the holiday rush kicks in. We’ve got a whopping WAYP for you this time, though, so let’s get stuck in. Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor: Right, you've convinced me, I'll give No Man's Sky...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 284
Olympic effort
Premier League football has finally made its long awaited return, and that’s about to eat into our weekends once more. The good news is that the video game release calendar is still relatively dry, so it’ll be backlogs all around before the heavy hitters arrive later in the month. Sammy Barker, Editor: I imported a copy of...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 283
Sunday night football
Doesn’t feel like the gaming industry’s quite got back to full speed after the slow summer holidays yet, does it? But the release of Madden NFL 20 means that things are about to get moving again, and both August and September look like hectic months for the PlayStation 4 – certainly more so than July, anyway. That means...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 282
Wet and wild
It’s a rainy Saturday morning, and we’re stuffed like sardines into a train. But nothing’s going to stop the WAYP party this week, so let’s quit with the unnecessary preamble, and get down to business, shall we? Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor: I've got my thinking cap on this weekend, as I strategise the best way to tackle...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 281
On the agenda
Congratulations if you made it through this swelteringly hot week – the next one is supposed to be even warmer. The good news is that you can always close the curtains, shut the world out, and sit back with some video games – and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. Here’s what we’re playing. Stephen Tailby, Associate...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 280
Long summer
Gosh, does anyone else feel like WAYP comes around frighteningly fast? Heck, we’re already up to Issue 280 and it barely feels like yesterday that we kickstarted this feature with chatter about games like… Far Cry 3! Anyway, it’s summer so things are slow at the moment, but here’s what we’re playing this weekend. Robert...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 279
Fun in the sun
We’re knee-deep into the summer now, so while the release schedule is looking a little on the lighter side, it’s a good opportunity for you to tick some titles off your backlog. But what are you playing this weekend? Let’s talk it out once more. Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor: Like a fool, I've taken my first steps into The...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 278
Judge and jury
There’s a heat wave in Europe which is smashing temperature records like they’re going out of fashion, so we’re not even going to joke about closing the curtains today – it’s a matter of health and safety. To be honest you may want to keep your PS4 Pro turned off, too, as that adds another dozen degrees to the atmosphere!...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 277
Crash bash
Oh goodness, here comes the sun. What should we do? Well, after months of moaning about the chilly weather, it's probably time to complain that it's too hot. That's certainly what this author will be doing. Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor: Now that the Sun has finally come out, I'm going to completely ignore it and play some video...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 276
E3 2019 has completely destroyed us it seems, as this is going to go down as the shortest WAYP in history. That doesn’t matter, though, because this feature is ultimately all about you. Make sure you drop a comment in the space below. Sammy Barker, Editor: I’m taking a little break from games after E3 2019, as I attempt to earn some...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 275
Electronic entertainment expo
It’s all hands on deck here at Push Square Towers, as we prepare for the impending E3 2019. As such, this week’s WAYP is a little on the light side, but we’re sure that you’ll pad things out in the comments section below. Stephen Tailby, Associate Editor: I’ll be playing a bit of Dreams in my ongoing efforts...
Talking Point What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 274
Calm before the storm
It's the final weekend before E3 2019, so if you've got any outstanding games you want to clear from your backlog, now would be the time to get busy. Well, we suppose you could save them until after the big show, but where's the fun in that? Get busy. Sammy Barker, Editor: I've been having a blast with my PlayStation VR...