Tag: Shenmue - Page 3

  • News Shenmue III's Already Looking Impressive on PS4

    Yu did it

    As undeniably excited as everyone at Push Square Towers is for Shenmue III, we've never held particularly high hopes that the game will be any good. But even at this early stage in development, it's looking visually impressive. As part of a Kickstarter update sent to backers, developer Ys Net has shared a few prototype screens – and...

  • News SEGA Will See About Shenmue 1 & 2 Re-Release on PS4

    Hope it doesn't change its mind

    It took a record breaking Kickstarter and almost 15 years of fan demand for SEGA to realise that it has a rich legacy that deserves celebrating. In the wake of Shenmue III's reveal, the Japanese publisher has said that it's "looking into" bringing the first two titles in the series to the PlayStation 4. Doesn't the...

  • News Ryo Hazuki Will Face Lan Di in Shenmue III on PS4

    But will he get his revenge?

    Forget the Rumble in the Jungle and Chuck Norris versus Bruce Lee: the bout between Ryo Hazuki and Lan Di threatens to define a generation. Ever since the Chinese tyrant brutally murdered Iwao Hazuki during the opening moments of Shenmue, fans of the franchise have been desperate to exact their revenge on the ponytailed...

  • News This Lucky Person Has Already Played Shenmue III

    "I see"

    It's so surreal to think that Shenmue III actually exists now. The sequel – which this author has been waiting over a decade to play – raised over $6 million on Kickstarter recently, and director Yu Suzuki and his team have been busy beavering away on production ever since. This means that, while it's no doubt incredibly early, there's...

  • News Shenmue III's Saved, But There's Still Time to Pledge

    "Maybe I should donate some?"

    Shenmue III raised a record breaking $6.3 million on Kickstarter earlier in the year – but developer Ys Net's looking for more. While this may sound nefarious, the developer did announce at the end of crowd funding campaign that it'd be accepting PayPal pledges eventually – it's just taken it a little time to roll...

  • News Shenmue III Causes Spike in Dreamcast Sales

    Yu did it

    Let's not beat around the bush: Sony kind of killed the Dreamcast. Sure, years of atrocious decisions ultimately saw SEGA pull out of the hardware race, but few could deny that the looming juggernaut otherwise known as the PlayStation 2 put the final nail in the underappreciated console's coffin. But with the announcement of Shenmue III at...

  • News How's Sony Helping Shenmue III?

    Gio Corsi explains platform holder's role

    Following the success of the record breaking Kickstarter last month, things have gone a teensy bit quiet in the Shenmue III camp. Hopefully that's because Yu Suzuki and crew are busy beavering away on the long overdue sequel, which is currently set to release on the PlayStation 4 and PC in 2017. As part of a...

  • News Yu Suzuki: We've Just Started Getting into Shenmue III Development

    Take your time

    There's no time for Yu Suzuki to change his mind anymore: Shenmue III is going to get made for the PlayStation 4. Following the theatrics of last week's Kickstarter conclusion, the SEGA veteran has stepped out of the public eye a little over the past few days – but he did offer an update for backers, confirming that development on...

  • News Shenmue III Smashes Records, Secures $6.3 Million in Funding

    Long awaited sequel due out on PS4 in 2017

    Forget about the day that the snow turned to rain – something even stranger is happening: Shenmue III is getting made for the PlayStation 4. It's been a whirlwind since the title was announced during Sony's press conference at E3 2015, but the crowd funding is now over – and a whopping $6,333,295...

  • Live Watch the Shenmue III Kickstarter Countdown Right Here

    Settle down with some sailors

    There are mere hours left for you to #SaveShenmue, and in order to give the project one final push, Yu Suzuki will be hosting a livestream with some of the PlayStation 4 sequel's core creative team. Join us as the clock counts down on arguably one of the most exciting Kickstarter campaigns of all time, which all started...

  • News Lucky Hit! Shenmue III Is Now the Most Funded Game in Kickstarter History

    And there are still 12 hours to go

    Shenmue III has become the most funded video game in Kickstarter history – and there are still 12 hours left for the PlayStation 4 and PC sequel to do something really special. A couple of troll pledges mean that the campaign is fluctuating a little, but at the time of typing its sitting at $5,553,410 – putting...

  • News Kickstarter May Be Your Only Way to Buy Shenmue III on Blu-ray

    You know what you need to do

    Should you back Shenmue III's soon-to-end Kickstarter campaign? Well, if your answer up until now has been 'maybe some other time' then you may want to reconsider, as Ys Net has revealed that a physical PlayStation 4 release is not guaranteed outside of the crowdfunding drive. Currently, backing the project for $60 will...

  • News The Snow Turns to Rain in Final Hours of Shenmue III Campaign

    Let's get sweaty

    Well, this is it: your last chance to save Shenmue. It's been a topsy-turvy ride for Yu Suzuki's long awaited Kickstarter campaign, but with the end in sight, it's time for one final push to make Shenmue III a reality. At the time of typing, the title has amassed $5.5 million, which means that it's agonisingly close to breaking...

  • News Shenmue III Smashes $5 Million Milestone

    Way cool

    Shenmue III may have struggled during the middle part of its crowd funding campaign, but it's really flying right now. Following the release of this morning's new trailer, the title has raised a further $100,000 on Kickstarter – and has crossed the all-important $5 million milestone as a consequence. This means that the Character...

  • News Shenmue III PS4 Trailer Looks Out on the Lake of the Lantern Bugs

    Light our darkest hour

    Before you start giggling back there, it's probably worth mentioning that work on Shenmue III has only just started. As such, this new trailer may look crude, but considering fellow Kickstarters such as Mighty No. 9 and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night didn't really have anything other than concept art to show at this stage...

  • News Maybe You Should Visit Shenmue III's Official Website

    Some other time

    With just four days left to go on Kickstarter, Ys Net has recovered Shenmue III's official website from beneath the Hazuki clan's cherry tree. The site, which is crudely put together, includes some early gameplay footage from the foray – complete with some expectedly awful voice acting – as well as a brief overview of the...

  • News Yu Suzuki Hints at Fresh Shenmue III Trailer

    FREE at last

    This is it: the final push. Shenmue III is a week away from being funded, and while the past seven days have been kind to the project, it's going to need a massive boost in order to hit some of its latter stretch goals. Fortunately, series creator Yu Suzuki sounds like a man with a plan, and he's hinted as part of a Twitter Q&A that...

  • News Turn Yourself into a Shenmue III Toy Capsule

    Love these

    Shenmue III has about week left to make as much money as possible, which means that the pressure's now on for the Kickstarter campaign. We already know that the game is going to get made, but Yu Suzuki has stressed that the more money that gets contributed, the more elaborate the final product will be. At the time of typing the funding...

  • News Keep Those You Love Closer with New Shenmue III Backer Rewards

    Iwao would be proud

    We thought that the Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign was being poorly managed at first, but developer Ys Net is getting cunning as the crowd funding drive marches confidently towards its conclusion. Two new tiers have been added to the title today, and one is aimed specifically at all those who upped their pledge to $60 following...

  • News Shenmue III Is Already One of the Biggest Kickstarters of All Time

    Lucky hit

    Fans will know that the Shenmue series doesn't do things by half. Yu Suzuki's seminal action adventure was once the most expensive game ever made – almost bankrupting publisher SEGA in the process – but now it has ten days remaining to become the biggest Kickstarter ever, too. With the Pebble Watch sitting at a cool $20 million, it...

  • News This Shenmue Documentary Couldn't Be Better Timed

    Makers must have checked their Timex watches

    Shenmue III's up-and-down Kickstarter campaign is entering its final stages, and it's picked just the right moment to gather some serious steam. This documentary detailing the 14 year wait for the sequel couldn't be better timed, then, as a teaser trailer for the fan-made film has been released with the...

  • News Yu Suzuki: I'm Grateful for the Chance to Make Shenmue III for PS4, PC

    Keep franchises, those you love, close to you

    Shenmue III's crowd funding campaign has been a little strange. After smoking Kickstarter's servers during Sony's memorable E3 2015 press conference, it was met with scepticism and some serious messaging issues, which caused it to slow right down. However, following the announcement of a physical...

  • News Rejoice, Shenmue III Is Getting a Physical Edition on PS4

    Kickstarter campaign still going strong

    Last month, developer Yu Suzuki stated that he'd like to get Shenmue III onto physical PlayStation 4 discs, and thanks to the game's super successful Kickstarter campaign, it looks like that dream's going to become a reality. You'll get a retail edition of the release if you pledge $60 to the project, and...

  • News Ryo Hazuki's Original Voice Actor Is Back For Shenmue III

    Take me to Lan-Di

    Fans will know that the Shenmue games had some pretty questionable voice acting - especially looking back at them now - but we doubt that you lot would want it any other way. As such, the Kickstarter funded third title in the series will see the return of protagonist Ryo Hazuki's voice actor, Corey Marshall. "Corey is as excited...

  • News Yu Suzuki Wants Physical Shenmue III PS4 Discs

    Where is the mirror?

    Shenmue III could yet get a Blu-ray release on the PlayStation 4, as Yu Suzuki explained during a Twitch livestream overnight that he's eager to make it happen. The veteran developer told fans that he's currently considering ways to get the disc produced, and pleaded patience while he figures out the final details. We reckon...

  • Live Watch Yu Suzuki Talk Shenmue III Right Here

    Streaming from Warehouse No. 8

    As promised earlier in the week, Yu Suzuki will be hosting a live Twitch stream this evening to talk about Shenmue III and its Kickstarter campaign. The broadcast is set to begin at 19:00PM PT (22:00PM EDT/03:00AM BST), and you can watch it all right here. Hopefully the veteran developer sheds some light on a physical...

  • News Shenmue III Stretch Goals Extend PS4, PC Sequel's Scope

    Betting games, battle systems, and more

    After the initial burst of enthusiasm following its announcement, Shenmue III's long awaited Kickstarter campaign has slowed right down. In order for the title to reach its ultimate $10 million target, there's going to need to be another huge surge of interest – and creator Yu Suzuki and crew are desperately...

  • News Shenmue III Targets $10 Million as Funding Is Clarified

    Sony won't see a cent

    There's been a bit of a backlash surrounding Shenmue III since its announcement last week, which has been a bit disappointing to see. Ever wondered why we can't have nice things? Well, it's because there'll always be some spiteful people out there looking to scupper them – and Yu Suzuki's crowd funding campaign has been the...

  • News Forklift Racing Could Return in Shenmue III on PS4, PC

    At least we have that to look forward to

    Shenmue is a crazy series. The original incorporated various minigames, including gambling and arcade machines – but forklift racing will forever remain a favourite of fans. And speaking as part of a Reddit question and answer session, Yu Suzuki has hinted that it could make a return in the franchise's...

  • News Ryo Hazuki's Ghastly Shenmue III Character Model Will Totally Improve

    Ine-san will be worried

    In the cold, hard, sobering light of day, let's be honest: Shenmue III doesn't look very good yet. Unlike other Kickstarter campaigns, Yu Suzuki is flogging this project on the branding alone – and it's worked. But with the funding drive already successful – and Sony admitting that it will be putting its hand in its...

  • E3 2015 Shenmue III Expands with Fresh Stretch Goals

    We love these

    Shenmue III has rocketed past $3 million, meaning that it's time for some new Stretch Goals to be added to the campaign. These focus on Baisha Village, one of the three main hub areas in the game. The additions run from $4 million to $5 million, and include additional quests, mini-games, and battle events. If we had to guess, Yu Suzuki...

  • E3 2015 Shenmue III Now Has a Guinness World Record

    Ain't even sweaty yet

    Some salty individuals may want you to stop pledging your money to Shenmue III, but that ain't stopping the project from soaring through its stretch goals. The game's already raised a whopping $3 million at the time of typing – and has just been awarded a Guinness World Record for reaching its $1 milli

  • E3 2015 Sony's Partnering with Yu Suzuki on Shenmue III Production

    "We're going to be partners the whole way"

    As exciting as Shenmue III's reveal has been, the nature of the release's relationship with Sony has been a little muddy. Currently, we know that it's coming to the PlayStation 4 and PC – but an update to the title's Kickstarter page suggested that other systems could be added to the mix. We assumed that...

  • E3 2015 You Won't Be Receiving a Retail Release of Shenmue III PS4

    Don't you know that's way uncool

    Much like antagonist Chai, Yu Suzuki has chewed up any hope of a retail release of Shenmue III on the PlayStation 4 – for now. Following last night's shock announcement, a few firm details are starting to emerge regarding the perennially pined after sequel. An updated FAQ, for example, reveals that SEGA has given...

  • E3 2015 Shenmue III Will Have Its Revenge as Kickstarter Succeeds

    "I see"

    Ten hours after appearing during PlayStation's big E3 2015 press conference in dramatic fashion, Shenmue III has hit its funding target. The game – which will now launch on the PlayStation 4 and PC – smashed all sorts of records, racing to its $2 million target faster than any other title in history. Let's hope that the funders don't...

  • E3 2015 Shenmue III Searches for Sailors on PS4

    No, really

    There's no need to rub your eyes: Shenmue III is real. Sony helped Yu Suzuki launch the Kickstarter campaign for the long-awaited sequel during its press conference this evening – a reveal that, not going to lie, almost had this author in tears. The title will release on the PlayStation 4 and PC in December 2017, assuming that it makes...

  • E3 2015 Today's Crazy Rumours Include Final Fantasy VII and Shenmue

    But of course

    It wouldn't be E3 without some utter nonsense doing the rounds – and the global gaming media is bringing out the big guns today. First up is French website JeuxActu.com, which is reporting that Shenmue III will be announced as a PlayStation 4 exclusive during Sony's media briefing this evening. It doesn't cite a source, but its...

  • News No, Shenmue III Ain't Looking for Sailors on PS4

    Don't you know fakes are way uncool?

    Remember the day the snow turned to rain? Yeah, sounds like a tall tale to us – a bit like this supposed Shenmue leak. The rumour appears to stem from a Japanese site, but has been picked up by some regional variants of IGN – and now we're here to tell you why it's more rubbish than Disc Four of the otherwise...

  • News Ryo Hazuki Will Finally Get His Revenge Against Lan Di

    Dead or Alive 5 mod finishes the fight

    The first two Shenmue games merely plotted the start of Yu Suzuki's monstrous story, but when the costly escapades flopped, so too did any hopes of the rest of the tale getting told. If you've been waiting over a decade to settle a few scores, however, this Shenmue mod for the PC version of Dead or Alive 5 will...

  • News This Is What Shenmue Would Look Like on the PS4

    Wished we could play some

    Despite it being one of the most requested sequels of all time, SEGA seems utterly uninterested in making Shenmue III. While that’s to be expected given the dismal sales of the first two games, though, we had hoped that the Japanese publisher would have

  • News Yu Suzuki: I'm Ready to Create Shenmue III Should the Right Circumstances Arise

    Veteran raring to go

    Much like protagonist Ryo Hazuki’s neverending quest for revengeance, SEGA legend Yu Suzuki will seemingly never give up on the fight for Shenmue III. Asked yet again about the overdue sequel during an event in beautiful Barcelona last week, the Super Hang-On designer declared that he’s ready to make the game whenever the...

  • News Yu Suzuki Still Wants You to Fight Lan Di in Shenmue III

    Maybe next time

    Some stories are best left unfinished, but we’ve been waiting almost 13 years to find out what happened in that cave at the end of Shenmue II. Only one man knows the answer to that question, and it’s creator Yu Suzuki, who’s been lobbying for the sequel to get funded for over a decade now. Fortunately, the former SEGA man is...

  • Weirdness Is There a Cheeky Nod to Shenmue in This PS4 Trailer?

    Don't you know that teasing is way uncool?

    Sony’s well aware that you want to know the conclusion to Ryo Hazuki’s story – and it’s either in a mischievous mood ahead of the PlayStation 4’s launch in Japan, or something is bubbling beneath the surface. Following photos of

  • News Desperate Shenmue Fans Beg Sony to Save Series on PS4

    Master Chen would admire your fortitude

    It’s becoming abundantly clear that if anyone is going to awaken Shenmue from its decade long slumber, it’s going to be Sony. Not only has the platform holder publicly acknowledged the fervent demand for the franchise in recent interviews, but PlayStation 4 architect Mark Cerny is actual

  • News How Much Would You Pay to Play Shenmue 3?

    Yu Suzuki considers crowdfunding for long overdue sequel

    When asked how we’d invest the winnings from a successful EuroMillions ticket, we often discuss our desire to fund the full production of Shenmue 3. It’ll never happen, of course, but reports coming out of the Monaco Anime and Game Show suggest that series creator Yu Suzuki is at least...