Update []: EA DICE has now officially revealed Battlefield Labs in the video above. At the end, you'll catch a few seconds of the new, currently in-development game. You can sign up to take part via the link.

Here's how the developer describes Battlefield Labs: "This new testing environment is where our players will join forces with BF Studios and help shape the evolution of Battlefield. You’ll test combat mechanics, modes, and more, while providing us with crucial feedback in the ultimate collaboration. Your voice will help shape our collective future. Let’s build together."

Original Story: A new testing environment for the future of the Battlefield franchise has leaked ahead of a public announcement. EA is set to reveal the feature, which is called Battlefield Labs, in a community update within the next hour, but the client has leaked ahead of time via an in-game Battlefield 4 splash page.

Reddit user milo301109 captured a screenshot of the popup, posting it to the Battlefield subreddit:

The page reads: "Battlefield Labs is a new exclusive testing environment connecting a selected number of players with our developers. You'll test while providing crucial feedback in order to make the best Battlefield possible. We're kicking things off with players in Europe and North America, before looking to expand in the future. While spaces are limited, we encourage everyone to sign up."

The QR code doesn't take you to a live page at the time of writing, but this should be updated once the official reveal is made shortly. This public testing is designed to help EA DICE with the creation of the next Battlefield instalment, off the back of the disappointing Battlefield 2042. According to Insider Gaming, today's announcement will feature — at most — 15 seconds of pre-alpha gameplay from the new title.

We'll update this article once EA DICE shares the official announcement. Are you happy to help test the next Battlefield game? Let us know in the comments below.

[source reddit.com, via insider-gaming.com]