PS2 and PSP classics like The Simpsons: Hit & Run, GTA: Vice City Stories, and God of War: Ghost of Sparta are some of the most requested titles for a comeback on PS Plus Premium, a stats sheet from Implicit Conversions reveals. Of the more than 1,400 requests it's received from its Discord community, the most popular games that fans have asked the company to work on, in order, are:
- The Simpsons: Hit & Run
- GTA: Vice City Stories
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta
- Legend of Legaia
- Ape Escape 3
- Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoon (already released)
- Silent Hill 2
- GTA: Liberty City Stories
- Ratchet & Clank
- God of War: Chains of Olympus
Implicit Conversions is a classic game port development house, and has been working with Sony to bring its classic selection of PS1 titles to PS5 via PS Plus Premium. On its Discord, fans are able to submit the games they want to be ported next and can upvote requests already submitted. Sony will have the final say on what gets ported, of course, but the Discord community is one way fans of classic games can have their voices heard by the developer putting in the work. More recently, the firm has been "dreaming" about PS3 emulation on PS5.
While it got off to a slow start, the range of Classics on PS Plus Premium has steadily grown, to the point now where it has a pretty decent library of PS1 games to offer. PS2 games are now starting to roll out too, and given the Implicit Conversions' community has requested mostly PS2 titles to come back, there's a possibility their hopes will become reality in the future. The next set of PS Plus Premium titles will be announced tomorrow.
Do you agree with the top 10 requests from the Implicit Conversions community or would you ask for something else? Share your own list in the comments below.
Comments 41
Vice City Stories is a pipedream for me. They rereleased Liberty City Stories on iOS and Android about a decade ago but never touched VCS; I imagine the legal stuff tied to the music and Phil Collins appearing in the game is just not worth it to Rockstar so even just emulation is out of the question I'd say. I can keep dreaming though.
Every time I see an article like this pop up, for a very brief split second I think we're finally getting Simpsons hit n Run
Stop teasing us Push Square
Onimusha. All of them to replay before the eventual new one. Wouldn't be mad at hit and run but was it that much of a classic?
SIlent Hill 2 and Simpsons Hit and Run are not happening. Sorry, guys.
Trophy support for Contra Shattered Soldier
Dude I want to be able to buy Simpsons Hit and Run. I'm not even asking for a remaster, just port it and I'll buy it lol
@RBMango - With Disney being one of the publishers that really supports the classics program, Hit And Run wouldn't be that impossible to be honest. What would make it difficult would be if they were planning to re-release the game themselves (the same goes for GTA or Silent Hill)
If the PSP God of Wars finally comes to the PS5 I will get them ASAP. The only games of the franchise I never played!!
No Burnout, an ill informed list at best.
Give me Alundra Grandia 3 Radiata Stories And the Shadow Hearts Trilogy.
I would rather have gow remaster or remade, but would love vice city stories port, probably the most underrated gta. Also where's burnout 3/revenge ?
Dragon Quest 8 you cowards
I can't believe Killzone is not being talked about more 😭
Where is destruction derby, loaded, g-police, rage racer, ...
Gamers nowadays, they don't have a clue!
I'm not entirely sure on the specs, but even though I know the PS5 is more than capable of PS3 emulation, Sony COULD make actual PS3 emulation an exclusive PS5 Pro feature. That extra oomf might make it easier to run and offers a needed actual reason to purchase one.
Would love to see Ghost of Sparta get a port. By far the best classic style GoW game.
@IceClimbersMain - There is zero chance Sony would lock PS3 emulation as a PS5 Pro only feature. Never happening.
@Jswift56 You can get the first Onimusha on the PS store. Sadly no sequels though.
Grand theft auto liberty city stories .grand theft auto vice city stories and god of war games are the best.word up son
Simpsons H&R is like £45+ on disc if you can find a copy especially on GameCube I was in CEX the other day and they had a copy in the window for that price. The same with X-Men Wolverine game on PS3 that was £55 it's ridiculous what prices get but again rarity
@AinsleyE I played it on PSP, enjoyed it a lot.
Can play Hit n Run on PC with a compatibility/controller mod. But would be cool to have a remaster or something on console.
Vice City Stories probably won't be making a comeback.
The game uses the RenderWare engine, and Take 2 would need to pay EA royalties to use it now.
It's the main reason they took all the old games off stores and replaced it with the definitive editions.
ICO or bust! We must have the ICO!!!!
I want more of the rarer PS2 JRPGs to make a return. Unfortunately a lot of those studios have since gone out of business, so there is no one left to contact.
I remember playing first day release of simpsons hit...
They are losing time and money. They need do a remake.trust me. Awesome game.still awesome
Add Liberty city stories, GTA Chinatown wars and onimusha 1,2,3 & dawn of dreams to
I got Simpsons hit and run working on my laptop with the original cd and the fan patch over Christmas. Still awesome
And this is why I will never sign up for premium.
I understand extra giving me a load of games which roll in and out.
But I expect premium to be just a huge catalogue of classic games which are permanent.
Not switch in and out. I'm still baffled at exactly is premium about it.
@IceClimbersMain i forgot the pro even existed , how’s it doing these days? 😂
Big yes to Legend of Legaia, Chains of Olympus, and Ghost of Sparta but especially Legend of Legaia because i can't find a copy with reasonable price on my local store.
If I can put my old discs in and play the games but I'm not paying for them again when I've already bought them
@IceClimbersMain Plenry reasons to own a pro, if you have the gear to go with it.
Just found out that a company I've used several times to mod the 1up arcade machines has one for the Outrun machine. It has Simpsons Hit and Run on it, along with Burnout 3 and lots of others. There's goes a good chunk of my tax money refund again!
Puppeteer, White Knight Chronicles, Heavenly Sword, Lair, many others of PS3 I'd like to see.
If were talking others, I mean the Toro games would never happen anyway, never localised or relevant anymore.
Besides WipEout/GT licensing meaning it will never happen, surprised no niche stuff that much. Collectors not seeking them or not really meaning much then again most legacy games are the obvious on any article/youtube video or collector space, the same boring games regardless of their impact/quality or childhood experience. Then again I don't buy the obvious IPs when I collect either so I don't have to listen to the same 'too expensive/childhood' nonsense. XD
Otherwise most of the obvious are here and not surprising.
So many third parties, many won't happen as dead companies or too niche to be focused on, or even if major third parties they wouldn't anyway due to lack of interest, source code or licensing anyways.
Then again seeing the PSP entries is something at least but then again, while stuff like Legend of Legaia is nice to see mixed in (no idea what it is). A lot of stuff here is just so, eh been there done that I couldn't care less. There is a reason I look elsewhere to other IPs, as there is more interesting out there then the same safe range of 'these' IPs all the time.
Like did people play much at all on PSP or PS2 seriously? Large libraries and i'd pick many third parties dead and never going to happen over this and not on the Vita store even for PSP games so emu it was to research alongside videos as most I care for won't ever happen.
Also results like this are pretty easy to say well people will buy/play them and go eh it's not worth it or oh was worth re-experiencing. But to me it's also besides the licensing challenges just easy for companies to go 'oh big IP here easy money return' when to me I was happy to see Mr Mosqutio as I'd never expect it to be on here.
i don't get it. instead of paying a premium and begging sony to re-release these classic games, why not pick up a ps2/ps3/psp/vita etc and you know, play the games you want to play? there are many upscalers available these days that will allow you to play your ps2 games on a modern display as well. if you really want to play these games, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so.
Simpsons: Hit and Run would sell like hot cakes. I assume it's licensing getting in the way?
Updated/definitive versions of GTA Vice City and Liberty City Stories are long overdue for the PS4 and now also the PS5. Both games on PS2 have updated camera and character movement that play like San Andrease. Also I find Liberty City Stories superior to GTA 3 with the improved camera, motorcycles, characters, side activities, and story. Needs to be downloadable and purchasable along with streaming.
All i want are ps3 games, since i got almost everything i wanted from the ps2 gen already( except the ratchet and clank series)
Ps1: tekken3
Ps3: gta 4, god of war collection, infamous1-2, killzone 2-3, Assassins creed 1, heavenly sword, stranglehold, max payne 3, PLAYSTATION ALL STARS BATTLE ROYALE!!!!!!!
Vita: killzone mercenary
@Blauwe_Chimay G-Police and two Ridge Racers are already available, so that’s probably why. 😝
@Bez87 Classics don’t “switch in and out” of premium, and they are all available to buy individually as well. So I’m not sure what your gripe is here?
@Porco convenience
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