Fallout New Vegas Sequel

John Gonzalez, once the lead writer on Fallout: New Vegas, has returned to developer Obsidian Entertainment, after spending 14 whole years away from the company.

In that time, he spearheaded the narrative direction on both Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West.

However, Gonzalez's homecoming does not suggest that the team's now gearing up for a New Vegas sequel — something that fans have been dreaming of for generations.

Indeed, Gonzalez felt it was necessary to put a disclaimer in his latest LinkedIn post, which announces his return to Obsidian. He specifically writes: "No, it's not Fallout: New Vegas 2."

Of course, Obsidian was snapped up by Microsoft in 2018, followed by Bethesda — Fallout's owner — in 2020. Both companies existing beneath the Xbox banner lead to a lot of speculation over another New Vegas-like project — but it's obviously never happened.

Right now, Obsidian is building up to the 18th February release of Avowed, and then it's got The Outer Worlds 2 (which was recently confirmed for PS5) dropping later this year. These are busy times for the RPG-driven studio.

It goes without saying that Fallout: New Vegas remains a beloved post-apocalyptic adventure. It's often touted as the best modern Fallout title — despite Bethesda's own, equally popular efforts — and so rumours of remakes and remasters have been doing the rounds for years.

Would you like to see Fallout: New Vegas make a comeback at some point? Don't wish for a nuclear winter in the comments section below.

[source linkedin.com, via purexbox.com, eurogamer.net]