Tag: Offline

  • News PSN Online Services Restored Across the Board

    Some services were experiencing issues

    Update: Sony has now restored normal service to all aspects of the PlayStation Network, with the relevant page stating: "All services are up and running." The temporary outage across select parts of PSN lasted roughly two to three hours. Original story: Sony is currently investigating a series of PSN errors...

  • News Everybody's Golf Fans 'Thanos Snapped' Out of the Game as Servers Go Offline

    Below par

    The unfortunate day for PS4 golfing game Everybody's Golf has finally arrived: its servers were taken offline overnight, meaning none of its multiplayer functionality is accessible anymore. You can still play offline, but the Platinum Trophy will now be deemed unobtainable. It follows in the footsteps of PS4 games like Killzone Shadow Fall...

  • News PSN Brought Back Online, Service Restored to Users

    Gaming returns

    Update #2: Try to head back online on your PS5 and PS4 consoles and you should be able to connect once more. After a DNS server error, the worldwide web and many services are coming back online. PSN included! Everything should all be back to usual now. Update #1: The PSN service status website now reads: "PlayStation Network...

  • News PSN Down in Select Regions as Users Report Various Issues

    Sign-in affected

    Numerous reports are coming in across the globe that the PlayStation Network is currently suffering from some pretty substantial problems, to the point where users are no longer able to access the network itself. The outage appears to be taking place largely across the UK, Australia, Japan, Spain, and both the east and west coasts...

  • News PSN Appears to Be Coming Back Online Following Short Downtime

    Is PSN under maintenance?

    Update: Blimey, that was quick. The PlayStation Network seems to be coming back online after a short period of downtime. We're able to reconnect on our own PlayStation 4 systems, so it might be worth trying to do so yourselves again. Let's all breath a sigh of relief. Original story: At the time of writing, the...

  • News PSN Appears to Be Working Again After 3 Hours of Downtime

    Errors galore

    Update: The PlayStation Network appears to be back up and running again. It was down for around three hours or so. Original story: Over the past hour or so, we've been seeing numerous reports of PSN going down for users - with many unable to access the PlayStation Store, see Friends lists, or play games online. The Network Service...

  • News PSN Appears to Be Struggling as Players are Kicked Offline and Can't Restore Game Licenses

    Hopefully just a blip

    Over the last hour or so, reports have started flooding in that the PlayStation Network is gradually falling to bits. It started with people saying they couldn't access the PlayStation Store (and at the time of writing, that's the only issue that the official PlayStation website acknowledges), but now players are being booted...

  • News ANTHEM Servers Down for 'Emergency Maintenance'

    Hang tight

    ANTHEM's been running pretty smoothly since it launched last week on PS4. Barring the odd disconnect, there have been no major server outages as far as we're aware -- until now, that is. According to the game's official Twitter account, all servers are currently down for "emergency maintenance". Sounds rough, doesn't it? The timing's...

  • News PSN Down for Some as Users Report Various Issues

    Sign in problems and more

    The PlayStation Network appears to be experiencing a few hiccups right now, particularly in the UK and Europe. Reports are varied, with some users saying that they simply can't sign in, while others say that they're just running into lesser network issues. Friends lists not loading properly, the PlayStation Store not...

  • News PSN Offline Worldwide as Sony Engineers Investigate

    PlayStation Network down in December

    PlayStation Network is offline, and Sony engineers are currently wielding fire extinguishers in an attempt to put out the flames. While the issues don’t appear to be affecting absolutely everyone, this sounds like a fairly widespread outage, with a vast majority of players affected. Remember when this used to...

  • News PSN Down as Users Can't Sign In

    Saturday night fever

    Were you planning on getting some late night Saturday gaming sessions on the go? Well tough luck, pal -- the PlayStation Network appears to be down. Waves of reports suggest that users are struggling to sign in, and we can confirm that we're also having trouble here at Push Square Towers. It's been some time since we had a...

  • News PSN Down Again as Sony Acknowledges Widespread Issues


    The PlayStation Network isn't having the best of weekends, is it? Connection errors began on Friday, but Sony sorted things out quite quickly. Unfortunately, the network is now struggling again -- and has been for most of the day. Users are reporting sign in issues and interrupted online functionality. Sony has acknowledged the problems via...

  • News PSN Down for Many as Monster Hunter: World Launches


    Oh man, talk about good timing. Today marks the release of both Dragon Ball FighterZ and Monster Hunter: World on PlayStation 4, but guess what? The bloody PlayStation Network's buggered! At the time of writing we can't get online -- we get the old "under maintenance" message -- and our social media feeds are currently being flooded...

  • News PSN Engineers Working to Resolve Hiccups

    Some functionality on PS4 affected

    Looks like the impending release of Monster Hunter: World and the opening of God of War pre-orders has temporarily pulled the PlayStation Network to its knees, as outages are being reported in some territories. Sony, to its credit, has already issued an update stating that engineers are on the case and working to...

  • News Gran Turismo Sport's Servers Offline Ahead of the Holidays

    No roadmap for a resolution

    Oh no! Gran Turismo Sport is built with multiplayer in mind, and it’s been pretty reliable since launch. The holidays have brought the simulation racer’s servers crashing down, though – and rendered most of the title unplayable. Because of the release’s FIA License element, you need to be connected to the game’s...

  • News Virgin Media Users Suffer With PSN Sign-In Problems

    We just want to play Destiny 2

    This scribe just tried to sign into the PlayStation Network, only to find the service unavailable. Many Virgin Media users have reported having trouble accessing the network today, with the official PSN server status website saying that: "PlayStation Network services are up and running in your area, but several reports...

  • News PSN Down as Reports Come Flooding In

    Offline and unable to sign in

    So much for sitting down and playing Destiny 2 on a lazy Sunday, eh? The PlayStation Network is down and out at the time of writing, with countless reports of users being unable to sign in on PlayStation 4. Sony is yet to comment, but if this keeps up, we're sure it wont be long until something gets said...

  • News PSN Down For Some as Destiny 2 Servers Struggle on PS4

    Status errors, connection issues, and more

    And it was all going so well! Destiny 2 launched yesterday with only a few not-so-widespread connection issues, but today, it seems as though Bungie's sequel is struggling to stay online for some players. What's more, the PlayStation Network appears to be having problems of its own, with reports of users...

  • News PSN Is Having a Few Problems Again

    PS4 sign in issues are back

    The PlayStation Network has been ever so slightly spotty recently, with sign in issues and PlayStation Store problems rearing their ugly heads for a lot of users. Just the other night, for example. we read that the service went down entirely for most people - but only for a couple of hours or so. Fortunately, we were...

  • News PSN Down for Some as Reports Start Coming In

    Sign in and store issues noted by Sony

    The PlayStation Network is experiencing a few problems, it would seem. Over the last hour or so, reports have been coming in from players who are unable to sign in on PlayStation 4, while others are having trouble accessing the PlayStation Store. It doesn't seem like a truly widespread issue, but something's...

  • News PSN Down Ahead of the Thanksgiving Holidays

    Offline and out

    Ah, of course: it's that time of the year where we all collectively hold our breath praying for the PlayStation Network to stay online. With many of you across the pond getting ready for Thanksgiving, you may be wondering when the PlayStation Network is going to go down. Well, we can report that it's literally just collapsed; the web...

  • News PSN Down as Engineers Work to Resolve Issues

    Offline and out

    We thought that Sony was on top of these PlayStation Network outages, but a major DDoS attack seems to have unsettled the firm's good run of form. The service is down again this morning, with the platform holder reporting that engineers are on the case as we type. Offline time has been kept to a minimum of late, so there's a good...

  • News Another Friday, Another Case of PSN Being Down

    What, again?

    Eh? Is this a regular occurrence now or something? The PlayStation Network is once again having issues on a Friday, although they don't seem to be impacting everyone. We're online just fine here at Push Square, but we're seeing reports of service outages all over the web - and Sony has even acknowledged the problem on social media...

  • News It's Friday Night, So PSN Is Down


    Just in time for the weekend, eh? There are reports whipping around that the PlayStation Network is experiencing some issues - although thankfully, they don't seem to be too widespread. Follow us on Twitter for more immediate updates on this outage We can confirm that we're online without any problems here at Push Square Towers, but...

  • News PSN Down For Third Time in Two Weeks

    Let's hope it's another blip

    Uh oh, the PlayStation Network seems to be down again. Over the last couple of weeks, there have been two widely reported outages - although neither has lasted more than a few hours, thankfully. With any luck, this latest downtime will be a similar story. Weighing in with our own experience, we currently can't connect...

  • News PSN Down for Some as Web Rages Over Connection Issues

    Offline and out

    Battlefield 1's servers may be a bit more functional today, but Sony's aren't it seems. While not everyone appears to be affected, reports are swirling that PlayStation Network is having a few hiccups – despite the platform holder failing to comment at the time of typing. Most likely this is just a temporary blip, as was the case...

  • News PSN Down Just in Time for the Weekend

    Typical, eh?

    Uh oh, it looks like the PlayStation Network's down. We can't sign into the service here at Push Square Towers, and we're getting buried in reports from unhappy users. Sony's official status website suggests that there's nothing wrong, but clearly, that isn't the case. We're not looking to jump the gun here, but it's at least worth...

  • Guide How to Check if PSN's Down on Your PS4

    Offline and out

    In news that has us positively panicking about our traffic stats, Sony has added a tool to the PlayStation 4 that allows you to check whether the PlayStation Network is down or not. All you need to do to use it is go to the console's 'Settings' page, select 'Network', and click on 'View Status of PlayStation Network Services'. It'll...

  • News PSN Down As Dreaded Maintenance Returns Yet Again

    Offline and out

    Here we go again: the PlayStation Network has fallen flat on its face at the time of typing, as the system spits out maintenance messages while we try to connect. A quick glance at the Twitter-verse reveals that we're not alone, though the UK does appear to be bearing the brunt of the outage right now. Follow us on Twitter for more...

  • News PSN Down as Reports Come Flying In

    It's all kicking off

    Whoa, just when we were complaining about today's severe lack of news, we get flooded with reports that the PlayStation Network is down. As far as we can tell, Europe's being hit the hardest, but there are also complaints that it's struggling in North America, too. You can follow us on Twitter for updates If this is indeed...

  • News PSN Down Just Days into 2016

    That was fast

    Oh dear, and there we were praising the PlayStation Network for its stability over the holidays. Sony's online service is currently down for us here in the UK, and we're now getting reports that it's offline for many of you Americans, too. Follow us on Twitter for PSN updates At the time of writing, we can't even sign in, and Sony...

  • Guide How to Check if the PSN's Offline This Christmas

    Down but not out

    Look, we hope as much as you do that the PlayStation Network makes it through Christmas intact, but we have to face facts – there's a strong chance of turbulence over the next few days. Sony's been really good this year at both keeping its servers online and ensuring that – when the worst happens – it responds quickly, so...

  • News Attackers Threaten to Take PSN Offline Again This Christmas

    Bah humbug

    There'll be very little Christmas cheer for the unfortunate band of technicians tasked with keeping the PlayStation Network online this month, as attackers have threatened to bring Sony's service to its knees over the all-important holiday break. A group named Phantom Squad has already successfully unsettled Xbox Live this evening, and it...

  • News PSN Down Again as Holiday Traffic Surges

    'Tis the season to be offline

    It's actually been a better year for the PlayStation Network, with the number of outage reports that we've written down to a minimum. However, it seems that Black Friday has brought significant load to Sony's servers, as things have been flaky for the past 48 hours now. Yester

  • News PSN Feels the Stress of Black Friday as Some Users Can't Sign In

    Eye of the storm

    Reports are coming in that the PlayStation Network is starting to crack under the pressure of Black Friday, with some users unable to sign in or access the PlayStation Store. With numerous rather tempting deals going on right now, it's safe to assume that the digital marketplace is currently being hammered. Follow us on Twitter...

  • News It Looks Like PSN Is Down as Reports Flood In

    Say it ain't so

    It's been quite a while since the last PlayStation Network outage, so it's a shame that Sony's service seems to be experiencing issues right now. Here at Push Square, we can't sign in or access any related features on our PlayStation 4. Follow us on Twitter for updates Of course, it's not just us – reports that the network is...

  • News PSN Down for Some as PS4, PS3 Services Encounter Some Issues

    Engineers working on resolution

    It's been a while since we've written one of these, hasn't it? Reports are hitting the web that the PlayStation Network is suffering from some hitches – particularly on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3. While at the time of writing it seems that the issue is easing, Sony's own status website notes that its...

  • News Someone Sneezed, So the PlayStation Network Is Down Again

    We're honestly running out of jokes

    Sony has confirmed reports that, on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, users are having trouble accessing the PlayStation Network. Namely, the Japanese giant's official PSN Status website lists issues with gaming and social features, PlayStation Video, and the PlayStation Store. A direct quote from the company:...

  • News It Sounds Like the PSN's Having Trouble

    Here we go again

    Can't sign into the PlayStation Network? Is the PlayStation Store unavailable? If the reports that we're getting sent are accurate, Sony's network is having some issues – but the company is aware. Follow us on Twitter for more updates on the ongoing PSN issues According to the PSN's status page, you may have trouble getting...

  • News It's The Weekend, So Of Course PSN Is Down

    Oh, come on

    Well, you can cancel your social weekend gaming plans: the PlayStation Network is currently down, according to countless reports that we've received all within the last ten or so minutes. We can confirm that we're offline here at the Push Square offices, too. Are you about to put your PlayStation 4 through the nearest window? Sit down...

  • News PSN Experiencing Issues Due to External Factors

    Down but not entirely out

    It's the weekend, which means that the PlayStation Network is offline for some. Fortunately, these issues don't appear to be especially widespread – it's not affecting any of us here at Push Square Towers, for example – but there is a poorly composed message on the PSN Status Page explaining that the problems are due to...

  • News PSN Down? No, It's Just Undergoing a Bit of Maintenance

    Keep calm, carry on

    If you've logged into your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, or Vita, you may have noticed that the PlayStation Network isn't its usual self. No, she's not having an internal meltdown, she's just undergoing some maintenance. Follow us on Twitter for more updates on the PSN outage Usually we find out ahead of time if there's to be...

  • News PSN Offline for Some as the Weekend Arrives

    Down and out

    That massive Flash Sale must have overwhelmed Sony's servers, as the PlayStation Network is currently offline. While we're seeing plenty of complaints around the web, not everyone here at Push Square Towers is affected, so hopefully this is a minor hiccup, rather than a full-scale outage. Follow us on Twitter for up-to-the-minute PSN...

  • News PSN Down for Some, No Word from Sony Just Yet

    Please, no

    Well, there goes that slow news day. We're receiving numerous reports that the PlayStation Network is down, particularly on the PS4. Gotta love those peak times. Follow us on Twitter for up-to-the-minute updates on the PSN outage At the time of writing, we're signed in, but we've noticed that our friends list is struggling to load...

  • News PSN Experiencing Turbulence Prior to Previously Scheduled Maintenance

    Up and down

    Another week, another issue on the PlayStation Network. Fortunately, this one isn't widespread. Still, that hasn't stopped some impatient players from setting Twitter ablaze with complaints regarding Sony's shaky online service. According to reports, the manufacturer's various machines are showing "scheduled maintenance" errors –...

  • News PSN Offline Again, Sony Investigating Outage Issues

    Down for the count

    Cancel those late night Dying Light co-op sessions, as the PlayStation Network has been plunged into darkness yet again. Writing on Twitter, platform holder Sony has said that it's investigating the outage – but this seems unexpected, as its official website is currently signalling that everything's online. We've just had a

  • News PSN Is Down for Some, Sony Says It's Due to Heavy Traffic

    Maintenance not scheduled until the 15th

    We're getting numerous reports that the PlayStation Network is offline for some, and as we posted earlier today, the service isn't due its scheduled maintenance until the 15th January. Users are saying that when they attempt to sign in, they're met with a standard maintenance message, and we can confirm that...

  • News PSN Down for Some Another Day as High Volume Prompts Connection Problems

    Offline again

    While there have been definite improvements to the PlayStation Network over the past 24 hours or so, it's clear from social media that Sony is still having serious issues getting gamers back online. We can use our PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita without any problems here in the UK, but it would appear that we're among the lucky...

  • News Joy to the World, PSN's No Longer Offline

    Most people can now connect

    Let's hope that this is the last article that we have to write on this matter: PlayStation Network is finally coming back online across the globe. While not everyone has access yet, we're now able to use our consoles fully – we even tried our luck by purchasing a couple of games from the PlayStation Store, and had zero...

  • News Sony Engineers Investigating as PS4 Goes Offline Again

    PSN problems proceed

    Alright, this is getting boring now. Sony declared earlier today that the PlayStation Network was rolling back out on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita, and we were able to log in without a hitch for a few hours. However, any hopes of the service returning fully have taken yet another tumble, as the platform holder now...