Name the PS4 Game Using These Screenshots Quiz 1

We're coming towards the end of the PlayStation 4 generation, and naturally, you probably want to look ahead at what's next. The PlayStation 5 is indeed looming on the horizon, but in today's Push Square quiz, we want to test how much you've been paying attention to the titles of the here and now. Can you name these PS4 games by their screenshots alone? Let's put your knowledge to the ultimate test.

Name the PS4 Game Using These Screenshots

The answer is Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight.


You scored x out of 20.

  • 0-6: Blind eye
  • 7-13: Decent eye
  • 14-20: Observant eye

So, how did you do? Could you name all these PS4 games or has your mind gone blank? Either way, let us know how you did in the comments below.