God of War Quiz

The God of War series is one of PlayStation's most iconic. Kratos has been a first-party icon since the original released on PS2, and remains a hugely important character for Sony. The franchise has been a massive success in its 15-year history, but how much do you remember?

In this quiz, we're going to test your knowledge of this godly series of games. Are you a lowly draugr or a god amongst men?

How Well Do You Know God of War?

The answer is He's covered head to toe in the ashes of his dead family.


You scored x out of 15.

  • 0-5: Mere mortal
  • 6-10: Demigod
  • 11-15: God

That's that, then. Were you able to answer all our questions correctly? Tell us how you did in the comments section below.